eos bp节点 超级节点搭建
- 搭建eos BP节点
- 1929001ms thread-0 producer_plugin.cpp:585 block_production_loo ] Produced block 0000366974ce4e2a... #13929 @ 2018-05-23T16:32:09.000 signed by eosio [trxs: 0, lib: 13928, confirmed: 0]
- 1929502ms thread-0 producer_plugin.cpp:585 block_production_loo ] Produced block 0000366aea085023... #13930 @ 2018-05-23T16:32:09.500 signed by eosio [trxs: 0, lib: 13929, confirmed: 0]
- 1930002ms thread-0 producer_plugin.cpp:585 block_production_loo ] Produced block 0000366b7f074fdd... #13931 @ 2018-05-23T16:32:10.000 signed by eosio [trxs: 0, lib: 13930, confirmed: 0]
- 1930501ms thread-0 producer_plugin.cpp:585 block_production_loo ] Produced block 0000366cd8222adb... #13932 @ 2018-05-23T16:32:10.500 signed by eosio [trxs: 0, lib: 13931, confirmed: 0]
- 1931002ms thread-0 producer_plugin.cpp:585 block_production_loo ] Produced block 0000366d5c1ec38d... #13933 @ 2018-05-23T16:32:11.000 signed by eosio [trxs: 0, lib: 13932, confirmed: 0]
- 1931501ms thread-0 producer_plugin.cpp:585 block_production_loo ] Produced block 0000366e45c1f235... #13934 @ 2018-05-23T16:32:11.500 signed by eosio [trxs: 0, lib: 13933, confirmed: 0]
- 1932001ms thread-0 producer_plugin.cpp:585 block_production_loo ] Produced block 0000366f98adb324... #13935 @ 2018-05-23T16:32:12.000 signed by eosio [trxs: 0, lib: 13934, confirmed: 0]
- 1932501ms thread-0 producer_plugin.cpp:585 block_production_loo ] Produced block 00003670a0f01daa... #13936 @ 2018-05-23T16:32:12.500 signed by eosio [trxs: 0, lib: 13935, confirmed: 0]
- 1933001ms thread-0 producer_plugin.cpp:585 block_production_loo ] Produced block 00003671e8b36e1e... #13937 @ 2018-05-23T16:32:13.000 signed by eosio [trxs: 0, lib: 13936, confirmed: 0]
- 1933501ms thread-0 producer_plugin.cpp:585 block_production_loo ] Produced block 0000367257fe1623... #13938 @ 2018-05-23T16:32:13.500 signed by eosio [trxs: 0, lib: 13937, confirmed: 0]
- 创建钱包
- signature-provider = EOSxxxxx=KEY:xxxxxx
- producer-name = xxxxx
- # checkpoint =
- # wasm-runtime =
- chain-state-db-size-mb = 128000
- reversible-blocks-db-size-mb = 2048
- contracts-console = false
- # actor-whitelist =
- # actor-blacklist =
- # contract-whitelist =
- # contract-blacklist =
- # Track actions which match receiver:action:actor. Actor may be blank to include all. Receiver and Action may not be blank. (eosio::history_plugin)
- # filter-on =
- # https-client-root-cert =
- # false: ignore cert errors (eosio::http_client_plugin)
- http-validate-host = false
- verbose-http-errors = false
- #在http返回中加入错误日志
- https-client-validate-peers = 1
- http-server-address =
- abi-serializer-max-time-ms = 2000
- # https-server-address =
- # https-certificate-chain-file =
- # https-private-key-file =
- access-control-allow-origin = *
- access-control-allow-headers = Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept
- # access-control-max-age =
- access-control-allow-credentials = false
- #p2p-server-address = p2p.eoshenzhen.io:9876
- #p2p-listen-endpoint = p2p.eoshenzhen.io:9876
- p2p-server-address =
- #p2p-server-address =
- p2p-listen-endpoint =
- #read-mode=read-only
- p2p-max-nodes-per-host = 70
- agent-name = "eszbp"
- allowed-connection = any
- # peer-key =
- # peer-private-key =
- max-clients = 25
- connection-cleanup-period = 30
- network-version-match = 0
- sync-fetch-span = 100
- #max-implicit-request = 1500
- enable-stale-production = false
- # Start this node in a state where production is paused (eosio::producer_plugin)
- pause-on-startup = false
- max-transaction-time = 30
- max-irreversible-block-age = -1
- keosd-provider-timeout = 5
- txn-reference-block-lag = 0
- #wallet-dir = "."
