August 5th, 2016, Week 32nd, Friday
Life is made up of small pleasures.
Don't expect too much.
I am not qualified to get more according to what I have done.
I already have enough if compared to many others.
But everyone wants more, so do I.
I always feel that I am destined to be a loser, thoroughly losing in every field, no matter what I do, I can't change it, even a little bit.
However, some say that destiny is not a matter of chance.
It is a matter of choice.
It is not a thing to be waited for, but a thing to be achieved.
What should I do to achieve my destiny?
Whatever you are, be a good one.
For most jobs that were assigned to me, I didn't do very well, just scraped through the final tests.
So, the rewards I got from these jobs were correspondingly limited.
I want to be extraordinary, but what I have done were very ordinary.
As time passes, I become a person that is very ordinary, even the worst in some cases.
That is the first time I take the whole responsibility for a project, and it may be the only one that the God gave me to prove my ability.
I need to make it perfect.
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