

题目分析:获取长度为n的数组中的众数(出现次数大于等于⌊ n/2 ⌋)


class Solution(object):
def majorityElement(self, nums):
:type nums: List[int]
:rtype: int
nums_len = len(nums)
if nums_len == 1:
return nums.pop()

part_one_majory = self.majorityElement(nums[0: (nums_len / 2)])
part_two_majory = self.majorityElement(nums[(nums_len / 2): nums_len])

if part_one_majory == part_two_majory:
return part_one_majory

count_one = nums.count(part_one_majory)
count_two = nums.count(part_two_majory)
if count_one > count_two:
return part_one_majory
return part_two_majory

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