




  1. //调用res.users中的自定义的get_userform_action方法
  2. this._rpc({
  3. model: 'res.users',
  4. method: 'get_userform_action',
  5. args: [[data.val]]//这里就是python函数声明里的*args,当你的方法不是model方法也不是model_create方法的时候,这里一个参数传的是当前model(res.users)的记录id,它会查询id结果作为self去调用get_userform_action
  6. }).then(function (result){
  7. self.do_action(result);
  8. });
  10. //查询数据的方法
  11. this._rpc({
  12. model: this.model,
  13. method: 'read_group',
  14. domain: [],
  15. fields: ['color'],
  16. groupBy: ['color'],
  17. }).then(function (result) {
  18. _.each(result, function (r) {
  19. self.colorGroupData[r.color] = r.color_count;
  20. });
  21. });
  1. //自定义的方法
  2. class Users(models.AbstractModel):
  3. _inherit = 'res.users'
  5. def get_userform_action(self):
  6. action = self.env.ref('ship_manage.res_company_user_form_action').read()[0]
  7. action['res_id'] = self.id
  8. return action
  1. 1 //Python rpc参数传递源码
  2. 2 def _call_kw_model(method, self, args, kwargs):
  3. 3 context, args, kwargs = split_context(method, args, kwargs)
  4. 4 recs = self.with_context(context or {})
  5. 5 _logger.debug("call %s.%s(%s)", recs, method.__name__, Params(args, kwargs))
  6. 6 result = method(recs, *args, **kwargs)
  7. 7 return downgrade(method, result, recs, args, kwargs)
  8. 8
  9. 9
  10. 10 def _call_kw_model_create(method, self, args, kwargs):
  11. 11 # special case for method 'create'
  12. 12 context, args, kwargs = split_context(method, args, kwargs)
  13. 13 recs = self.with_context(context or {})
  14. 14 _logger.debug("call %s.%s(%s)", recs, method.__name__, Params(args, kwargs))
  15. 15 result = method(recs, *args, **kwargs)
  16. 16 return result.id if isinstance(args[0], Mapping) else result.ids
  17. 17
  18. 18
  19. 19 def _call_kw_multi(method, self, args, kwargs):
  20. 20 ids, args = args[0], args[1:]
  21. 21 context, args, kwargs = split_context(method, args, kwargs)
  22. 22 recs = self.with_context(context or {}).browse(ids)
  23. 23 _logger.debug("call %s.%s(%s)", recs, method.__name__, Params(args, kwargs))
  24. 24 result = method(recs, *args, **kwargs)
  25. 25 return downgrade(method, result, recs, args, kwargs)
  26. 26
  27. 27
  28. 28 def call_kw(model, name, args, kwargs):
  29. 29 """ Invoke the given method ``name`` on the recordset ``model``. """
  30. 30 method = getattr(type(model), name)
  31. 31 api = getattr(method, '_api', None)
  32. 32 if api == 'model'://这里将模型分成了三种走向,三种走向对参数的处理不一样
  33. 33 result = _call_kw_model(method, model, args, kwargs)
  34. 34 elif api == 'model_create':
  35. 35 result = _call_kw_model_create(method, model, args, kwargs)
  36. 36 else:
  37. 37 result = _call_kw_multi(method, model, args, kwargs)
  38. 38 model.flush()
  39. 39 return result

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