【以前的空间】link cut tree
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至今还是tle,但是换了几种写法 写法一(自己的程序+各种奇怪的优化+网上大众版splay) {$M 1000000000,0,maxlongint} //{$ inline in} type arr=record toward,next:longint; end; const maxn=; mm=; var a:array[..]of longint; st:string; fa,q,first,size:array[..maxn]of longint; sum,mark1,mark2,value:array[..maxn]of qword; c:array[..maxn,..]of longint; rev:array[..maxn]of boolean; edge:array[..maxn*]of arr; n,m,tot,u,v,j,k,i:longint; procedure prepare;//inline; var i,j,k:longint; begin st:=st+' '; i:=; j:=; while i<length(st) do begin inc(j); k:=i; while st[i]<>' ' do inc(i); val(copy(st,k,i-k),a[j]); inc(i); end; end; procedure swap(var x,y:longint);//inline; var i:longint; begin i:=x; x:=y; y:=i end; function isroot(x:longint):boolean; begin if (c[fa[x],]=x) or (c[fa[x],]=x) then exit(True); exit(false); end; procedure update(x:longint);//inline; begin sum[x]:=(sum[c[x,]]+sum[c[x,]]+value[x]) mod mm; size[x]:=size[c[x,]]+size[c[x,]]+; end; procedure maintain(x,y,z:longint);//inline; begin if x= then exit; value[x]:=(value[x]*y+z) mod mm; sum[x]:=(sum[x]*y+z*size[x])mod mm; mark1[x]:=mark1[x]*y mod mm; mark2[x]:=(mark2[x]*y+z) mod mm end; procedure pushdown(x:longint);//inline; var l,r:longint; begin if x= then exit; if rev[x] then begin swap(c[x,],c[x,]); rev[c[x,]]:=not rev[c[x,]]; rev[c[x,]]:=not rev[c[x,]]; rev[x]:=false; end; if (mark1[x]<>) or (mark2[x]<>) then begin maintain(c[x,],mark1[x],mark2[x]); maintain(c[x,],mark1[x],mark2[x]); mark1[x]:=; mark2[x]:=; end end; procedure rotate(x:longint);//inline; var y,z,l,r:longint; begin y:=fa[x]; z:=fa[y]; if c[y,]=x then l:= else l:=; r:=l xor ; if isroot(y) then if c[z,]=y then c[z,]:=x else c[z,]:=x; fa[x]:=z; fa[y]:=x; fa[c[x,r]]:=y; c[y,l]:=c[x,r]; c[x,r]:=y; update(y); //update(x) end; procedure splay(x:longint);//inline; var top,i,y,z:longint; begin top:=; q[]:=x; i:=x; while isroot(i) do begin inc(top); q[top]:=fa[i]; i:=fa[i]; end; for i:=top downto do pushdown(q[i]); while isroot(x) do begin y:=fa[x]; z:=fa[y]; if isroot(y) then if (c[y,]=x) xor (c[z,]=y) then rotate(x) else rotate(y); rotate(x); end end; function access(x:longint):longint;//inline; var y:longint; begin y:=; repeat splay(x); c[x,]:=y; fa[y]:=x; update(x); y:=x; x:=fa[x]; until x=; exit(y); end; procedure makeroot(x:longint);//inline; var y:longint; begin y:=access(x); //splay(x); rev[y]:=not rev[y]; fa[y]:=; end; procedure lct(x1,y1,x2,y2:longint);//inline; var y:longint; begin makeroot(x1); access(x1); y:=y1; while isroot(y) do y:=fa[y]; fa[y]:=; y:=x2; while fa[y]<> do y:=fa[y]; if y<>x1 then swap(x2,y2); y:=access(y2); rev[y]:=not rev[y]; fa[y]:=x2 end; procedure addedge(j,k:longint);//inline; begin inc(tot); edge[tot].toward:=k; edge[tot].next:=first[j]; first[j]:=tot end; procedure dfs(x:longint);//inline; var i,too:longint; begin i:=first[x]; value[x]:=; sum[x]:=; mark1[x]:=; size[x]:=; while i<> do begin too:=edge[i].toward; if fa[x]<>too then begin fa[too]:=x; dfs(too); end; i:=edge[i].next; end end; begin readln(n,m); for i:= to n- do begin readln(j,k); addedge(j,k); addedge(k,j); end; dfs(n>>); while m> do begin dec(m); readln(st); prepare; case st[] of '*':begin //j:=j mod mm; makeroot(a[]); //maintain1(access(a[]),a[]); maintain(access(a[]),a[],); end; '+':begin //j:=j mod mm; makeroot(a[]); //maintain2(access(a[]),a[]); maintain(access(a[]),,a[]); end; '-':lct(a[],a[],a[],a[]); '/':begin makeroot(a[]); writeln(sum[access(a[])]); end; end; end; end. 