Week 1
Data Science: An overview


1.Is data science the same as statistics or analysis?



data science

  • statistical analysis
    *analyzing the information of a sample. statistical analysis allowed to draw inference about target markets and customers by expanding finding to predict behaviour and characterstics of the many based on more.

  • data analysis
    • refers to the process of data in order to present findings to help business data decision.
  • data science
    • is the scientific exploration of data to extract meaning or insights.

statistics is a part of Data Science

Analysis is a part of Data Science

2.Data Science and Its relationship to big data and data-driven decision making?

3.Levels and definitions of data

data Unprocessed facts or figures
Information meaning to benefit the users
knowledge combination of informaiton, experience that benefits the users
wisdom the knowledge and experience needed to make sensible decisions and judgments

4.Core aspects of effective data analysis

  • descriptive analysis:
    describe of data, interprete what you see
  • exploratory analysis
    discover connecitons
  • inferential analysis
    draw inference to large populaiton based on small
  • predictive analysis
    use data one object to predict another
  • causal analysis
    how does changign one to affect another
  • mechanistic analysis
    understand exact changes in varaibles in other variables

5.There essential skills of data science

6.Data Science Methodology

  • Problem formulaion
  • Obtain the data
  • Analysis
  • Data product

Foundational Methodology For Data Science

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