* InpOut32 CSharpExample.cs hacking
* 说明:
* 跟一下CSharpExample.cs中InpOut32怎么使用。
* 2017-6-6 深圳 龙华樟坑村 曾剑锋
***********************************************************************************/ using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; namespace InpOut32.Net
public partial class CSharpExample : Form
{ /**
* 加载dll相关处理函数
private static extern UInt32 IsInpOutDriverOpen();
private static extern void Out32(short PortAddress, short Data);
private static extern char Inp32(short PortAddress); [DllImport("inpout32.dll")]
private static extern void DlPortWritePortUshort(short PortAddress, ushort Data);
private static extern ushort DlPortReadPortUshort(short PortAddress); [DllImport("inpout32.dll")]
private static extern void DlPortWritePortUlong(int PortAddress, uint Data);
private static extern uint DlPortReadPortUlong(int PortAddress); [DllImport("inpoutx64.dll")]
private static extern bool GetPhysLong(ref int PortAddress, ref uint Data);
private static extern bool SetPhysLong(ref int PortAddress, ref uint Data); [DllImport("inpoutx64.dll", EntryPoint="IsInpOutDriverOpen")]
private static extern UInt32 IsInpOutDriverOpen_x64();
[DllImport("inpoutx64.dll", EntryPoint = "Out32")]
private static extern void Out32_x64(short PortAddress, short Data);
[DllImport("inpoutx64.dll", EntryPoint = "Inp32")]
private static extern char Inp32_x64(short PortAddress); [DllImport("inpoutx64.dll", EntryPoint = "DlPortWritePortUshort")]
private static extern void DlPortWritePortUshort_x64(short PortAddress, ushort Data);
[DllImport("inpoutx64.dll", EntryPoint = "DlPortReadPortUshort")]
private static extern ushort DlPortReadPortUshort_x64(short PortAddress); [DllImport("inpoutx64.dll", EntryPoint = "DlPortWritePortUlong")]
private static extern void DlPortWritePortUlong_x64(int PortAddress, uint Data);
[DllImport("inpoutx64.dll", EntryPoint = "DlPortReadPortUlong")]
private static extern uint DlPortReadPortUlong_x64(int PortAddress); [DllImport("inpoutx64.dll", EntryPoint = "GetPhysLong")]
private static extern bool GetPhysLong_x64(ref int PortAddress, ref uint Data);
[DllImport("inpoutx64.dll", EntryPoint = "SetPhysLong")]
private static extern bool SetPhysLong_x64(ref int PortAddress, ref uint Data); bool m_bX64 = false; public CSharpExample()
uint nResult = ;
// 打开32位驱动,如果失败了,会引发异常,再加载64位驱动
nResult = IsInpOutDriverOpen(); Console.WriteLine("nResult1: " + nResult);
catch (BadImageFormatException)
Console.WriteLine("nResult2: " + nResult);
nResult = IsInpOutDriverOpen_x64();
if (nResult != )
m_bX64 = true; Console.WriteLine("nResult2: " + nResult); } // 加载32、64位驱动均失败了,就给出相关提示信息
if (nResult == )
lblMessage.Text = "Unable to open InpOut32 driver";
button1.Enabled = false;
button2.Enabled = false;
button3.Enabled = false;
button4.Enabled = false;
button5.Enabled = false;
button6.Enabled = false;
button7.Enabled = false;
catch (DllNotFoundException ex) // dll查找是失败异常
lblMessage.Text = "Unable to find InpOut32.dll";
button1.Enabled = false;
button2.Enabled = false;
button3.Enabled = false;
button4.Enabled = false;
button5.Enabled = false;
button6.Enabled = false;
button7.Enabled = false;
} private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// 字符串转16位short类型整数
short iPort = Convert.ToInt16(textBox1.Text); char c;
if (m_bX64)
c = Inp32_x64(iPort);
c = Inp32(iPort); // 将读取的数据显示出来
textBox2.Text = Convert.ToInt32(c).ToString();
catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show("An error occured:\n" + ex.Message);
} private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// 字符串转16位short类型整数
short iPort = Convert.ToInt16(textBox1.Text);
short iData = Convert.ToInt16(textBox2.Text);
textBox2.Text = "";
if (m_bX64)
Out32_x64(iPort, iData);
Out32(iPort, iData); }
catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show("An error occured:\n" + ex.Message);
} private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
short iPort = Convert.ToInt16(textBox1.Text);
ushort s;
if (m_bX64)
s = DlPortReadPortUshort_x64(iPort);
s = DlPortReadPortUshort(iPort); textBox2.Text = Convert.ToUInt16(s).ToString();
catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show("An error occured:\n" + ex.Message);
} private void button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
int nPort = Convert.ToInt32(textBox1.Text); uint l;
if (m_bX64)
l = DlPortReadPortUlong_x64(nPort);
l = DlPortReadPortUlong(nPort); textBox2.Text = l.ToString();
catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show("An error occured:\n" + ex.Message);
} private void button5_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
short sPort = Convert.ToInt16(textBox1.Text);
ushort iData = Convert.ToUInt16(textBox2.Text);
textBox2.Text = ""; if (m_bX64)
DlPortWritePortUshort_x64(sPort, iData);
DlPortWritePortUshort(sPort, iData);
catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show("An error occured:\n" + ex.Message);
} private void button6_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
int nPort = Convert.ToInt32(textBox1.Text);
uint nData = Convert.ToUInt32(textBox2.Text);
textBox2.Text = "";
if (m_bX64)
DlPortWritePortUlong_x64(nPort, nData);
DlPortWritePortUlong(nPort, nData);
catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show("An error occured:\n" + ex.Message);
} // 参考:InpOut32 InputTest.cpp hacking
// http://www.cnblogs.com/zengjfgit/p/6945758.html
private void Beep(uint freq)
if (m_bX64)
Out32_x64(0x43, 0xB6);
Out32_x64(0x42, (byte)(freq & 0xFF));
Out32_x64(0x42, (byte)(freq >> ));
Out32_x64(0x61, (byte)(Convert.ToByte(Inp32_x64(0x61)) | 0x03));
Out32(0x43, 0xB6);
Out32(0x42, (byte)(freq & 0xFF));
Out32(0x42, (byte)(freq >> ));
Out32(0x61, (byte)(Convert.ToByte(Inp32(0x61)) | 0x03));
} private void StopBeep()
if (m_bX64)
Out32_x64(0x61, (byte)(Convert.ToByte(Inp32_x64(0x61)) & 0xFC));
Out32(0x61, (byte)(Convert.ToByte(Inp32(0x61)) & 0xFC));
} private void CSharpExample_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
// 启动的时候相当于单击一次
button7_Click(this, null);
} private void ThreadBeeper()
for (uint i = ; i < ; i += )
uint freq = / i; // 440Hz
} private void button7_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
System.Threading.Thread t = new System.Threading.Thread(new System.Threading.ThreadStart(ThreadBeeper));

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