
923. 3Sum With Multiplicity




  1. i<j<k
  2. target = A[i] + A[j] + A[k]


# step1 统计数组中每个元素出现的次数
一个元素I出现的次数记为count(I) # step2 分类
记:I=A[i], J=A[j], K=A[k], C(count(I),3) 表示从count(I)个数中取3个的组合数
I=J=K C(count(I), 3)
I=J!=K C(count(I), 2) * count(K)
I!=J=K count(I) * C(count(K), 2)
I!=J!=K count(I) * count(J) * count(K) # 复杂度
Time complexity: O(n + target^2)
Space complexity: O(100)



public int threeSumMulti(int[] A, int target) {
int MOD = 1_000_000_007; // 因为最大数为10^9+7 // 计算数组中不同元素出现的个数 因为 0 <= A[i] <=100
long[] c = new long[101]; // 定义成long,在计算中不用转换
for (int a : A) c[a]++; long ans = 0;
for (int i = 0; i <= target; i++) {
for (int j = i; j <= target; j++) {
int k = target - i - j;
if (k < 0 || k >= c.length || k < j) continue;
if (c[i] == 0 || c[j] == 0 || c[k] == 0) continue;
if (i ==j && j == k) {
ans += (c[i] - 2) * (c[i] - 1) * c[i] / 6;
} else if (i ==j && j != k) {
ans += c[i] * (c[i] - 1) / 2 * c[k];
} else if (i != j && j == k) {
ans += c[i] * (c[j] - 1) * c[j] / 2;
} else {
ans += c[i] * c[j] * c[k];
ans %= MOD;
return (int)ans;


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