SQL Server 操作XML数据
- 1.xml.exist
- 输入为XQuery表达式,返回0,1或是Null。0表示不存在,1表示存在,Null表示输入为空
- 2.xml.value
- 输入为XQuery表达式,返回一个SQL Server标量值
- 3.xml.query
- 输入为XQuery表达式,返回一个SQL Server XML类型流
- 4.xml.nodes
- 输入为XQuery表达式,返回一个XML格式文档的一列行集
- 5.xml.modify
- 使用XQuery表达式对XML的节点进行insert , update 和 delete 操作。
- 下面通过例子对上面的五种操作进行说明:
- declare @XMLVar xml = '
- <catalog>
- <book category="ITPro">
- <title>Windows Step By Step</title>
- <author>Bill Zack</author>
- <price>49.99</price>
- </book>
- <book category="Developer">
- <title>Developing ADO .NET</title>
- <author>Andrew Brust</author>
- <price>39.93</price>
- </book>
- <book category="ITPro">
- <title>Windows Cluster Server</title>
- <author>Stephen Forte</author>
- <price>59.99</price>
- </book>
- </catalog>'
- 1. xml.exist
- select @XMLVar.exist('/catalog/book')-----返回1
- select @XMLVar.exist('/catalog/book/@category')-----返回1
- select @XMLVar.exist('/catalog/book1')-----返回0
- set @XMLVar = null
- select @XMLVar.exist('/catalog/book')-----返回null
- 2.xml.value
- select @XMLVar.value('/catalog[1]/book[1]','varchar(MAX)')
- select @XMLVar.value('/catalog[1]/book[2]/@category','varchar(MAX)')
- select @XMLVar.value('/catalog[2]/book[1]','varchar(MAX)')
- 结果集为:
- Windows Step By StepBill Zack49.99 Developer NULL
- 3.xml.query
- select @XMLVar.query('/catalog[1]/book')
- select @XMLVar.query('/catalog[1]/book[1]')
- select @XMLVar.query('/catalog[1]/book[2]/author')
- 结果集分别为:
- <book category="ITPro">
- <title>Windows Step By Step</title>
- <author>Bill Zack</author>
- <price>49.99</price>
- </book>
- <book category="Developer">
- <title>Developing ADO .NET</title>
- <author>Andrew Brust</author>
- <price>39.93</price>
- </book>
- <book category="ITPro">
- <title>Windows Cluster Server</title>
- <author>Stephen Forte</author>
- <price>59.99</price>
- </book>
- <book category="ITPro">
- <title>Windows Step By Step</title>
- <author>Bill Zack</author>
- <price>49.99</price>
- </book>
- <author>Andrew Brust</author>
- 4.xml.nodes
- select T.c.query('.') as result from @XMLVar.nodes('/catalog/book') as T(c)
- select T.c.query('title') as result from @XMLVar.nodes('/catalog/book') as T(c)
- 结果集分别为:
- <book category="ITPro"><title>Windows Step By Step</title><author>Bill …………
- <book category="Developer"><title>Developing ADO .NET</title><author>Andrew …………
- <book category="ITPro"><title>Windows Cluster Server</title><author>Stephen …………
- <title>Windows Step By Step</title>
- <title>Developing ADO .NET</title>
- <title>Windows Cluster Server</title>
- 5.xml.modify
- SQL Server 2005/2008增加了对XML数据的支持,同时也新增了几种操作XML的方法,本文主要以SQL Server 2008为例介绍如何对XML数据进行insert、update、delete。
- SQL Server中新增加了XML.Modify()方法,分别为xml.modify(insert),xml.modify(delete),xml.modify(replace)对应XML的插入,删除和修改操作。
- 本文以下面XML为例,对三种DML进行说明:
- declare @XMLVar xml = '
