
what 引导的特殊疑问句


1. what be sb/sth?

1.1 如 谓语动词是单数is

  • what is your phone number ?
  • what is your/her name ?
  • what is his phone number ?
  • what is her job ?
  • what is her lucky number ?
  • what is her favorite color ?
  • what is her favorite fruit ?
    what is 可以缩写为what's

1.2 如 谓语动词是复数are

  • what are those
2. what 助动词 sb/sth 实义动词
  1. what does Lisa do
  2. what do you usually do on weekends ?
  3. what did you have for dinner yesterday ? 因为是yesterday,所以助动词必须是过去式
  4. what did your cat have for lunch yesterday?
3. what 情态动词 sb/sth 实义动词
  1. what do i can for you
  2. what should we do now ? 应该做什么
  3. what must i do ? 必须做什么

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