PhpStorm 2016.3 For Mac 重大里程碑更新

1、【终于解决了】不能输入中文标点符号的重大bug,如 逗号“,”、“。”;



2016.11.24 发布了 PhpStorm Version: 2016.3 正式版   Build: 163.7743.50

Frameworks, Tools, more: Support of Docker in Remote Interpreters, support of PHPSpec test framework, auto-detection and configuration of PHPUnit, Behat, and PHPSpec, ability to open multiple projects in one frame

PHP Language & Editing Experience: Semantic highlighting for variables and parameters, completion of overridden methods and fields without function and var keyword, improved support of PSR-0/PSR-4

Code Quality Analysis: Project-wide PHP 7 strict types, new naming convention inspections, improved Runtime Error Prevention

Please see our issue tracker for the full list of PHP-related issues fixed and full release notes for the whole platform.

PhpStorm 2016.3 also brings major improvements in its support for top-notch web technologies, such as Flow support, improved TypeScript support, PostCSS support, Stylelint and much more.

From IntelliJ Platform this release borrows many new features and bug-fixes, such as enhancements in Version Control, which include better ergonomics and speed of VCS Log, reworked Merge dialog, syntax highlighting in the Diff and Merge dialogs, and an interface for managing Git remotes in the project.

Database tools have been significantly improved with the possibility to edit several similar cells at once, integration with mysqldump and pg_dump utilities. Also, now all your changes are stored locally and can be submitted at once.

For more details please see What’s New in PhpStorm 2016.3 and download a free 30-day PhpStorm trial for your operating system.

PhpStorm 2016.3 is available as a free update for everyone who has an active subscription for PhpStorm or All Products!

Your PhpStorm Team
The Drive to Develop


PhpStorm-2016.3 改动比较大,左边导航的图标UI都变了(黄色 变成 灰色):

PhpStorm-2016.2.2 也算是比较经典的版本了!

PhpStorm 2016.3 For Mac 重大里程碑更新 -- 终于解决了不能输入中文标点符号的重大bug的更多相关文章

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