【Azure Developer】使用 Microsoft Authentication Libraries (MSAL) 如何来获取Token呢 (通过用户名和密码方式获取Access Token)
在上一篇博文《【Azure Developer】使用 adal4j(Azure Active Directory authentication library for Java)如何来获取Token呢 (通过用户名和密码方式获取Access Token)》中,介绍了使用ADAL4J SDK获取Access Token。而ADAL4J是非常旧的SDK,最新的SDK名称为 MSAL4J (Microsoft Authentication Libraries),原来的AcquireToken的函数与现在的方式变动较大,不能直接修改POM.XML中依赖的方式来解决问题。
* Acquires a security token from the authority using a Refresh Token
* previously received.
* @param clientId
* Name or ID of the client requesting the token.
* @param resource
* Identifier of the target resource that is the recipient of the
* requested token. If null, token is requested for the same
* resource refresh token was originally issued for. If passed,
* resource should match the original resource used to acquire
* refresh token unless token service supports refresh token for
* multiple resources.
* @param username
* Username of the managed or federated user.
* @param password
* Password of the managed or federated user.
* @param callback
* optional callback object for non-blocking execution.
* @return A {@link Future} object representing the
* {@link AuthenticationResult} of the call. It contains Access
* Token, Refresh Token and the Access Token's expiration time.
public Future<AuthenticationResult> acquireToken(final String resource,
final String clientId, final String username,
final String password, final AuthenticationCallback callback) {
if (StringHelper.isBlank(resource)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("resource is null or empty");
} if (StringHelper.isBlank(clientId)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("clientId is null or empty");
} if (StringHelper.isBlank(username)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("username is null or empty");
} if (StringHelper.isBlank(password)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("password is null or empty");
} return this.acquireToken(new AdalAuthorizatonGrant(
new ResourceOwnerPasswordCredentialsGrant(username, new Secret(
password)), resource), new ClientAuthenticationPost(
ClientAuthenticationMethod.NONE, new ClientID(clientId)),
public CompletableFuture<IAuthenticationResult> acquireToken(UserNamePasswordParameters parameters) { validateNotNull("parameters", parameters); UserNamePasswordRequest userNamePasswordRequest =
new UserNamePasswordRequest(parameters,
createRequestContext(PublicApi.ACQUIRE_TOKEN_BY_USERNAME_PASSWORD)); return this.executeRequest(userNamePasswordRequest);
* Builder for UserNameParameters * @param scopes scopes application is requesting access to * @param username username of the account * @param password char array containing credentials for the username * @return builder object that can be used to construct UserNameParameters
public static UserNamePasswordParametersBuilder builder(Set<String> scopes, String username, char[] password) {
validateNotEmpty("scopes", scopes);
validateNotBlank("username", username);
validateNotEmpty("password", password);
return builder().scopes(scopes).username(username).password(password);
那么,通过MSAL4J SDK,如何使用用户名,密码来获取到Access Token呢?
和使用ADAL4J一样,都是需要使用Azure AD中的用户,以及一个Azure AD 注册应用(此应用需要开启“Allow public client flows”功能),开启步骤见博文《【Azure Developer】使用 adal4j(Azure Active Directory authentication library for Java)如何来获取Token呢 (通过用户名和密码方式获取Access Token)》中。
package com.example; import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Set;
import com.microsoft.aad.msal4j.*; /**
* Hello world!
