

A Ghost theme contains static HTML templates that make use of helpers to output data from your site, and custom CSS for styling.



The recommended file structure for a Ghost theme is:

├── /assets
| └── /css
| ├── screen.css
| ├── /fonts
| ├── /images
| ├── /js
├── default.hbs
├── index.hbs [required]
└── post.hbs [required]
└── package.json [required]


An optional /partials directory allows you to use partial templates across your site. This allows you to share blocks of HTML between multiple templates and reduce code duplication.

├── /assets
├── /css
├── screen.css
├── /fonts
├── /images
├── /js
├── /partials
├── list-post.hbs
├── default.hbs
├── index.hbs [required]
└── post.hbs [required]
└── package.json [required]



Two template files are required: index.hbs and post.hbs. All other templates are optional. We highly recommended using a default.hbs file as a base layout for your theme. If you have significantly different layouts for different pages or content types, you can use the dynamic routing configuration layer, or use partials to encapsulate common parts of your theme.


Theme templates are hierarchical, so one template can extend another template. This prevents base HTML from being repeated. Here are some commonly used theme templates and their uses:


default.hb是一个基本模板,它包含存在于每个页面上的乏味的HTML位,如< HTML >、<head>或<body>,以及所需的{{ghost_head}}和{{ghost_foot}}和任何用于页眉和页脚的HTML。

default.hbs is a base template that contains the boring bits of HTML that exist on every page such as <html><head> or <body> as well as the required {{ghost_head}} and {{ghost_foot}} and any HTML for the header and footer.



This is the standard required template for a list of posts. It is also used if your theme does not have a tag.hbsauthor.hbs or index.hbs template. The index.hbs template usually extends default.hbs and is passed a list of posts using the {{#foreach}} helper.



An optional template to provide special content for the home page. This template will only be used to render /.



The required template for a single post which extends default.hbs and uses the {{#post}} helper to output the post details. Custom templates for individual posts can be created using post-:slug.hbs.



An optional template for static pages. If this is not specified then post.hbs will be used. Custom templates for individual pages can be created using page-:slug.hbs.



An optional custom templates that can be selected in the admin interface on a per-post basis. They can be used for both posts and pages.


标签存档页面的可选模板。如果没有指定 index.hbs模板。可以使用tag-:slug创建单个标记的自定义模板。

An optional template for tag archive pages. If not specifed the index.hbs template is used. Custom templates for individual tags can be created using tag-:slug.



An optional template for author archive pages. If not specified the index.hbs template is used. Custom templates for individual authors can be created using author{{slug}}.



An optional template for the password form page on password protected publications.



An optional theme template for any 404 or 500 errors that are not otherwise handled by error- or class-specific templates. If one is not specified Ghost will use the default.


一个可选的主题模板,用于处理属于特定类的错误(例如error-4xx.hbsfor 400级错误)。匹配的错误类模板优先于这两个 error.hbs用于呈现错误的hbs和Ghost默认模板。

An optional theme template for errors belonging to a specific class (e.g. error-4xx.hbsfor 400-level errors). A matching error class template is prioritized over both error.hbs and the Ghost default template for rendering the error.



An optional theme template for status code-specific errors (e.g. error-404.hbs). A matching error code template is prioritized over all other error templates for rendering the error.



An optional theme template for AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages). If your theme doesn't provide an amp.hbs file, Ghost will use its default.




Themes can include a robots.txt which overrides the default robots.txt provided by Ghost.

The development version of the default theme Casper can be used to explore how Ghost themes work, or you can customise Casper and make it your own!


Ghost模板是由HTML和handlebars helper构造的。有几个要求:



Ghost templates are constructed from HTML and handlebars helpers. There are a few requirements:

In order for a Ghost theme to work, you must make use of the required helpers: {{asset}}{{body_class}}{{post_class}}{{ghost_head}}{{ghost_foot}}.

See the full list of helpers for more detailed information about specific Handlebars helpers.


Ghost主题中的每个页面都属于由URL确定的上下文。上下文将决定使用什么模板,什么数据可用,以及{{body_class}} helper将输出什么。

Each page in a Ghost theme belongs to a context which is determined by the URL. The context will decide what template will be used, what data is available and what is output by the {{body_class}} helper.



When building themes it is important to consider the scope of classes and IDs to avoid clashes between your main styling and your post styling. IDs are automatically generated for headings and used inside a post, so it's best practice to scope things to a particular part of the page. For example: #themename-my-id is preferrable to #my-id.

Development mode


在生产模式中,模板文件由服务器加载和缓存。要反映hbs文件中的任何更改,请使用ghost restart命令。


It is recommended to use a local install to build a custom theme using development mode – review the local install guide to get started with your own local install for development.

In production mode, template files are loaded and cached by the server. For any changes in a hbs file to be reflected, use the ghost restart command.

Ghost will automatically check for fatal errors when you upload your theme into Ghost admin. For a full validation report during development, use the GScan tool.



You now have a solid understanding of how a Ghost theme is structured and an overview of some of the most common templates. Before diving into the specifics of contexts, helpers and additional features, the next step is to get an overview of the package.json file.

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