Phantomjs installation additions
Append ";C:\phantomjs" to your PATH environment variable. Modify this path appropriately if you installed PhantomJS to a different location.

Casperjs installation additions
Added in 1.0 CasperJS, as of 1.0.0-RC3, ships with a Batch script so you don't need Python nor Ruby to use it.

Append ";C:\casperjs\batchbin" to your PATH environment variable. Modify this path appropriately if you installed CasperJS to a different location.

You can now run any regular casper scripts that way:

C:> casperjs.bat myscript.js
Earlier versions of CasperJS
Before 1.0.0-RC3, you had to setup your casper scripts that way:

phantom.casperPath = 'C:\\casperjs-1.0.2';
phantom.injectJs(phantom.casperPath + '\\bin\\bootstrap.js');

var casper = require('casper').create();

// do stuff
Run the script using the phantom.exe program:

C:> phantomjs.exe myscript.js
Note There is no output coloration when running CasperJS on Microsoft platforms.

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