- #unlock-timeout = 900
- # Plugin(s) to enable, may be specified multiple times
- plugin = eosio::chain_plugin
- plugin = eosio::chain_api_plugin
- plugin = eosio::producer_plugin
- plugin = eosio::producer_api_plugin
- plugin = eosio::http_plugin
- #plugin = eosio::producer_heartbeat_plugin
- ##heartbeat-period = 1500
- #heartbeat-signature-provider = EOS7QW6YN5zXmKRBLVJ7zFCAPU6zggdHuqHW4wB4aVqu8ykRUwXL1=KEY:5JJtzsScTpHE8fNV84tJpv8w5DkqHm12k72dL5PZdoEutneNHN9
- #heartbeat-contract = eosheartbeat
- #heartbeat-permission = heartbeat
- #heartbeat-oncall = telegram:sheldonpp
- #
- ## localnet
- #p2p-peer-address =
- #p2p-peer-address =
- #1 eoshuobipool
- p2p-peer-address = peer2.eoshuobipool.com:18181
- p2p-peer-address =
- #2 starteosiobp
- p2p-peer-address = node1.starteos.io:9876
- #p2p-peer-address = node2.starteos.io:9876
- #3 eoslaomaocom
- #p2p-peer-address = fullnode.eoslaomao.com:443
- p2p-peer-address = mainnet.eoslaomao.com:443
- #4 zbeosbp11111
- p2p-peer-address = node1.zbeos.com:9876
- p2p-peer-address = node2.zbeos.com:9876
- #5 eosliquideos
- p2p-peer-address = node2.liquideos.com:9876
- #6 eosflytomars
- p2p-peer-address = p2p.bitmars.one:8080
- #7 eosiosg11111
- p2p-peer-address = peer.eosio.sg:80
- #8 bitfinexeos1
- #p2p-peer-address = eos-bp.bitfinex.com:9876
- #9 atticlabeosb
- p2p-peer-address =
- #10 eosnewyorkio
- p2p-peer-address = node1.eosnewyork.io:6987
- #11 cochainworld
- #p2p-peer-address = peer1.eoscochain.io:9877
- #p2p-peer-address = peer2.eoscochain.io:9877
- #12 jedaaaaaaaaa
- p2p-peer-address = m.jeda.one:3322
- #13 eoscannonchn
- #p2p-peer-address = node1.eoscannon.io:59876
- #14 eos42freedom
- p2p-peer-address = seed1.eos42.io:9876
- p2p-peer-address = seed2.eos42.io:9876
- #15 eosbixinboot
- p2p-peer-address = mars.fnp2p.eosbixin.com:443
- #16 eoscanadacom
- p2p-peer-address = peering.mainnet.eoscanada.com:9876
- #17 eosbeijingbp
- #p2p-peer-address = bp.eosbeijing.one:8080
- p2p-peer-address =
- #18 eoshenzhenio
- p2p-peer-address = p2p.eoshenzhen.io:9876
- #19 eosauthority
- p2p-peer-address = node869-mainnet.eosauthority.com:9393
- #20 eosriobrazil
- p2p-peer-address = br.eosrio.io:9876
- #21 eosnationftw
- p2p-peer-address = peer.eosn.io:9876
- #22 eosswedenorg
- p2p-peer-address = p2p.eossweden.se:9876
- #23 eosdacserver
- #p2p-peer-address = ro1.eosdac.io:49876
- #24 teamgreymass
- p2p-peer-address = seed.greymass.com:9876
- #25 cypherglasss
- p2p-peer-address = publicnode.cypherglass.com:9876
- #26 eospaceioeos
- #p2p-peer-address = p2p.mainnet.eospacex.com:88
- # Stolen accounts blacklist
- actor-blacklist = blacklistmee
- actor-blacklist = ge2dmmrqgene
- actor-blacklist = gu2timbsguge
- actor-blacklist = ge4tsmzvgege
- actor-blacklist = gezdonzygage
- actor-blacklist = ha4tkobrgqge
- # 18 - remove below entry from blacklist
- #actor-blacklist = ha4tamjtguge
- actor-blacklist = gq4dkmzzhege
- # 2
- actor-blacklist = gu2teobyg4ge
- actor-blacklist = gq4demryhage
- actor-blacklist = q4dfv32fxfkx
- actor-blacklist = ktl2qk5h4bor
- actor-blacklist = haydqnbtgene
- actor-blacklist = g44dsojygyge
- actor-blacklist = guzdonzugmge
- actor-blacklist = ha4doojzgyge
- actor-blacklist = gu4damztgyge
- actor-blacklist = haytanjtgige
- actor-blacklist = exchangegdax
- actor-blacklist = cmod44jlp14k
- actor-blacklist = 2fxfvlvkil4e
- actor-blacklist = yxbdknr3hcxt
- actor-blacklist = yqjltendhyjp
