
We will learn step by step tutorial for “UiPath Deployment Architecture” . The UiPath Server Platform has the following logical components, grouped in three layers:

1). Presentation Layer

  • Data REST API Endpoints
  • Notification API
  • Web Application

2). Web Service Layer

  • REST API implementation

3). Persistence Layer

  • Elasticsearch
  • SQL Server

Designing the Architecture

There are multiple ways of designing the architecture and release flow –considering the infrastructure setup, concerns about the segregation of roles, etc. In this proposed model UiPath developers can build their projects and test them on
Development Orchestrator. They will be allowed to check in the project to a drive managed
by a VCS – version control system (GIT, SVN, TFS, etc). Publishing the
package and making it available for QA and Prod environments will be the
work of a different team (eg IT). The deployment paths on Orchestrator
have been changed from default to folders managed by the VCS (by
changing packagesPath value in web.config file under UiPath.Server.Deployment)

The model also contains a repository of reusable components.

Here is the UiPath project publishing flow, step by step as below:

  • Developers build the process in UiPath Studio and test it with the Development
    Orchestrator; Once done, they check in the workflows (not packaged) to a Master
    UiProcess Library folder (on VCS) in uiatph.
  • The IT team will create the package for QA. This will be stored on a QA Packagefolder
    on VCS QA run the process on dedicated machines only.
  • If any issue revealed during the tests, steps above are repeated.
  • Once all QA tests are passed, the package is copied to a the production environment
    (P Package)
  • Process is going live, run by the production robots.

Reusable content is created and deployed separately – as UiPath code (Reusable Code
Library) and Invokes (Invokes Repository).


I hope you liked this article about UiPath Deployment Architecture
– UiPath Deployment Architecture concept. I would like to have feedback
from my blog readers. Your valuable feedback, question, or comments
about this article are always welcome.

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