
Given a string containing only digits, restore it by returning all possible valid IP address combinations. (Medium)

For example:
Given "25525511135",

return ["", ""]. (Order does not matter)





 class Solution {
vector<string> result;
bool isValid(const string& s) {
if (s[] == '' && s.size() > ) { // for case like ""
return false;
int num = stoi(s);
if (num >= && num <= ) {
return true;
return false;
void helper(const string& s, string curS, int start, int step) {
if (step == ) {
if (start != s.size()) {
for (int i = ; i <= ; ++i) {
if (start + i <= s.size()) {
string tempS = s.substr(start, i);
if (isValid(tempS)) {
string newS = curS + tempS;
helper(s, newS, start + i, step + );
vector<string> restoreIpAddresses(string s) {
string curS;
helper(s, curS, , );
return result;

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