- actor-blacklist = pm241porzybu
- actor-blacklist = xkc2gnxfiswe
- actor-blacklist = ic433gs42nky
- actor-blacklist = fueaji11lhzg
- actor-blacklist = w1ewnn4xufob
- actor-blacklist = ugunxsrux2a3
- actor-blacklist = gz3q24tq3r21
- actor-blacklist = u5rlltjtjoeo
- actor-blacklist = k5thoceysinj
- actor-blacklist = ebhck31fnxbi
- actor-blacklist = pvxbvdkces1x
- actor-blacklist = oucjrjjvkrom
- # 3
- actor-blacklist = neverlandwal
- actor-blacklist = tseol5n52kmo
- actor-blacklist = potus1111111
- # 4
- actor-blacklist = craigspys211
- # 5
- actor-blacklist = eosfomoplay1
- # 6
- actor-blacklist = wangfuhuahua
- # 7
- # Order 10 remove blacklist for this
- #actor-blacklist = ha4timrzguge
- actor-blacklist = guytqmbuhege
- # 8
- actor-blacklist = huobldeposit
- # Ram lockers
- #actor-blacklist = eosramfoodie
- #actor-blacklist = eosbetfucker
- # 11
- actor-blacklist = gm3dcnqgenes
- actor-blacklist = gm34qnqrepqt
- actor-blacklist = gt3ftnqrrpqp
- actor-blacklist = gtwvtqptrpqp
- actor-blacklist = gm31qndrspqr
- actor-blacklist = lxl2atucpyos
- # AO-012
- actor-blacklist = g4ytenbxgqge
- actor-blacklist = jinwen121212
- actor-blacklist = ha4tomztgage
- actor-blacklist = my1steosobag
- actor-blacklist = iloveyouplay
- actor-blacklist = eoschinaeos2
- actor-blacklist = eosholderkev
- actor-blacklist = dreams12true
- actor-blacklist = imarichman55
- # AO-013
- actor-blacklist = gizdcnjyg4ge
- # A0-014
- actor-blacklist = gyzdmmjsgige
- # A0-015
- actor-blacklist = guzdanrugene
- actor-blacklist = earthsop1sys
- #A0-016 - missing?
- # A0-017
- actor-blacklist = refundwallet
- actor-blacklist = jhonnywalker
- actor-blacklist = alibabaioeos
- actor-blacklist = whitegroupes
- actor-blacklist = 24cryptoshop
- actor-blacklist = minedtradeos
- # A0-018
- actor-blacklist = gizdkmjvhege
- # Feb 22
- actor-blacklist = newdexmobapp
- actor-blacklist = ftsqfgjoscma
- actor-blacklist = hpbcc4k42nxy
- actor-blacklist = 3qyty1khhkhv
- actor-blacklist = xzr2fbvxwtgt
- actor-blacklist = myqdqdj4qbge
- actor-blacklist = shprzailrazt
- actor-blacklist = qkwrmqowelyu
- actor-blacklist = lhjuy3gdkpq4
- actor-blacklist = lmfsopxpr324
- actor-blacklist = lcxunh51a1gt
- actor-blacklist = geydddsfkk5e
- actor-blacklist = pnsdiia1pcuy
- actor-blacklist = kwmvzswquqpb
- actor-blacklist = guagddoefdqu
- 注册EOS BP(EOS Block Producer)
- EOS节点奖励
- 出块节点
- info 2019-08-30T05:48:19.449 nodeos main.cpp:93 main ] nodeos version v1.8.1
- info 2019-08-30T05:48:19.449 nodeos main.cpp:94 main ] nodeos using configuration file /home/ec2-user/eosnode/config/config.ini
- info 2019-08-30T05:48:19.449 nodeos main.cpp:95 main ] nodeos data directory is /home/ec2-user/eosnode/data
- info 2019-08-30T05:48:19.449 nodeos controller.cpp:2255 startup ] Starting initialization from snapshot, this may take a significant amount of time
- info 2019-08-30T05:49:58.578 nodeos controller.cpp:685 init ] database initialized with hash: f6068f08c2a9cc0a6df3da868c9855110b7c4c34c40704323edf21c507a486e4
- info 2019-08-30T05:49:58.579 nodeos controller.cpp:2265 startup ] Finished initialization from snapshot
- info 2019-08-30T05:49:58.579 nodeos chain_plugin.cpp:982 plugin_startup ] starting chain in read/write mode
- info 2019-08-30T05:49:58.579 nodeos chain_plugin.cpp:986 plugin_startup ] Blockchain started; head block is #76607475, genesis timestamp is 2018-06-08T08:08:08.888
