ASP.NET Web application projects share the configuration settings and behavior that are used for standard Visual Studio 2010 class-library projects.

In addition, the Web tab of the project properties window makes available properties that are specific to Web application projects.

You can use this tab to configure how a Web application project will run and how it can be debugged.

For more information, see Web Tab, Project Properties.

By default, when you run an ASP.NET Web application projects from Visual Studio or Visual Web Developer Express, the project runs by using the built-in Visual Studio Development Server.

However, you can configure the Web application project so that you can run and debug it by using Internet Information Services (IIS).

When you run the application, Visual Studio compiles the project into a single assembly.

When you debug the application, Visual Studio attaches a debugger to the Web server process.

All project settings are saved in a Microsoft Build Engine (MSBuild) project file.

To set Web application project properties

  1. In Solution Explorer, right-click the Web application project that you want to modify, and then click Properties.

  2. Click the Web tab.

  3. On the Web properties page, select configuration options in the Start Action, Servers, and Debuggers groups to specify how the Web application project will run in Visual Studio or Visual Web Developer Express.

See Also


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