SQL 对比,移动累计
数据对比 两种常用模型
- -- 建表
- drop table sales
- create table sales(
- num int,
- soc int
- );
- insert into sales values(, );
- insert into sales values(, );
- insert into sales values(, );
- insert into sales values(, );
- insert into sales values(, );
- insert into sales values(, );
- insert into sales values(, );
- insert into sales values(, );
- select a.num, a.soc,
- case when a.soc = b.soc then '' -- 持平
- when a.soc > b.soc then '+' -- 增长
- when a.soc < b.soc then '-' -- 减少
- else '-' end as var
- from sales a left join sales b
- on a.num = b.num +
- order by num
2.累计上个结果 (诺依曼型递归集合)
- -- 建表
- drop table if exists accounts;
- create table accounts(
- prc_date date,
- prc_amt int8
- );
- insert into accounts values(,);
- insert into accounts values(,);
- insert into accounts values(,-);
- insert into accounts values(,);
- insert into accounts values(,-);
- insert into accounts values(,);
- insert into accounts values(,);
- --测试
- select prc_date, a1.prc_amt,
- (select sum(prc_amt) from accounts a2
- where a1.prc_date >= a2.prc_date) as onhand_amt
- from accounts a1
- order by prc_date;
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