首先是需求,需要制作一个聊天气泡, 但是winform中有没有类似Android的.9图,只有自己设计图形拼接气泡。


private void Form1_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
Pen pen = new Pen(Color.Red, );
e.Graphics.DrawLine(pen, , , , );
e.Graphics.DrawLine(pen, , , , );
e.Graphics.DrawLine(pen, , , , ); Color color = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(((int)(((byte)()))), ((int)(((byte)()))), ((int)(((byte)()))));
Brush brushes = new SolidBrush(color);
Point[] point new Point[];
point[] = new Point(,10);
point[] = new Point(10,);
point[] = new Point(10,10);
e.Graphics.FillPolygon(brushes, point);





private void Main_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
List<Point> list = new List<Point>();
int width = this.Width;
int height = this.Height; #region 四个圆角 //左上
list.Add(new Point(, ));
list.Add(new Point(, ));
list.Add(new Point(, ));
list.Add(new Point(, ));
list.Add(new Point(, ));
list.Add(new Point(, ));
list.Add(new Point(, ));
list.Add(new Point(, ));
list.Add(new Point(, ));
list.Add(new Point(, ));
list.Add(new Point(, ));
list.Add(new Point(, ));
list.Add(new Point(, ));
list.Add(new Point(, ));
list.Add(new Point(, ));
list.Add(new Point(, ));
list.Add(new Point(, ));
list.Add(new Point(, ));
list.Add(new Point(, ));
list.Add(new Point(, ));
list.Add(new Point(, ));
list.Add(new Point(, ));
list.Add(new Point(, ));
list.Add(new Point(, ));
list.Add(new Point(, ));
list.Add(new Point(, ));
list.Add(new Point(, ));
list.Add(new Point(, ));
list.Add(new Point(, ));
list.Add(new Point(, ));
list.Add(new Point(, ));
list.Add(new Point(, )); //右上
list.Add(new Point(width - , ));
list.Add(new Point(width - , ));
list.Add(new Point(width - , ));
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list.Add(new Point(width - , ));
list.Add(new Point(width - , ));
list.Add(new Point(width - , ));
list.Add(new Point(width - , )); //右下
list.Add(new Point(width - , height - ));
list.Add(new Point(width - , height - ));
list.Add(new Point(width - , height - ));
list.Add(new Point(width - , height - ));
list.Add(new Point(width - , height - ));
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list.Add(new Point(width - , height - ));
list.Add(new Point(width - , height - ));
list.Add(new Point(width - , height - ));
list.Add(new Point(width - , height - )); //左下
list.Add(new Point(, height - ));
list.Add(new Point(, height - ));
list.Add(new Point(, height - ));
list.Add(new Point(, height - ));
list.Add(new Point(, height - ));
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list.Add(new Point(, height - ));
list.Add(new Point(, height - ));
list.Add(new Point(, height - ));
list.Add(new Point(, height - ));
list.Add(new Point(, height - ));
list.Add(new Point(, height - ));
list.Add(new Point(, height - ));
list.Add(new Point(, height - ));
list.Add(new Point(, height - ));
list.Add(new Point(, height - ));
list.Add(new Point(, height - ));
list.Add(new Point(, height - ));
list.Add(new Point(, height - ));
list.Add(new Point(, height - ));
list.Add(new Point(, height - ));
list.Add(new Point(, height - )); #endregion Point[] points = list.ToArray(); GraphicsPath shape = new GraphicsPath();
shape.AddPolygon(points); this.Region = new System.Drawing.Region(shape); }


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