The darkness is no darkness with you.


The darkness will not be driven out if we failed to light a candle.

With somebody accompanying us, even if there is no light, we still can find the right way in the tough times, by continuous attempts, careful attempts.

When we stumbled over some obstacles, our buddies may help us stand up again, it would be much better to have someone to rely on, at least we can stand up again more easily.

There is no obstacle that can never be overcome, uh, death, may be, but it is just the final point.

Sometimes you think you have always walk in darkness, and the future looks blank, the temptation to quit is huge.

But don't, don't quit. If you can open your mind and firm your belief, continue to making unremitting efforts, you will find a good companion, you will find your way.

The face of a child can say it all, esspecially the mouth part of the face.


From Jack Handey.

When the baby feels hungry, he will cry for being feed.

Once he is full, he feels comfortable, and laughs, which will make the caretaker feel happy too.

Food is the best medicine to cure bad feelings, if one big meal can't make you feel confortable, then maybe another one can do that.

If you hasn't dined well, you cannot think well, love well and sleep well.

So choose to eat some delicious food, and God will favor those who have a sincere love of food.

Don't forget that besides consuming, the production of food that can feed others may bring more pleasants and satisfication to us.

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