unique(v.first(),v.end(),cmp()) 第三个参数可以传入一个bool型,用来判断是不是相等,返回unique后的超尾
max_element(v.first(),v.end(),cmp()) 返回一个迭代器
max_element(v.first(),v.end(),cmp()) 返回一个迭代器
nth_elemtn(v.first(),v.first()+nth,v.end(),cmp()) 对整个容器部分排序后,返回nth迭代器。其中 $[first,nth)$ 都比nth小, $[nth,last)$ 都不小于nth。

rotate(v.first(),v.middle(),v.end()) 左右交换位置,用处不大还慢(因为随机访问对CPU缓存机制的不友好,太差劲了)
random_shuffle(first, last, rand)产生随机序列


//首先需要以下头文件以及命名空间 #include <ext/pb_ds/tree_policy.hpp> #include <ext/pb_ds/assoc_container.hpp> using namespace __gnu_pbds;

#include <ext/pb_ds/priority_queue.hpp>



join(priority_queue &other)  //合并两个堆,other会被清空
            split(Pred prd,priority_queue &other)  //分离出两个堆
            modify(point_iterator it,const key)  //修改一个节点的值

因为重名的原因一定要加上 __gnu_pbds::
            __gnu_pbds::priority_queue<int,greater<int>,pairing_heap_tag> pq;
// 对两优先队列进行一些操作


  1. #include <ext/pb_ds/tree_policy.hpp>
  2. #include <ext/pb_ds/assoc_container.hpp>
  3. #include <bits/stdc++.h>
  4. using namespace __gnu_pbds;
  5. using namespace std;
  7. typedef tree<int, null_type, less<int>, rb_tree_tag,tree_order_statistics_node_update> rbtree;

// int类型

// null_type为映射类型, 低版本g++为 null_mapped_type// less<int>, greater<int> 比较器// rb_tree_tag 和 splay_tree_tag 选择树的类型// tree_order_statistics_node_update 结点更新// insert, erase// order_of_key rank// find_by_order() kth// lower_bound() 前继, >=x 最小的迭代器// upper_bound() 后继 >x 最小的迭代器// a.join(b) b并入a,前提是两颗树的取值范围不相交// a.split(v, b) key <= v的属于a,其他属于// 注意,插入的元素会去重,如set



