将以前下载的的语音包的 samples/iat_record/的iat_record.c speech_recognizer.c speech_recognizer.c 拷贝到工程src中,

linuxrec.h  speech_recognizer.h formats.h文件拷贝到 工程的include中


* xf_asr_node
* xf_asr.cpp
* 语音听写(iFly Auto Transform)技术能够实时地将语音转换成对应的文字。
*/ #include<ros/ros.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "qisr.h"
#include "msp_cmn.h"
#include "msp_errors.h"
#include "speech_recognizer.h" #define FRAME_LEN 640
#define BUFFER_SIZE 4096
#define ASRFLAG 1 using namespace std; bool flag = false;
bool recorder_Flag = true;
string result = ""; /* Upload User words */
static int upload_userwords()
char* userwords = NULL;
size_t len = 0;
size_t read_len = 0;
FILE* fp = NULL;
int ret = -1; fp = fopen("userwords.txt", "rb");
if (NULL == fp)
printf("\nopen [userwords.txt] failed! \n");
goto upload_exit;
} fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END);
len = ftell(fp);
fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET); userwords = (char*)malloc(len + 1);
if (NULL == userwords)
printf("\nout of memory! \n");
goto upload_exit;
} read_len = fread((void*)userwords, 1, len, fp);
if (read_len != len)
printf("\nread [userwords.txt] failed!\n");
goto upload_exit;
userwords[len] = '\0'; MSPUploadData("userwords", userwords, len, "sub = uup, dtt = userword", &ret); //ÉÏ´«Óû§´Ê±í
if (MSP_SUCCESS != ret)
printf("\nMSPUploadData failed ! errorCode: %d \n", ret);
goto upload_exit;
} upload_exit:
if (NULL != fp)
fp = NULL;
if (NULL != userwords)
userwords = NULL;
} return ret;
} static void show_result(char *str, char is_over)
printf("\rResult: [ %s ]", str);
string s(str);
result = s;
flag = true; //设置发布话题为真
} static char *g_result = NULL;
static unsigned int g_buffersize = BUFFER_SIZE; void on_result(const char *result, char is_last)
if (result) {
size_t left = g_buffersize - 1 - strlen(g_result);
size_t size = strlen(result);
if (left < size) {
g_result = (char*)realloc(g_result, g_buffersize + BUFFER_SIZE);
if (g_result)
g_buffersize += BUFFER_SIZE;
else {
printf("mem alloc failed\n");
strncat(g_result, result, size);
show_result(g_result, is_last);
void on_speech_begin()
if (g_result)
g_result = (char*)malloc(BUFFER_SIZE);
g_buffersize = BUFFER_SIZE;
memset(g_result, 0, g_buffersize); printf("Start Listening...\n");
void on_speech_end(int reason)
if (reason == END_REASON_VAD_DETECT)
printf("\nSpeaking done \n");
recorder_Flag = false;
printf("\nRecognizer error %d\n", reason);
} /* demo recognize the audio from microphone */
static void demo_mic(const char* session_begin_params)
int errcode;
int i = 0; struct speech_rec iat; struct speech_rec_notifier recnotifier = {
}; errcode = sr_init(&iat, session_begin_params, SR_MIC, &recnotifier);
if (errcode) {
printf("speech recognizer init failed\n");
errcode = sr_start_listening(&iat);
if (errcode) {
printf("start listen failed %d\n", errcode);
/* demo 15 seconds recording */
errcode = sr_stop_listening(&iat);
if (errcode) {
printf("stop listening failed %d\n", errcode);
} sr_uninit(&iat);
} /*
* 打开麦克风 录音 发送到服务器
void asrProcess()
int ret = MSP_SUCCESS;
int upload_on = 1; /* whether upload the user word */
/* login params, please do keep the appid correct */
const char* login_params = "appid = 57f49f64, work_dir = ."; /*
* See "iFlytek MSC Reference Manual"
const char* session_begin_params =
"sub = iat, domain = iat, language = zh_cn, "
"accent = mandarin, sample_rate = 16000, "
"result_type = plain, result_encoding = utf8"; /* Login first. the 1st arg is username, the 2nd arg is password
* just set them as NULL. the 3rd arg is login paramertes
* */
ret = MSPLogin(NULL, NULL, login_params);
if (MSP_SUCCESS != ret) {
printf("MSPLogin failed , Error code %d.\n",ret);
goto exit; // login fail, exit the program
} /*
if (upload_on)
printf("Uploading the user words ...\n");
ret = upload_userwords();
if (MSP_SUCCESS != ret)
goto exit;
printf("Uploaded successfully\n");
*/ demo_mic(session_begin_params); exit:
MSPLogout(); // Logout...
} /*
* 根据发布的话题来修改录音标志
void asrCallBack(const std_msgs::Int32::ConstPtr &msg)
{ ROS_INFO_STREAM("Topic is Subscriber");
if(msg->data == ASRFLAG)
} /* main thread: start/stop record ; query the result of recgonization.
* record thread: record callback(data write)
* helper thread: ui(keystroke detection)
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
ros::init(argc, argv, "xf_asr_node");
ros::NodeHandle nd; ros::Subscriber sub = nd.subscribe("/voice/xf_asr_topic", 1, asrCallBack);
ros::Publisher pub = nd.advertise<std_msgs::String>("/voice/tuling_arv_topic", 3); ros::Rate loop_rate(10); while(ros::ok())
std_msgs::String msg;
msg.data = result;
flag = false;
recorder_Flag = true;
} ros::spinOnce();
} return 0;

Cmakefile 添加

 add_executable(xf_asr_node src/xf_asr.cpp src/speech_recognizer.cpp src/linuxrec.cpp)
target_link_libraries(xf_asr_node ${catkin_LIBRARIES} -lmsc -lrt -ldl -lpthread -lasound)


$ rosrun tts_voice tts_voice_node
$ rosrun tts_voice tuling_arv_node
$ rosrun tts_voice xf_asr_node
$ rostopic pub -1 /voice/xf_asr_topic std_msgs/Int32 1


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