一、How to create a Group Policy Central Store

You have downloaded or created your own Group Policy Administrative Templates, and would like them to be stored centrally, opposed to individually on each Domain Controller.

Here’s how to create a Group Policy Central Store:


  1. Open Group Policy Management.
  2. Right-click on the Default Domain Controllers Policy under Group Policy Objects, and view the Settings Tab.
  3. Notice Policy definitions (ADMX files) retrieved from the local machine is displayed under Administrative Templates:
  1. Copy the C:\Windows\PolicyDefinitions folder to the C:\Windows\SYSVOL\domain\Policies folder:
  1. Now if we check the Default Domain Controller Policy Settings Tab, we can see Policy definitions (ADMX files) retrieved from the central store is displayed under Administrative Templates:

All current and future Group Policy Administrative Templates will now be kept in the Central Store.



  1. Rename “PolicyDefinitions_NTFRS_48964141” folder on the DC that you created “PolicyDefinitions” folder to “PolicyDefinitionsOLD” (or any name you want except PolicyDefinitions)
  2. Allow enough time to wait the change replicate to all other DCs.
  3. Then rename the folder back to “PolicyDefinitions”
  4. Check whether it works

More information, please refer to the article:

Folder name is changed to "FolderName_NTFRS_<xxxxxxxx>"


If it is not working, please try step 2.


  1. Delete “PolicyDefinitions_NTFRS_48964141” folder and wait the change replicate to all other DCs.
  1. Stop “File Replication Service” on all the DCs
  1. Logon PDC and do Authoritative FRS restore. Here is steps:
  1. Click Start, and then click Run.
  2. In the Open box, type regedit and then press ENTER.
  3. Locate the following subkey in the registry:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\NtFrs\Parameters\Backup/Restore\Process at Startup

  1. In the right pane, double click BurFlags.
  2. In the Edit DWORD Value dialog box, type D4 and then click OK.
  3. Quit Registry Editor, and then switch to the Command box.
  4. In the Command box, type net start ntfrs.
  5. Quit the Command box.
  1. Logon on other DCs and do nonauthoritative restores in turn
  1. Click Start, and then click Run.
  2. In the Open box, type regedit and then press ENTER.
  3. Locate the following subkey in the registry:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\NtFrs\Parameters\Backup/Restore\Process at Startup

  1. In the right pane, double-click "BurFlags". In the "Edit DWORD Value" dialog box, type "D2" (without the quotation marks) and then click "OK".
  2. Quit Registry Editor.
  3. Click Start, click Run, type in "net start NTFRS" (without the quotation marks) and press ENTER to start File Replication Service.

More information, please refer to the article:

Using the BurFlags registry key to reinitialize File Replication Service replica sets



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