写法二(yangzhe大神写法) type arr=record toward,next:longint; end; const maxn=; mm=; var a:array[..]of longint; st:string; fa,q,first,size,child:array[..maxn]of longint; sum,mark1,mark2,value:array[..maxn]of qword; c:array[..maxn,..]of longint; rev:array[..maxn]of boolean; edge:array[..maxn*]of arr; n,m,tot,u,v,j,k,i:longint; procedure prepare; var i,j,k:longint; begin st:=st+' '; i:=; j:=; while i<length(st) do begin inc(j); k:=i; while st[i]<>' ' do inc(i); val(copy(st,k,i-k),a[j]); inc(i); end; end; procedure swap(var x,y:longint); var i:longint; begin i:=x; x:=y; y:=i; end; procedure update(x:longint); begin sum[x]:=(sum[c[x,]]+sum[c[x,]]+value[x]) mod mm; size[x]:=size[c[x,]]+size[c[x,]]+; end; procedure maintain(x,y,z:longint); begin if x= then exit; value[x]:=(value[x]*y+z) mod mm; sum[x]:=(sum[x]*y+z*size[x])mod mm; mark1[x]:=mark1[x]*y mod mm; mark2[x]:=(mark2[x]*y+z) mod mm end; procedure pushdown(x:longint); var l,r:longint; begin if x= then exit; if rev[x] then begin child[c[x,]]:=-child[c[x,]]; child[c[x,]]:=-child[c[x,]]; swap(c[x,],c[x,]); rev[c[x,]]:=not rev[c[x,]]; rev[c[x,]]:=not rev[c[x,]]; rev[x]:=false; end; if (mark1[x]<>) or (mark2[x]<>) then begin maintain(c[x,],mark1[x],mark2[x]); maintain(c[x,],mark1[x],mark2[x]); mark1[x]:=; mark2[x]:=; end end; procedure rotate(node,x:longint); var p,y,tmp:longint; begin p:=fa[node]; y:=child[p]; tmp:=fa[p]; fa[node]:=tmp; child[node]:=y; if y<> then c[tmp,y]:=node; y:=-x; tmp:=c[node,y]; c[p,x]:=tmp; fa[tmp]:=p; child[tmp]:=x; fa[p]:=node; child[p]:=y; c[node,y]:=p; update(p); end; procedure splay(node:longint); var a,p,b,top:longint; begin top:=; q[]:=node; i:=node; while child[i]<> do begin inc(top); q[top]:=fa[i]; i:=fa[i]; end; for i:=top downto do pushdown(q[i]); repeat a:=child[node]; if a= then break; p:=fa[node]; b:=child[p]; if a=b then rotate(p,a) else rotate(node,a); if b= then break; rotate(node,b); until false; update(node); end; function access(x:longint):longint; var y:longint; begin y:=; repeat splay(x); child[c[x,]]:=; c[x,]:=y; fa[y]:=x; child[y]:=; update(x); y:=x; x:=fa[x]; until x=; exit(y); end; procedure makeroot(x:longint); var y:longint; begin y:=access(x); rev[y]:=not rev[y]; fa[y]:=; child[y]:=; end; function getrt(x:longint):longint; begin while child[x]<> do x:=fa[x]; exit(x); end; function getup(x:longint):longint; begin while fa[x]<> do x:=fa[x]; exit(x); end; procedure lct(x1,y1,x2,y2:longint); var y:longint; begin makeroot(y1); access(y1); y:=getrt(x1); fa[y]:=; child[y]:=; if getup(x2)<>x1 then swap(x2,y2); y:=access(y2); rev[y]:=not rev[y]; fa[y]:=x2; child[y]:=; end; procedure addedge(j,k:longint); begin inc(tot); edge[tot].toward:=k; edge[tot].next:=first[j]; first[j]:=tot end; procedure dfs(x:longint); var i,too:longint; begin i:=first[x]; value[x]:=; sum[x]:=; mark1[x]:=; size[x]:=; while i<> do begin too:=edge[i].toward; if fa[x]<>too then begin fa[too]:=x; child[too]:=; dfs(too); end; i:=edge[i].next; end end; begin readln(n,m); for i:= to n- do begin readln(j,k); addedge(j,k); addedge(k,j); end; child[n>>]:=; dfs(n>>); while m> do begin dec(m); readln(st); prepare; case st[] of '*':begin //j:=j mod mm; makeroot(a[]); //maintain1(access(a[]),a[]); maintain(access(a[]),a[],); end; '+':begin //j:=j mod mm; makeroot(a[]); //maintain2(access(a[]),a[]); maintain(access(a[]),,a[]); end; '-':lct(a[],a[],a[],a[]); '/':begin makeroot(a[]); writeln(sum[access(a[])]); end; end; end; end.
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