Yes, it makes sense to use CNNs with autoencoders or other unsupervised methods. Indeed, different ways of combining CNNs with unsupervised training have been tried for EEG data, including using (convolutional and/or stacked) autoencoders.


Deep Feature Learning for EEG Recordings uses convolutional autoencoders with custom constraints to improve generalization across subjects and trials.

EEG-based prediction of driver's cognitive performance by deep convolutional neural network uses convolutional deep belief networks on single electrodes and combines them with fully connected layers.

A novel deep learning approach for classification of EEG motor imagery signals uses fully connected stacked autoencoders on the output of a supervisedly trained (fairly shallow) CNN.

But also purely supervised CNNs have had success on EEG data, see for example:

EEGNet: A Compact Convolutional Network for EEG-based Brain-Computer Interfaces

Deep learning with convolutional neural networks for brain mapping and decoding of movement-related information from the human EEG (disclosure: I am the first author of this work, more related work see p. 44)

Note that the EEGNet paper shows that also with a smaller number of trials, purely supervised training of their CNN can outperform their baselines (see Figure 3). Also in our experience on a dataset with only 288 training trials, purely supervised CNNs work fine, slightly outperforming a traditional filter bank common spatial patterns baseline.

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