AutoMySQLBackup备份时,出现mysqldump: Got error: 1142: SELECT, LOCK TABLES command denied to user 'root'@'localhost' for table 'accounts' when using LOCK TABLES错误,具体内容如下所示

[root@DB-Server ~]# /usr/bin/automysqlbackup /etc/automysqlbackup/myserver.conf

Parsed config file "/etc/automysqlbackup/automysqlbackup.conf"

# Checking for permissions to write to folders:

base folder /u03 ... exists ... ok.

backup folder /u03/mysqlbackup/ ... exists ... writable? yes. Proceeding.

checking directory "/u03/mysqlbackup//daily" ... exists.

checking directory "/u03/mysqlbackup//weekly" ... exists.

checking directory "/u03/mysqlbackup//monthly" ... exists.

checking directory "/u03/mysqlbackup//latest" ... exists.

checking directory "/u03/mysqlbackup//tmp" ... exists.

checking directory "/u03/mysqlbackup//fullschema" ... exists.

checking directory "/u03/mysqlbackup//status" ... exists.

# Testing for installed programs

WARNING: Turning off multicore support, since pigz isn't there.

mysql ... found.

mysqldump ... found.

# Parsing databases ... done.


AutoMySQLBackup version 3.0

Backup of Database Server - localhost

Databases - mysql,performance_schema,test

Databases (monthly) - mysql,performance_schema,test



Dump full schema.

Rotating 4 month backups for



Dump status.

Rotating 4 month backups for


Backup Start Time Sat Jul 11 22:12:31 CST 2015


Daily Backup ...

Daily Backup of Database ( mysql )

Rotating 6 day backups for mysql


Daily Backup of Database ( performance_schema )

Rotating 6 day backups for performance_schema


Daily Backup of Database ( test )

Rotating 6 day backups for test


Backup End Time Sat Jul 11 22:12:31 CST 2015


Total disk space used for backup storage...

Size - Location

443k /u03/mysqlbackup/


###### WARNING ######

Errors reported during AutoMySQLBackup execution.. Backup failed

Error log below..

Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.

Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.

Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.

Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.

Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.

mysqldump: Got error: 1142: SELECT, LOCK TABLES command denied to user 'root'@'localhost' for table 'accounts' when using LOCK TABLES

Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.

du: WARNING: use --si, not -H; the meaning of the -H option will soon

change to be the same as that of --dereference-args (-D)


mysqldump: Got error: 1142: SELECT, LOCK TABLES command denied to user 'root'@'localhost' for table 'accounts' when using LOCK TABLES的更多相关文章

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