



我们可以枚举起点位置 $x$ 对这6个数的模数,然后用CRT求出 $x$。对每个起点位置,暴力对比即可。不可能存在所有的mu值,只能单个求。


#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std; typedef long long ll;
const int inf = 0x3f3f3f3f;
const ll up = 1e9;
const int N = 5e4 + ; int prime[N];
bool notprime[N];
void getprime()
for (int i = ; i < N; i++) {
if(!notprime[i]) prime[++prime[]] = i;
for (int j = ; j <= prime[] && i * prime[j] < N; j++)
notprime[i * prime[j]] = ;
if(i%prime[j]==) break;
} int mu(int x) { //求单个mu值
for (int i = ; i <= prime[] && prime[i] * prime[i] <= x; i++) {
if(x%(prime[i]*prime[i]) == ) return ;
if(x%prime[i] == ) x/=prime[i];
return ;
} ll exgcd(ll a,ll b,ll &x, ll &y) {
ll g = a;
if(b==) x=,y=; else g=exgcd(b,a%b,y,x),y-=x*(a/b);
return g;
} ll inv(ll a,ll m) {
ll x, y;
ll d = exgcd(a, m, x, y);
return (d == ) ? (x % m + m) % m : -;
} int ti[], m[] = {, , , , , }, a[];
int M; void CRT() {
M = ;
for(int i = ; i < ; i ++) M = M*m[i];
for(int i = ; i < ; i++) {
int Mi = M/m[i];
ti[i] = 1LL*inv(Mi, m[i])*Mi%M;
} string s,t; int check(int v, int r) {
while(v < ) {
if(s[v] == '') return ;
v += r;
return ;
} int ok(int x) {
for (int i = ; i < ; i++)
if(mu(i+x) != s[i]-'') return ;
return ;
} int ans = inf; void dfs(int x) {
if(x == ) {
int v = ;
for(int i = ; i < ; i++) v = (v + 1LL*ti[i]*a[i]%M)%M; //v为CRT的值
if(v == ) v = M;
while(v+ <= up && v < ans) {
if(ok(v)) ans = v;
v = v + M;
for(int i = ; i < m[x]; i++) { //枚举余数a[i]
if(check(i, m[x])) {
a[x] = ( m[x] - i );
} int main(){
for(int i = ; i < ; i++) {cin >> t, s = s + t;}
int num = ;
for(int i = ; i < s.size(); i++)
if(s[i] == '') num++;
if(num < || num > ) //0的个数在一个范围内
cout << - << endl;
else {
if(ans == inf)
cout << - << endl;
cout << ans << endl;
return ;


1. https://blog.csdn.net/BUAA_Alchemist/article/details/86652706

2. https://blog.csdn.net/a1214034447/article/details/86373308

3. https://ac.nowcoder.com/acm/contest/view-submission?submissionId=40622831

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