  1. #include <ext/pb_ds/tree_policy.hpp>#include <ext/pb_ds/assoc_container.hpp>#include <bits/stdc++.h>
  2. using namespace __gnu_pbds;
  3. using namespace std;
  4. const int MAXN = + ;
  5. int price, menu[MAXN], cnt[MAXN];
  6. template<class T>inline bool nextInt(T &n) {
  7. T x = , tmp = ;
  8. char c = getchar();
  9. while((c < '' || c > '') && c != '-' && c != EOF)
  10. c = getchar();
  11. if(c == EOF)
  12. return false;
  13. if(c == '-')
  14. c = getchar(), tmp = -;
  15. while(c >= '' && c <= '')
  16. x *= , x += (c - ''), c = getchar();
  17. n = x*tmp;
  18. return true;
  19. }
  20. template<class T>inline void Out(T n) {
  21. if(n < ) {
  22. putchar('-');
  23. n = -n;
  24. }
  25. int len = , data[];
  26. while(n) {
  27. data[len++] = n%;
  28. n /= ;
  29. }
  30. if(!len)
  31. data[len++] = ;
  32. while(len--)
  33. putchar(data[len]+);
  34. }
  36. struct Splay_Tree {
  37. struct Node {
  38. int father, childs[], key, cnt, _size;
  39. inline void init() {
  40. father = childs[] = childs[] = key = cnt = _size = ;
  41. } inline void init(int father, int lchild, int rchild, int key, int cnt, int sz) {
  42. this -> father = father, childs[] = lchild, childs[] = rchild;
  43. this -> key = key, this -> cnt = cnt, _size = sz;
  44. }
  45. } tre[MAXN];
  46. int sign, root;
  47. inline void init() {
  48. sign = root = ;
  49. }
  50. inline bool judge(int x) {
  51. return tre[ tre[x].father ].childs[] == x;
  52. }
  53. inline void update(int x) {
  54. if(x) {
  55. tre[x]._size = tre[x].cnt;
  56. if(tre[x].childs[]) {
  57. tre[x]._size += tre[ tre[x].childs[] ]._size;
  58. }
  59. if(tre[x].childs[]) {
  60. tre[x]._size += tre[ tre[x].childs[] ]._size;
  61. }
  62. }
  63. }
  64. inline void rotate(int x) {
  65. int y = tre[x].father, z = tre[y].father, k = judge(x);
  66. //tre[y].childs[k] = tre[x].childs[!k], tre[ tre[x].childs[!k] ].father = y; //tre[x].childs[!k] = y, tre[y].father = x; //tre[z].childs[ tre[z].childs[1] == y ] = x, tre[x].father = z;
  67. if(k == ) { ///zig tre[y].childs[0] = tre[x].childs[1], tre[ tre[x].childs[1] ].father = y; tre[x].childs[1] = y, tre[y].father = x; } else { ///zag tre[y].childs[1] = tre[x].childs[0], tre[ tre[x].childs[0] ].father = y; tre[x].childs[0] = y, tre[y].father = x; } tre[z].childs[ tre[z].childs[1] == y ] = x, tre[x].father = z;
  68. update(y);
  69. }
  70. inline void splay(int x,int goal) {
  71. for(int father; (father = tre[x].father) != goal; rotate(x) ) {
  72. if(tre[father].father != goal) {
  73. rotate(judge(x) == judge(father) ? father : x);
  74. }
  75. }
  76. root = x;
  77. }
  78. inline void insert_node(int x) {
  79. if(root == ) {
  80. tre[++sign].init(, , , x, , );
  81. root = sign;
  82. return ;
  83. }
  84. int now = root, father = ;
  85. while() {
  86. if(tre[now].key == x) {
  87. tre[now].cnt ++;
  88. update(now), update(father);
  89. splay(now, );
  90. break;
  91. }
  92. father = now;
  93. if(x > tre[now].key) {
  94. now = tre[now].childs[];
  95. } else {
  96. now = tre[now].childs[];
  97. }
  98. if(now == ) {
  99. tre[++sign].init(father, , , x, , );
  100. if(x > tre[father].key) {
  101. tre[father].childs[] = sign;
  102. } else {
  103. tre[father].childs[] = sign;
  104. }
  105. update(father);
  106. splay(sign, );
  107. break;
  108. }
  109. }
  110. }
  111. inline int pre() {
  112. int now = tre[root].childs[];
  113. while(tre[now].childs[]) {
  114. now = tre[now].childs[];
  115. }
  116. return now;
  117. }
  118. inline int next() {
  119. int now = tre[root].childs[];
  120. while(tre[now].childs[]) {
  121. now = tre[now].childs[];
  122. }
  123. return now;
  124. }
  125. inline int find_rank(int x) { /// 找x的排名 int now = root, ans = 0; while(1) { if(x < tre[now].key) { now = tre[now].childs[0]; } else { if(tre[now].childs[0]) { ans += tre[ tre[now].childs[0] ]._size; } if(x == tre[now].key) { splay(now, 0); return ans + 1; } ans += tre[now].cnt; now = tre[now].childs[1]; } } }
  126. inline int find_by_order(int x) {
  127. int now = root;
  128. while() {
  129. if(tre[now].childs[] && x <= tre[ tre[now].childs[] ]._size ) {
  130. now = tre[now].childs[];
  131. } else {
  132. int rchild = tre[now].childs[], sum = tre[now].cnt;
  133. if(rchild) {
  134. sum += tre[rchild]._size;
  135. }
  136. if(x <= sum) {
  137. int ans = tre[now].key;
  138. splay(now, );
  139. return ans;
  140. }
  141. x -= sum;
  142. now = tre[now].childs[];
  143. }
  144. }
  145. }
  146. inline int find_rankx(int x) { /// 找排名为x的数字 int now = root; while(1) { if(tre[now].childs[0] && x <= tre[ tre[now].childs[0] ]._size ) { now = tre[now].childs[0]; } else { int lchild = tre[now].childs[0], sum = tre[now].cnt; if(lchild) { sum += tre[lchild]._size; } if(x <= sum) { return tre[now].key; } x -= sum; now = tre[now].childs[1]; } } }
  147. inline void del(int x) {
  148. find_rank(x);
  149. if(tre[root].cnt > ) {
  150. tre[root].cnt --;
  151. update(root);
  152. return ;
  153. }
  154. if(!tre[root].childs[] && !tre[root].childs[]) {
  155. tre[root].init();
  156. root = ;
  157. return ;
  158. }
  159. if(!tre[root].childs[]) {
  160. int old_root = root;
  161. root = tre[root].childs[], tre[root].father = , tre[old_root].init();
  162. return ;
  163. }
  164. if(!tre[root].childs[]) {
  165. int old_root = root;
  166. root = tre[root].childs[], tre[root].father = , tre[old_root].init();
  167. return ;
  168. }
  169. int pre_node = pre(), old_root = root;
  170. splay(pre_node, );
  171. tre[root].childs[] = tre[old_root].childs[];
  172. tre[ tre[old_root].childs[] ].father = root;
  173. tre[old_root].init();
  174. update(root);
  175. }
  176. inline bool find(int x) {
  177. int now = root;
  178. while() {
  179. if(now == ) {
  180. return ;
  181. }
  182. if(x == tre[now].key) {
  183. splay(now, );
  184. return ;
  185. }
  186. if(x > tre[now].key) {
  187. now = tre[now].childs[];
  188. } else {
  189. now = tre[now].childs[];
  190. }
  191. }
  192. }
  193. }
  194. tre;
  195. int n, opt, x;
  196. int main() {
  197. scanf("%d", &price);
  198. int id = ;
  199. while(nextInt(opt) && opt) { //scanf("%d", &x); nextInt(x); if(opt == 1) { /// add price of x tre.insert_node(x); cnt[x]++; /// 价格x的菜的数量 menu[id++] = x; /// 第id道菜价格x continue; } if(opt == 2) { int p = menu[x]; tre.find(p); if(cnt[p]) { cnt[p]--; } continue; } if(opt == 3) { int res = tre.find_by_order(x); if(res > price) { puts("Dui bu qi,Mei you."); } else if(cnt[res] == 0) { puts("Mei you. Zhe ge ke yi you. Zhe ge zhen mei you!"); } else { printf("You. %d Yuan.\n", res); } } }
  201. return ;
  202. }