- <catalog>
- <book category="ITPro">
- <title>Windows Step By Step</title>
- <author>Bill Zack</author>
- <price>49.99</price>
- </book>
- <book category="Developer">
- <title>Developing ADO .NET</title>
- <author>Andrew Brust</author>
- <price>39.93</price>
- </book>
- <book category="ITPro">
- <title>Windows Cluster Server</title>
- <author>Stephen Forte</author>
- <price>59.99</price>
- </book>
- </catalog>
- '
- 1.XML.Modify(Insert)语句介绍
- A.利用as first,at last,before,after四个参数将元素插入指定的位置
- set @XMLVar.modify('insert <first name="at first" /> as first into (/catalog[1]/book[1])')
- set @XMLVar.modify('insert <last name="at last"/> as last into (/catalog[1]/book[1])')
- set @XMLVar.modify('insert <before name="before"/> before (/catalog[1]/book[1]/author[1])')
- set @XMLVar.modify('insert <after name="after"/> after (/catalog[1]/book[1]/author[1])')
- SELECT @XMLVar.query('/catalog[1]/book[1]');
- 结果集为:
- 1: <book category="ITPro">
- 2: <first name="at first" />
- 3: <title>Windows Step By Step</title>
- 4: <before name="before" />
- 5: <author>Bill Zack</author>
- 6: <after name="after" />
- 7: <price>49.99</price>
- 8: <last name="at last" />
- 9: </book>
- B.将多个元素插入文档中
- --方法一:利用变量进行插入
- DECLARE @newFeatures xml;
- SET @newFeatures = N';
- <first>one element</first>
- <second>second element</second>'
- SET @XMLVar.modify(' )
- insert sql:variable("@newFeatures")
- into (/catalog[1]/book[1])'
- --方法二:直接插入
- set @XMLVar.modify(')
- insert (<first>one element</first>,<second>second element</second>)
- into (/catalog[1]/book[1]/author[1])'
- SELECT @XMLVar.query('/catalog[1]/book[1]');
- 结果集为:
- 1: <book category="ITPro">
- 2: <title>Windows Step By Step</title>
- 3: <author>Bill Zack
- 4: <first>one element</first>
- 5: <second>second element</second>
- 6: </author>
- 7: <price>49.99</price>
- 8: <first>one element</first>
- 9: <second>second element</second>
- 10: </book>
- C.将属性插入文档中
- --使用变量插入
- declare @var nvarchar(10) = '变量插入'
- set @XMLVar.modify(
- 'insert (attribute var {sql:variable("@var")}))
- into (/catalog[1]/book[1])'
- --直接插入
- set @XMLVar.modify(
- 'insert (attribute name {"直接插入"}))
- into (/catalog[1]/book[1]/title[1])'
- --多值插入
- set @XMLVar.modify(
- 'insert (attribute Id {"多值插入1"},attribute name {"多值插入2"}) )
- into (/catalog[1]/book[1]/author[1])'
- SELECT @XMLVar.query('/catalog[1]/book[1]');
- 结果集为:
- 1: <book category="ITPro" var="变量插入">
- 2: <title name="直接插入">Windows Step By Step</title>
- 3: <author Id="多值插入1" name="多值插入2">Bill Zack</author>
- 4: <price>49.99</price>
- 5: </book>
- D.插入文本节点
- set @XMLVar.modify(
- 'insert text{"at first"} as first)
- into (/catalog[1]/book[1])'
- SELECT @XMLVar.query('/catalog[1]/book[1]');
- 结果集为:
- 1: <book category="ITPro">
- 2: at first
- 3: <title>Windows Step By Step</title>
- 4: <author>Bill Zack</author>
