Don’t Put Into Your View Controller别把View创建的代码放在VC中html, body {overflow-x: initial !important;}.CodeMirror { height: auto; }
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Don’t Put Into Your View Controller别把View创建的代码放在VC中

Sometimes I see code that sets up subviews in viewDidLoad() of a view controller. Be a good citizen and don’t do that. If you have something to add to a view, do it in a UIView subclass.

Here is how I implement view and controller code when I’m not using Interface Builder.

The View

Let’s build a login view:

This code defines two text fields and a button and puts it onto the view with the help of UIStackView (line 26 and 31). If you haven’t played with stack views yet, start now. They are awesome!

Note that the layout constraints don’t define the vertical position of the UIStackView on the view. We will add vertical constraints in the view controller.

    let textFieldStackView = UIStackView(arrangedSubviews: [usernameTextField, passwordTextField])
    textFieldStackView.axis = .Vertical
    textFieldStackView.spacing = 10
    textFieldStackView.distribution = .FillEqually
  • axis 整体分布方式(水平,垂直)
  • spacing 元素间距
  • distribution 元素之间的分布方式

The View Controller

Here comes the view controller:

If you build your user interface in code you should override loadView(). Within loadView() you need to set the view property of the view controller. (如果使用代码创建UI,需要重载load view()方法,在loadView中需要设置view属性)In this example we additionally add a target to the login button.

Note the definition of the calculated property loginView. This is done to allow the access of the loginView’s stackView in viewWillLayoutSubviews().

The view controller can be presented within a navigation controller (and in fact is in the demo project). To position the stack view in respect to the bottom edge of the navigation bar we use the topLayoutGuide of the view controller. This takes into account the navigation bar. This means the code viewWillLayoutSubviews() puts the stack view 8 points below the navigation bar.

The so defined login screen looks like this:

You can find the sample code on github. In the sample project you can also find three other possibilities to define the layout and in addition the version using Interface Builder.

If you enjoyed this post, then make sure you subscribe to my feed.



import UIKit

class LoginStackView: UIView {

let usernameTextField: UITextField
let passwordTextField: UITextField
let button: UIButton
let stackView: UIStackView override init(frame: CGRect) {
usernameTextField = UITextField(frame:
usernameTextField.placeholder = "username"
usernameTextField.borderStyle = .Line passwordTextField = UITextField(frame:
passwordTextField.secureTextEntry = true
passwordTextField.placeholder = "password"
passwordTextField.borderStyle = .Line button = UIButton(type: .System)
button.setTitle("Login", forState: .Normal)
button.backgroundColor = UIColor.grayColor()
button.tintColor = UIColor.whiteColor()
button.layer.cornerRadius = 5 //UIStackView的用法 let textFieldStackView = UIStackView(arrangedSubviews: [usernameTextField, passwordTextField])
textFieldStackView.axis = .Vertical
textFieldStackView.spacing = 10
textFieldStackView.distribution = .FillEqually stackView = UIStackView(arrangedSubviews: [textFieldStackView,button])
stackView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
stackView.axis = .Vertical
stackView.spacing = 20 super.init(frame: frame) backgroundColor = UIColor.whiteColor()
addSubview(stackView) //MARK: - Layout
let views = ["stackView": stackView]
var layoutContraints = [NSLayoutConstraint]() layoutContraints += NSLayoutConstraint.constraintsWithVisualFormat("|-[stackView]-|", options: [], metrics: nil, views: views)
layoutContraints.append(button.heightAnchor.constraintEqualToConstant(40)) NSLayoutConstraint.activateConstraints(layoutContraints) } required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")


import UIKit

class ViewController: UIViewController {

var loginView: LoginStackView{
return view as! LoginStackView
} override func loadView() {
let contentView = LoginStackView(frame: contentView.button.addTarget(self, action: "login", forControlEvents: .TouchUpInside) view = contentView
} override func viewWillLayoutSubviews() {
loginView.stackView.topAnchor.constraintEqualToAnchor(topLayoutGuide.bottomAnchor, constant: 50)
} func login(){
print("username: " + loginView.usernameTextField.text! + " password: " + loginView.passwordTextField.text!)


Don’t Put View Code Into Your View Controller别把View创建的代码放在VC中(swift)的更多相关文章

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  7. Django Function Based View(FBV)和Class Based View (CBV)对比

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  8. ASP.NET MVC搭建项目后台UI框架—5、Demo演示Controller和View的交互

    目录 ASP.NET MVC搭建项目后台UI框架—1.后台主框架 ASP.NET MVC搭建项目后台UI框架—2.菜单特效 ASP.NET MVC搭建项目后台UI框架—3.面板折叠和展开 ASP.NE ...

  9. 总结Controller向View传值的方式(转)

    总结发现ASP.NET MVC中Controller向View传值的方式共有6种,分别是: ViewBag ViewData TempData 向普通View页面传一个Model对象 向强类型页面传传 ...


  1. jQuery Chosen 使用

    jQuery Chosen 使用   1.  jQuery Chosen 选择框下拉值重置: 1 2 3 4 //重置 $("#easySelBrands").val(" ...

  2. Mac PATH你所需要了解的

    关于Mac环境变量你需要知道: 0.何为环境变量? 1.如何查看环境变量? 2.如何配置环境变量? 3.如何重置环境变量? 0.环境变量: 所谓环境变量,$PATH,应用于Linux,OS X,Uni ...

  3. [AaronYang] 敏捷开发 教程目录

                   AaronYang 敏捷开发  自己自学 原创分享教程                文章处理 ...

  4. Win7系统计算机中Msvcr100.dll丢失的解决办法

    1.使用安全卫士里的人工服务. 在搜索框里输入msvcr100.dll. 点击查找方案. 2.点击msvcr100.dll问题后面的立即修复. 只要等待片刻就好了.

  5. hdu 3183 A Magic Lamp(RMQ)

    A Magic Lamp                                                                               Time Limi ...

  6. 关于PKCS的文档资料

    关于PKCS的文档资料,在这里查找: ...

  7. win10 标注工具LabelImg 安装使用

    安装步骤(默认已经安装了Python3.X ): pip 安装PyQt5 进入cmd(Win键 + R键,输入cmd,enter键入),输入: >>pip install PyQt5 如果 ...

  8. Feign请求中报错:Request header is too large 的解决方案。

    现在我们项目中都已迁入spring boot和spring cloud. 服务间调用现在都改成feign的调用方式,但是上次在实际使用过程中出现过:Request header is too larg ...

  9. Create rolling monthly, weekly and daily Logstash indices

    在刚刚开始接触ELK的时候我们习惯把每一个index都按照day来切割.但是我们会发现我们的shards 会很多. 其实我们一该把那些小的index按照一周或者一个月来rolling,来减少我们的sh ...

  10. LeetCode OJ 之 Maximal Square (最大的正方形)

    题目: Given a 2D binary matrix filled with 0's and 1's, find the largest square containing all 1's and ...