As the error message states, the case expressions must be constant. The compiler builds this as a very fast look-up table at compile time and it can't do that if there is a possibility that the values could change as the program runs.

If you do need them to be variable, not constant, your best bet is to use if/else statements instead.


The case statements require integral value which must be known at compile-time, which is what is meant by constant here. But the const members of a class are not really constant in that sense. They're are simply read-only.

Instead of fields, you can use enum :

class ThisClass
public: enum Constants

And then you can write,


I am getting a 'case expression not constant' error in a switch statement. However, the header provides a definition for the used constants, and the constructor provides initialisation for them in its initialization list.

Additionally, when I mouse over the "problem" statements it identifies them as constants.

const int ThisClass::EXAMPLE_CONSTANT

error expression must have a constant value

This seems a little counter-intuitive to me. I did some research and found a similar problem that someone else had. They were told that all constants must in fact be initialised in 'main' and that this was a limitation of the language. Is this really the case? It seems unlikely.

You need a "real" compile time integer constant. const in C++ means read-only, and a const variable can be initialized just like int y = 0; const int x = y;, making x a read-only copy of the value y had at the time of initialization.

With a modern compiler, you can either use enums or constexprs to store (integral) members of compile-time-constness:

class Foo {
static constexpr int x = 0;
enum { y = 1 };
}; int main () {
switch (0) {
case Foo::x: ;
case Foo::y: ;


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