- info 2019-08-30T05:49:58.579 nodeos http_plugin.cpp:538 plugin_startup ] start listening for http requests
- info 2019-08-30T05:49:58.579 nodeos http_plugin.cpp:625 add_handler ] add api url: /v1/node/get_supported_apis
- info 2019-08-30T05:49:58.579 nodeos chain_api_plugin.cpp:77 plugin_startup ] starting chain_api_plugin
- info 2019-08-30T05:49:58.579 nodeos http_plugin.cpp:625 add_handler ] add api url: /v1/chain/abi_bin_to_json
- info 2019-08-30T05:49:58.579 nodeos http_plugin.cpp:625 add_handler ] add api url: /v1/chain/abi_json_to_bin
- info 2019-08-30T05:49:58.579 nodeos http_plugin.cpp:625 add_handler ] add api url: /v1/chain/get_abi
- info 2019-08-30T05:49:58.579 nodeos http_plugin.cpp:625 add_handler ] add api url: /v1/chain/get_account
- info 2019-08-30T05:49:58.579 nodeos http_plugin.cpp:625 add_handler ] add api url: /v1/chain/get_activated_protocol_features
- info 2019-08-30T05:49:58.579 nodeos http_plugin.cpp:625 add_handler ] add api url: /v1/chain/get_block
- info 2019-08-30T05:49:58.579 nodeos http_plugin.cpp:625 add_handler ] add api url: /v1/chain/get_block_header_state
- info 2019-08-30T05:49:58.579 nodeos http_plugin.cpp:625 add_handler ] add api url: /v1/chain/get_code
- info 2019-08-30T05:49:58.579 nodeos http_plugin.cpp:625 add_handler ] add api url: /v1/chain/get_code_hash
- info 2019-08-30T05:49:58.579 nodeos http_plugin.cpp:625 add_handler ] add api url: /v1/chain/get_currency_balance
- info 2019-08-30T05:49:58.579 nodeos http_plugin.cpp:625 add_handler ] add api url: /v1/chain/get_currency_stats
- info 2019-08-30T05:49:58.579 nodeos http_plugin.cpp:625 add_handler ] add api url: /v1/chain/get_info
- info 2019-08-30T05:49:58.579 nodeos http_plugin.cpp:625 add_handler ] add api url: /v1/chain/get_producer_schedule
- info 2019-08-30T05:49:58.579 nodeos http_plugin.cpp:625 add_handler ] add api url: /v1/chain/get_producers
- info 2019-08-30T05:49:58.579 nodeos http_plugin.cpp:625 add_handler ] add api url: /v1/chain/get_raw_abi
- info 2019-08-30T05:49:58.579 nodeos http_plugin.cpp:625 add_handler ] add api url: /v1/chain/get_raw_code_and_abi
- info 2019-08-30T05:49:58.579 nodeos http_plugin.cpp:625 add_handler ] add api url: /v1/chain/get_required_keys
- info 2019-08-30T05:49:58.579 nodeos http_plugin.cpp:625 add_handler ] add api url: /v1/chain/get_scheduled_transactions
- info 2019-08-30T05:49:58.579 nodeos http_plugin.cpp:625 add_handler ] add api url: /v1/chain/get_table_by_scope
- info 2019-08-30T05:49:58.579 nodeos http_plugin.cpp:625 add_handler ] add api url: /v1/chain/get_table_rows
- info 2019-08-30T05:49:58.579 nodeos http_plugin.cpp:625 add_handler ] add api url: /v1/chain/get_transaction_id
- info 2019-08-30T05:49:58.579 nodeos http_plugin.cpp:625 add_handler ] add api url: /v1/chain/push_block
- info 2019-08-30T05:49:58.579 nodeos http_plugin.cpp:625 add_handler ] add api url: /v1/chain/push_transaction
- info 2019-08-30T05:49:58.579 nodeos http_plugin.cpp:625 add_handler ] add api url: /v1/chain/push_transactions
- info 2019-08-30T05:49:58.579 nodeos http_plugin.cpp:625 add_handler ] add api url: /v1/chain/send_transaction
- info 2019-08-30T05:49:58.579 nodeos producer_plugin.cpp:820 plugin_startup ] producer plugin: plugin_startup() begin
- info 2019-08-30T05:49:58.579 nodeos producer_plugin.cpp:842 plugin_startup ] Launching block production for 1 producers at 2019-08-30T05:49:58.579.