- 5: <price>49.99</price>
- 6: </book>
- 注意:插入本文同样具体 as first,as last,before,after四种选项,可以参考A中的使用方法
- E.插入注释节点
- set @XMLVar.modify(
- 'insert <!--插入评论-->)
- before (/catalog[1]/book[1]/title[1])'
- SELECT @XMLVar.query('/catalog[1]/book[1]');
- 结果集为:
- 1: <book category="ITPro">
- 2: <!--插入评论-->
- 3: <title>Windows Step By Step</title>
- 4: <author>Bill Zack</author>
- 5: <price>49.99</price>
- 6: </book>
- 注意插入注释节点同样具体 as first,as last,before,after四种选项,可以参考A中的使用方法
- F.插入处理指令
- set @XMLVar.modify(
- 'insert <?Program "Instructions.exe" ?>)
- before (/catalog[1]/book[1]/title[1])'
- SELECT @XMLVar.query('/catalog[1]/book[1]');
- 结果集为:
- 1: <book category="ITPro">
- 2: <?Program "Instructions.exe" ?>
- 3: <title>Windows Step By Step</title>
- 4: <author>Bill Zack</author>
- 5: <price>49.99</price>
- 6: </book>
- 注意插入处理指令同样具体 as first,as last,before,after四种选项,可以参考A中的使用方法
- G.根据 if 条件语句进行插入
- set @XMLVar.modify(
- 'insert )
- if (/catalog[1]/book[1]/title[2]) then
- text{"this is a 1 step"}
- else ( text{"this is a 2 step"} )
- into (/catalog[1]/book[1]/price[1])'
- SELECT @XMLVar.query('/catalog[1]/book[1]');
- 结果集为:
- 1: <book category="ITPro">
- 2: <title>Windows Step By Step</title>
- 3: <author>Bill Zack</author>
- 4: <price>49.99this is a 2 step</price>
- 5: </book>
- 2.XML.Modify(delete)语句介绍
- --删除属性
- set @XMLVar.modify('delete /catalog[1]/book[1]/@category')
- --删除节点
- set @XMLVar.modify('delete /catalog[1]/book[1]/title[1]')
- --删除内容
- set @XMLVar.modify('delete /catalog[1]/book[1]/author[1]/text()')
- --全部删除
- set @XMLVar.modify('delete /catalog[1]/book[2]')
- SELECT @XMLVar.query('/catalog[1]');
- 结果集为:
- 1: <catalog>
- 2: <book>
- 3: <author />
- 4: <price>49.99</price>
- 5: </book>
- 6: <book category="ITPro">
- 7: <title>Windows Cluster Server</title>
- 8: <author>Stephen Forte</author>
- 9: <price>59.99</price>
- 10: </book>
- 11: </catalog>
- 3.XML.Modify(replace)语句介绍
- --替换属性
- set @XMLVar.modify('replace value of(/catalog[1]/book[1]/@category)) with ("替换属性")'
- --替换内容
- set @XMLVar.modify('replace value of(/catalog[1]/book[1]/author[1]/text()[1])) with("替换内容")'
- --条件替换
- set @XMLVar.modify('replace value of (/catalog[1]/book[2]/@category))
- with(
- if(count(/catalog[1]/book)>4) then
- "条件替换1"
- else
- "条件替换2")'
- SELECT @XMLVar.query('/catalog[1]');
- 结果集为:
- 1: <catalog>
- 2: <book category="替换属性">
- 3: <title>Windows Step By Step</title>
- 4: <author>替换内容</author>
- 5: <price>49.99</price>
- 6: </book>
- 7: <book category="条件替换2">
- 8: <title>Developing ADO .NET</title>
- 9: <author>Andrew Brust</author>
- 10: <price>39.93</price>
- 11: </book>
- 12: <book category="ITPro">
- 13: <title>Windows Cluster Server</title>
- 14: <author>Stephen Forte</author>
- 15: <price>59.99</price>
- 16: </book>
- 17: </catalog>