pb_ds库这次内置了红黑树(red-black tree)、伸展树(splay tree)和排序向量树(ordered-vector tree,没找到通用译名,故自行翻译)。这些封装好的树都支持插入(insert)、删除(erase)、求kth(find_by_order)、求rank(order_of_key)操作




tree<int,null_type> a,b;
// 对两平衡二叉树进行一些操作
// 对两平衡二叉树进行一些操作


  1. #include<ext/rope>
  2. using namespace __gnu_cxx;
  4. append()
  5. string &append(const string &s,int pos,int n);
  7. //把字符串s中从pos开始的n个字符连接到当前字符串的结尾或
  9. a.append(b);
  11. substr()
  12. s.substr(,);
  13. //获得字符串s中从第零位开始长度为5的字符串(默认时长度为刚好开始位置到结尾)
  15. push_back(x);//在末尾添加x
  16. insert(pos,x);//在pos插入x,自然支持整个char数组的一次插入
  17. erase(pos,x);//从pos开始删除x个
  18. copy(pos,len,x);//从pos开始到pos+len为止用x代替
  19. replace(pos,x);//从pos开始换成x
  20. substr(pos,x);//提取pos开始x个
  21. at(x)/[x];//访问第x个元素



rope<char> str;


  1. #include<ext/pb_ds/assoc_container.hpp>
  2. #include<ext/pb_ds/hash_policy.hpp>
  3. usingnamespace __gnu_pbds;
  5. cc_hash_table<string,int>mp1;//拉链法
  6. gp_hash_table<string,int>mp2;//查探法(快一些)


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