- info 2019-08-30T05:49:58.579 nodeos producer_plugin.cpp:854 plugin_startup ] producer plugin: plugin_startup() end
- info 2019-08-30T05:49:58.579 nodeos producer_api_plugin.cp:93 plugin_startup ] starting producer_api_plugin
- info 2019-08-30T05:49:58.579 nodeos http_plugin.cpp:625 add_handler ] add api url: /v1/producer/add_greylist_accounts
- info 2019-08-30T05:49:58.579 nodeos http_plugin.cpp:625 add_handler ] add api url: /v1/producer/create_snapshot
- info 2019-08-30T05:49:58.579 nodeos http_plugin.cpp:625 add_handler ] add api url: /v1/producer/get_account_ram_corrections
- info 2019-08-30T05:49:58.579 nodeos http_plugin.cpp:625 add_handler ] add api url: /v1/producer/get_greylist
- info 2019-08-30T05:49:58.579 nodeos http_plugin.cpp:625 add_handler ] add api url: /v1/producer/get_integrity_hash
- info 2019-08-30T05:49:58.579 nodeos http_plugin.cpp:625 add_handler ] add api url: /v1/producer/get_runtime_options
- info 2019-08-30T05:49:58.579 nodeos http_plugin.cpp:625 add_handler ] add api url: /v1/producer/get_scheduled_protocol_feature_activations
- info 2019-08-30T05:49:58.579 nodeos http_plugin.cpp:625 add_handler ] add api url: /v1/producer/get_supported_protocol_features
- info 2019-08-30T05:49:58.579 nodeos http_plugin.cpp:625 add_handler ] add api url: /v1/producer/get_whitelist_blacklist
- info 2019-08-30T05:49:58.579 nodeos http_plugin.cpp:625 add_handler ] add api url: /v1/producer/pause
- info 2019-08-30T05:49:58.579 nodeos http_plugin.cpp:625 add_handler ] add api url: /v1/producer/paused
- info 2019-08-30T05:49:58.579 nodeos http_plugin.cpp:625 add_handler ] add api url: /v1/producer/remove_greylist_accounts
- info 2019-08-30T05:49:58.579 nodeos http_plugin.cpp:625 add_handler ] add api url: /v1/producer/resume
- info 2019-08-30T05:49:58.579 nodeos http_plugin.cpp:625 add_handler ] add api url: /v1/producer/schedule_protocol_feature_activations
- info 2019-08-30T05:49:58.579 nodeos http_plugin.cpp:625 add_handler ] add api url: /v1/producer/set_whitelist_blacklist
- info 2019-08-30T05:49:58.579 nodeos http_plugin.cpp:625 add_handler ] add api url: /v1/producer/update_runtime_options
- info 2019-08-30T05:49:58.579 nodeos net_plugin.cpp:1851 connect ] host: peer2.eoshuobipool.com port: 18181
- info 2019-08-30T05:49:58.580 nodeos net_plugin.cpp:1851 connect ] host: port: 18181
- info 2019-08-30T05:49:58.580 nodeos net_plugin.cpp:1851 connect ] host: node1.starteos.io port: 9876
- info 2019-08-30T05:49:58.580 nodeos net_plugin.cpp:1851 connect ] host: mainnet.eoslaomao.com port: 443
- info 2019-08-30T05:49:58.580 nodeos net_plugin.cpp:1851 connect ] host: node1.zbeos.com port: 9876
- info 2019-08-30T05:49:58.580 nodeos net_plugin.cpp:1851 connect ] host: node2.zbeos.com port: 9876
- info 2019-08-30T05:49:58.580 nodeos net_plugin.cpp:1851 connect ] host: node2.liquideos.com port: 9876
- info 2019-08-30T05:49:58.580 nodeos net_plugin.cpp:1851 connect ] host: p2p.bitmars.one port: 8080
