ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem((o) =>
APPService.AddLog(o as MDMPortalWCF.LogInfo);//发送此Log时,是提交WebService请求的。
catch (Exception e)
} },log);
后来想想,ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(WaitCallback callBack, object state)中的state对象,在被执行前,将一直被引用,这是合情合理的。但由于ThreadPool的排队性质,导致内存释放也是缓慢的,往往是人们想不到的。在此记录,以示后人。
How Does the Minimum Thread Count Work?
Increasing the thread pool’s minimum thread count to x doesn’t actually force x threads to be created right away — threads are created only on demand. Rather, it instructs the pool manager to create up to x threads the instant they are required. The question, then, is why would the thread pool otherwise delay in creating a thread when it’s needed?
The answer is to prevent a brief burst of short-lived activity from causing a full allocation of threads, suddenly swelling an application’s memory footprint. To illustrate, consider a quad-core computer running a client application that enqueues 40 tasks at once. If each task performs a 10 ms calculation, the whole thing will be over in 100 ms, assuming the work is divided among the four cores. Ideally, we’d want the 40 tasks to run on exactly four threads:
- Any less and we’d not be making maximum use of all four cores.
- Any more and we’d be wasting memory and CPU time creating unnecessary threads.
And this is exactly how the thread pool works. Matching the thread count to the core count allows a program to retain a small memory footprint without hurting performance — as long as the threads are efficiently used (which in this case they are).
But now suppose that instead of working for 10 ms, each task queries the Internet, waiting half a second for a response while the local CPU is idle. The pool manager’s thread-economy strategy breaks down; it would now do better to create more threads, so all the Internet queries could happen simultaneously.
Fortunately, the pool manager has a backup plan. If its queue remains stationary for more than half a second, it responds by creating more threads — one every half-second — up to the capacity of the thread pool.
The half-second delay is a two-edged sword. On the one hand, it means that a one-off burst of brief activity doesn’t make a program suddenly consume an extra unnecessary 40 MB (or more) of memory. On the other hand, it can needlessly delay things when a pooled thread blocks, such as when querying a database or calling WebClient.DownloadFile
. For this reason, you can tell the pool manager not to delay in the allocation of the first x threads, by calling SetMinThreads
, for instance:
ThreadPool.SetMinThreads (50, 50);
(The second value indicates how many threads to assign to I/O completion ports, which are used by the APM, described in Chapter 23 of C# 4.0 in a Nutshell.)
The default value is one thread per core.
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