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if (Year.length == 4) {
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alert('Please enter a valid year.');
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HTMLstr += "<td width='30'><b>Thur</b></td>\n";
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// original:
// date = new Date(currentyear, date.getMonth(), date.getDate()+1);
// johan:
date = new Date(nCurrentYear, date.getMonth(), date.getDate()+1); if (posDay == 6) nWeek++;
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cross_obj3.visibility = "hidden";
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// Verify parameters
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if (nCurrentMonth > 12)
nCurrentMonth -= 12;
} setYearMonth(nCurrentYear, nCurrentMonth);
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if (nCurrentMonth < 1)
nCurrentMonth += 12;
setYearMonth(nCurrentYear, nCurrentMonth); } function prevYear()
setYearMonth(nCurrentYear, nCurrentMonth);
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setYearMonth(nCurrentYear, nCurrentMonth);
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// var x = e.pageX;
// var y = e.pageY; // if (x > rightX || x < leftX) hideMonthMenu();
// else if (y > bottomY || y < topY) hideMonthMenu();
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HTML += "<tr>\n";
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var nMonth = month+1;
HTML += "<td><a href=\"javascript:hideMonthMenu();setMonth("+nMonth+");\"><font color=\"white\" size=-1><b>"+MonthNames[month]+"</b></font></a></td>\n";
HTML += "</tr>\n";
HTML += "</table>";
HTML += "</layer>";
var cal = new Calendar();
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