public class App {
private static String authority = "https://login.chinacloudapi.cn/<your tenant id>/";
private static Set<String> scope = Collections.singleton("https://ossrdbms-aad.database.chinacloudapi.cn/.default");
private static String clientId ="Azure AD Application(Client) ID";
private static String username ="AAD USER @XXXX.partner.onmschina.cn";
private static String password = "USER PASSWORD"; public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
System.out.println("Hello World!"); System.out.println("Hello App to get Token by Username & Password...."); PublicClientApplication pca = PublicClientApplication.builder(clientId)
.build(); //Get list of accounts from the application's token cache, and search them for the configured username
//getAccounts() will be empty on this first call, as accounts are added to the cache when acquiring a token
Set<IAccount> accountsInCache = pca.getAccounts().join();
IAccount account = getAccountByUsername(accountsInCache, username); //Attempt to acquire token when user's account is not in the application's token cache
IAuthenticationResult result = acquireTokenUsernamePassword(pca, scope, account, username, password);
System.out.println("Account username: " + result.account().username());
System.out.println("Access token: " + result.accessToken());
System.out.println("Id token: " + result.idToken());
System.out.println(); accountsInCache = pca.getAccounts().join();
account = getAccountByUsername(accountsInCache, username); //Attempt to acquire token again, now that the user's account and a token are in the application's token cache
result = acquireTokenUsernamePassword(pca, scope, account, username, password);
System.out.println("Account username: " + result.account().username());
System.out.println("Access token: " + result.accessToken());
System.out.println("Id token: " + result.idToken()); } private static IAuthenticationResult acquireTokenUsernamePassword(PublicClientApplication pca,
Set<String> scope,
IAccount account,
String username,
String password) throws Exception {
IAuthenticationResult result;
try {
SilentParameters silentParameters =
// Try to acquire token silently. This will fail on the first acquireTokenUsernamePassword() call
// because the token cache does not have any data for the user you are trying to acquire a token for
result = pca.acquireTokenSilently(silentParameters).join();
System.out.println("==acquireTokenSilently call succeeded");
} catch (Exception ex) {
if (ex.getCause() instanceof MsalException) {
System.out.println("==acquireTokenSilently call failed: " + ex.getCause());
UserNamePasswordParameters parameters =
.builder(scope, username, password.toCharArray())
// Try to acquire a token via username/password. If successful, you should see
// the token and account information printed out to console
result = pca.acquireToken(parameters).join();
System.out.println("==username/password flow succeeded");
} else {
// Handle other exceptions accordingly
throw ex;
return result;
} /**
* Helper function to return an account from a given set of accounts based on the given username,
* or return null if no accounts in the set match
private static IAccount getAccountByUsername(Set<IAccount> accounts, String username) {
if (accounts.isEmpty()) {
System.out.println("==No accounts in cache");
} else {
System.out.println("==Accounts in cache: " + accounts.size());
for (IAccount account : accounts) {
if (account.username().equals(username)) {
return account;
return null;
} }
注意:以上代码最关键的部分就是 UserNamePasswordParameters 的设置。scope 也是需要根据Token的资源而变动,如以上示例代码中使用的 https://ossrdbms-aad.database.chinacloudapi.cn/.default , 而在adal4j的示例中,resource的值为:https://microsoftgraph.chinacloudapi.cn/。
附录一:遇见 Administrator has not consented the application的问题
Caused by: com.microsoft.aad.adal4j.AuthenticationException:
"AADSTS65001: The user or administrator has not consented to use the application with ID 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4fa8-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx' named 'xxxxtest01'.
Send an interactive authorization request for this user and resource.\r\n
Trace ID:xxxxxx-xxx-xxx----xxxxxx\r\n
Correlation ID: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx\r\n
Timestamp: 2022-05-05 08:16:16Z",
1)进入Azure AD页面,找到当前User的登录日志信息(Sign-in logs),查看失败的记录,在详细记录中,查看Status为 Interrupted的记录,找到 Resource 和Application 信息。在第二步中使用这两个信息。
2)回到Azure AD的注册应用页面,找到第一步中的Applicaiton,然后进入API Permission页面。在API Permission页面中点击“Add a Permission”,然后再“APIs my Organization uses”的文本框中输入“Azure OSSRDBMS Database”进行搜索,然后选中它,并赋予“Delegated Permissions”权限。如下图:
Java console application letting users sign-in with username/password and call Microsoft Graph API:https://github.com/Azure-Samples/ms-identity-java-desktop/tree/da27a1af6064d5e833e645e5040a5120a0c2698f/Username-Password-Flow
Microsoft identity platform and OAuth 2.0 Resource Owner Password Credentials:https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/develop/v2-oauth-ropc
使用 adal4j(Azure Active Directory authentication library for Java)如何来获取Token呢 (通过用户名和密码方式获取Access Token) : https://www.cnblogs.com/lulight/p/16212275.html
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