[Python] Print input and output in table
Print the input and output in a table using prettyTable.
from prettytable import PrettyTable
import collections def printTableResult(variables, count):
inputList = collections.defaultdict(list)
outputList = collections.defaultdict(list)
resultTable = PrettyTable() for variable in variables:
if variable.type == "input":
inputList[variable.variable_id] = variable.values
length = len(variable.values)
elif variable.type == "output":
outputList[variable.variable_id] = variable.values logIdColumn = []
outputSepColumn = []
for i in range(count):
resultTable.add_column("Run ID", logIdColumn) for each in inputList:
column = []
for i in range(count):
resultTable.add_column("output", outputSepColumn)
for each in outputList:
column = []
for i in range(count):
resultTable.add_column(each, column) print(resultTable)
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