DECLARE @ItemTable TABLE(ItemNumber INT PRIMARY KEY,ItemDescription NVARCHAR(300))
SET @ItemMessage=N'<ItemList>
<ItemDescription>XBox 360,超值</ItemDescription>
<ItemDescription>Windows Phone7,快来尝鲜吧</ItemDescription>
SELECT T.c.value('(ItemNumber/text())[1]','INT'),
FROM @ItemMessage.nodes('/ItemList/Item') AS T(c)
SELECT ItemNumber,
FROM @ItemTable

示例二: 解析带命名空间的XML数据
- DECLARE @ItemMessage XML
- DECLARE @ItemTable TABLE(ItemNumber INT PRIMARY KEY,ItemDescription NVARCHAR(300))
- --包含 XML 命名空间
- SET @ItemMessage=N'<ItemList xmlns="http://cd.love.com/SOA">
- <Item>
- <ItemNumber>1</ItemNumber>
- <ItemDescription>XBox 360,超值</ItemDescription>
- </Item>
- <Item>
- <ItemNumber>2</ItemNumber>
- <ItemDescription>Windows Phone7,快来尝鲜吧</ItemDescription>
- </Item>
- </ItemList>'
- --设置命名空间
- ;WITH XMLNAMESPACES(DEFAULT 'http://cd.love.com/SOA')
- INSERT INTO @ItemTable
- (
- ItemNumber,
- ItemDescription
- )
- SELECT T.c.value('(ItemNumber/text())[1]','INT'),
- T.c.value('(ItemDescription/text())[1]','NVARCHAR(300)')
- FROM @ItemMessage.nodes('/ItemList/Item') AS T(c)
- SELECT ItemNumber,
- ItemDescription
- FROM @ItemTable
示例三:将 xml tag标签的中值 转为 table 格式
- DECLARE @xml xml='<mssql version="10.50.4000" name="Microsoft SQL Server Developer Edition (64-bit)">
- <type name="Windows 7 Main Server">
- <tag KeyValue="enabled">
- <boolean>true</boolean>
- </tag>
- <tag KeyValue="disabled">
- <tag method="Read">
- <type name="Windows 8 virtual pc">
- <tag KeyValue="uniqueKey">
- <string>SQL Server 2008</string>
- </tag>
- <tag KeyValue="value 8GB">
- <string>SQL Server 2000</string>
- </tag>
- </type>
- </tag>
- <tag method="Read">
- <type name="Windows 8 virtual pc">
- <tag KeyValue="primaryKey">
- <string>SQL Server 2008 R2 SP1</string>
- </tag>
- <tag KeyValue="value 8GB">
- <string>SQL Server 2005 SP3</string>
- </tag>
- </type>
- </tag>
- <tag method="Write">
- <type name="Windows Server 2008 virtual pc">
- <tag KeyValue="primaryKey">
- <string>SQL Server 2008 R2 SP2</string>
- </tag>
- <tag KeyValue="value 10GB">
- <string>SQL Server 2012</string>
- </tag>
- </type>
- </tag>
- </tag>
- </type>
- </mssql>';
- SELECT b.c.value('@version', 'varchar(100)') [version]
- ,b.c.value('@name', 'varchar(200)') [Name]
- ,f.c.value('@name', 'varchar(200)') [ServerName]
- ,r.c.value('@KeyValue', 'varchar(50)') [KeyValue]
- ,r.c.value('(boolean)[1]', 'varchar(25)') [boolean]
- ,k.c.value('@method', 'varchar(25)') [method]
- ,k.c.value('@name', 'varchar(25)') [virtual_pc]
- ,y.c.value('@KeyValue', 'varchar(25)') [KeyValue]
- ,y.c.value('(string)[1]', 'varchar(25)') [string]
- FROM @xml.nodes('mssql') b(c)
- CROSS APPLY b.c.nodes('type') f(c)
- CROSS APPLY f.c.nodes('tag') r(c)
- CROSS APPLY f.c.nodes('tag/tag') k(c)
- CROSS APPLY f.c.nodes('tag/tag/type/tag') y(c);
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