下载工具axel 和 mwget
axel, yum安装或者apt-get安装
apt-get -y install intltool
wget http://jaist.dl.sourceforge.net/project/kmphpfm/mwget/0.1/mwget_0.1.0.orig.tar.bz2
tar -xjvf mwget_0.1.0.orig.tar.bz2
cd mwget_0.1.0.orig
make install
-b, --debug Show the debug message
-c, --count=num Set the retry count to [num], no limit when "0", the default is "99"
-d, --directory=dir Set the local direcotry to [dir], the default is "."
-f, --file=file Rename the file to [file]
-h, --help A brief summary of all the options
-i, --interval=num Set the ftp retry interval to [num] seconds, the default is "5"
-n, --number=num Use [num] connections instead of the default (4)
-r, --referer=URL Include `Referer: [URL]' header in HTTP request.
-t, --timeout=num Set the connection timeout to [num] seconds, the default is "30"
-v, --version Show the version of the mwget and exit
-x, --proxy=URL Set the proxy [URL]
if ! axel $*;then
mwget -n 8 $*
用axel下载东西时,容易出现 Too many redirects. 的错误,这时候可以改用wget或者mwget。mwget没有下载完,退出,重新执行一次,就能断点续传了。
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