The Five Qualities You Need in a Partner
The Five Qualities You Need in a Partner
Things I Never Considered Before Getting Married (But Should Have)
Couples may be brought together by common interests, common goals, a shared vision for their future and an irresistible attraction to one another, but these aren’t really the things that help a couple stay together. First, some of them won’t remain true. Over time, interests fade, change and even conflict. New goals are developed, old ones are discarded. Your vision for the future will likely change as well. If you decide to have kids, you can count on it. And are you expecting the physical attraction to last into your 80s? Hey, let’s all hope we’re that lucky.
What brings us together may not keep us together, but the good news is we can develop some traits that will.
Here are the qualities I’ve discovered to be essential in a partner or spouse配偶.
They Tell You What They Need
I don’t know about you, but I’ve never been a mind-reader and no one should expect me to start now.
They Know What to Do After Apologizing
They Step Up When You Just Can’t
They Show You Appreciation
They Accept You as You Are, But Still Encourage You to Do Better
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