- info 2019-08-30T05:49:58.580 nodeos net_plugin.cpp:1851 connect ] host: peer.eosio.sg port: 80
- info 2019-08-30T05:49:58.580 nodeos net_plugin.cpp:1851 connect ] host: port: 9876
- info 2019-08-30T05:49:58.580 nodeos net_plugin.cpp:1851 connect ] host: node1.eosnewyork.io port: 6987
- info 2019-08-30T05:49:58.580 nodeos net_plugin.cpp:1851 connect ] host: m.jeda.one port: 3322
- info 2019-08-30T05:49:58.580 nodeos net_plugin.cpp:1851 connect ] host: seed1.eos42.io port: 9876
- info 2019-08-30T05:49:58.580 nodeos net_plugin.cpp:1851 connect ] host: seed2.eos42.io port: 9876
- info 2019-08-30T05:49:58.580 nodeos net_plugin.cpp:1851 connect ] host: mars.fnp2p.eosbixin.com port: 443
- info 2019-08-30T05:49:58.580 nodeos net_plugin.cpp:1851 connect ] host: peering.mainnet.eoscanada.com port: 9876
- info 2019-08-30T05:49:58.580 nodeos net_plugin.cpp:1851 connect ] host: port: 8080
- info 2019-08-30T05:49:58.580 nodeos net_plugin.cpp:1851 connect ] host: p2p.eoshenzhen.io port: 9876
- info 2019-08-30T05:49:58.580 nodeos net_plugin.cpp:1851 connect ] host: node869-mainnet.eosauthority.com port: 9393
- info 2019-08-30T05:49:58.580 nodeos net_plugin.cpp:1851 connect ] host: br.eosrio.io port: 9876
- info 2019-08-30T05:49:58.580 nodeos net_plugin.cpp:1851 connect ] host: peer.eosn.io port: 9876
- info 2019-08-30T05:49:58.580 nodeos net_plugin.cpp:1851 connect ] host: p2p.eossweden.se port: 9876
- info 2019-08-30T05:49:58.580 nodeos net_plugin.cpp:1851 connect ] host: seed.greymass.com port: 9876
- info 2019-08-30T05:49:58.580 nodeos net_plugin.cpp:1851 connect ] host: publicnode.cypherglass.com port: 9876
- info 2019-08-30T05:49:58.800 nodeos transaction_context.cp:103 deadline_timer ] Using 11us deadline timer for checktime: min:3us max:13us mean:6us stddev:2us
- info 2019-08-30T05:50:15.264 nodeos producer_plugin.cpp:421 on_incoming_block ] Received block c65aec441fcb5448... #76608000 @ 2019-08-29T18:04:26.500 signed by zbeosbp11111 [trxs: 44, lib: 76607674, conf: 0, latency: 42348764 ms]
- info 2019-08-30T05:50:28.579 nodeos net_plugin.cpp:1851 connect ] host: node2.liquideos.com port: 9876
- info 2019-08-30T05:50:28.580 nodeos net_plugin.cpp:1851 connect ] host: peer.eosio.sg port: 80
- info 2019-08-30T05:50:28.580 nodeos net_plugin.cpp:1851 connect ] host: node1.eosnewyork.io port: 6987
- info 2019-08-30T05:50:28.580 nodeos net_plugin.cpp:1851 connect ] host: seed2.eos42.io port: 9876
- info 2019-08-30T05:50:28.580 nodeos net_plugin.cpp:1851 connect ] host: node869-mainnet.eosauthority.com port: 9393
- info 2019-08-30T05:50:28.580 nodeos net_plugin.cpp:1851 connect ] host: br.eosrio.io port: 9876
- info 2019-08-30T05:50:28.580 nodeos net_plugin.cpp:1851 connect ] host: peer.eosn.io port: 9876
- info 2019-08-30T05:50:28.580 nodeos net_plugin.cpp:1851 connect ] host: publicnode.cypherglass.com port: 9876
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