payment - A collection of smart contracts that can be used to manage payments through escrow arrangements, withdrawals, and claims. Includes support for both single payees and multiple payees.(这个是不是就是token中withdrawl的来源,要好好看看,在博客的the security of smart有写)




pragma solidity ^0.4.23;

import "../math/SafeMath.sol";
import "../ownership/Ownable.sol"; /**
* @title Escrow
* @dev Base escrow contract, holds funds destinated to a payee until they
* withdraw them. The contract that uses the escrow as its payment method
* should be its owner, and provide public methods redirecting to the escrow's
* deposit and withdraw.
contract Escrow is Ownable {
using SafeMath for uint256; event Deposited(address indexed payee, uint256 weiAmount);
event Withdrawn(address indexed payee, uint256 weiAmount); mapping(address => uint256) private deposits_;
function depositsOf(address _payee) public view returns (uint256) {
return deposits_[_payee];
} /**
* @dev Stores the sent amount as credit to be withdrawn.
* @param _payee The destination address of the funds.
function deposit(address _payee) public onlyOwner payable {
uint256 amount = msg.value;//为什么不直接用msg.value进行add运算,是这样更安全吗??????
deposits_[_payee] = deposits_[_payee].add(amount);//为了安全,不使用+来直接运算,而是使用SafeMath.sol中的函数 emit Deposited(_payee, amount);
} /**
* @dev Withdraw accumulated balance for a payee.
* @param _payee The address whose funds will be withdrawn and transferred to.
*/ //从合约地址中取出临时账户上的所有钱,并将临时账户上的数额清零
function withdraw(address _payee) public onlyOwner {
uint256 payment = deposits_[_payee];
assert(address(this).balance >= payment);//原本是this.balance来得到当前账户地址上的余额??????,address(this)就是是显示转换成合约地址为address类型 deposits_[_payee] = 0; _payee.transfer(payment); emit Withdrawn(_payee, payment);


pragma solidity ^0.4.24;  
contract Get{
function getBalance() public view returns(uint){
return this.balance;
  event SendEvent(address to, uint value, bool result);
  function sendEther() public{
      bool result = this.send(1);
      emit SendEvent(this, 1, result);


Warning:Using contract member "balance" inherited from the address type is deprecated.Convert the contract to "address" type to access the member,for example use "address(contract).balance" instead.


Warning:Using contract member "send" inherited from the address type is deprecated.Convert the contract to "address" type to access the member,for example use "address(contract).send" instead.



pragma solidity ^0.4.;

import "./Escrow.sol";

* @title PullPayment
* @dev Base contract supporting async send for pull payments. Inherit from this
* contract and use asyncTransfer instead of send or transfer.
contract PullPayment {
Escrow private escrow; constructor() public {
escrow = new Escrow();
} /**
* @dev Withdraw accumulated balance, called by payee.
function withdrawPayments() public {
address payee = msg.sender;
} /**
* @dev Returns the credit owed to an address.
* @param _dest The creditor's address.
function payments(address _dest) public view returns (uint256) {
return escrow.depositsOf(_dest);
} /**
* @dev Called by the payer to store the sent amount as credit to be pulled.
* @param _dest The destination address of the funds.
* @param _amount The amount to transfer.
function asyncTransfer(address _dest, uint256 _amount) internal {
escrow.deposit.value(_amount)(_dest);//形如 ,因为deposit是payable的,value(_amount)相当于{value:_amount} }




pragma solidity ^0.4.;

import "./Escrow.sol";

* @title ConditionalEscrow
* @dev Base abstract escrow to only allow withdrawal if a condition is met.
contract ConditionalEscrow is Escrow {
* @dev Returns whether an address is allowed to withdraw their funds. To be
* implemented by derived contracts.
* @param _payee The destination address of the funds.
function withdrawalAllowed(address _payee) public view returns (bool); function withdraw(address _payee) public {




pragma solidity ^0.4.;

import "./ConditionalEscrow.sol";
import "../ownership/Ownable.sol"; /**
* @title RefundEscrow
* @dev Escrow that holds funds for a beneficiary(收益人), deposited from multiple parties.
* The contract owner may close the deposit period, and allow for either withdrawal
* by the beneficiary, or refunds to the depositors.
contract RefundEscrow is Ownable, ConditionalEscrow {
enum State { Active, Refunding, Closed } event Closed();
event RefundsEnabled(); State public state;
address public beneficiary; /**
* @dev Constructor.
* @param _beneficiary The beneficiary of the deposits.
constructor(address _beneficiary) public {//声明受益人,此时账户状态为Active
require(_beneficiary != address());
beneficiary = _beneficiary;
state = State.Active;
} /**
* @dev Stores funds that may later be refunded.
* @param _refundee The address funds will be sent to if a refund occurs.
function deposit(address _refundee) public payable {//往账户存钱
require(state == State.Active);
} /**
* @dev Allows for the beneficiary to withdraw their funds, rejecting
* further deposits.
function close() public onlyOwner {//当账户状态为Closed,就不能再往里面存钱了,只能受益人取钱
require(state == State.Active);
state = State.Closed;
emit Closed();
} /**
* @dev Allows for refunds to take place, rejecting further deposits.
function enableRefunds() public onlyOwner {
require(state == State.Active);
state = State.Refunding;
emit RefundsEnabled();
} /**
* @dev Withdraws the beneficiary's funds.
function beneficiaryWithdraw() public {//受益人取钱
require(state == State.Closed);
} /**
* @dev Returns whether refundees can withdraw their deposits (be refunded).
function withdrawalAllowed(address _payee) public view returns (bool) {//当账户状态为Refunding时,存钱的人能把存的钱取回
return state == State.Refunding;



pragma solidity ^0.4.;

import "../math/SafeMath.sol";

* @title SplitPayment
* @dev Base contract that supports multiple payees claiming funds sent to this contract
* according to the proportion they own.
contract SplitPayment {
using SafeMath for uint256; uint256 public totalShares = ;
uint256 public totalReleased = ; mapping(address => uint256) public shares;//payee所拥有的股份
mapping(address => uint256) public released;//合约已经还给payee的钱
address[] public payees; /**
* @dev Constructor
constructor(address[] _payees, uint256[] _shares) public payable {
require(_payees.length == _shares.length);
require(_payees.length > ); for (uint256 i = ; i < _payees.length; i++) {//在该合约创建的时候_payee就都加到该合约中了,比例也是早就算好的
_addPayee(_payees[i], _shares[i]);
} /**
* @dev payable fallback
function () external payable {} /**
* @dev Claim your share of the balance.
function claim() public {
address payee = msg.sender; require(shares[payee] > ); uint256 totalReceived = address(this).balance.add(totalReleased);//就是合约还回去的钱totalReleased+现在合约中有的钱 = 合约总共收到的钱
uint256 payment = totalReceived.mul( //等价于((totalReceived*(shares[payee]/totalShares))-released[payee]),就是通过比例算出本payee发给该合约的钱-之前还的钱released[payee] = 还需要还的钱payment
); require(payment != );
assert(address(this).balance >= payment);//合约中现在还有的钱要大于payment才能把钱给payee released[payee] = released[payee].add(payment);
totalReleased = totalReleased.add(payment); payee.transfer(payment);
} /**
* @dev Add a new payee to the contract.
* @param _payee The address of the payee to add.
* @param _shares The number of shares owned by the payee.
function _addPayee(address _payee, uint256 _shares) internal {
require(_payee != address());
require(_shares > );
require(shares[_payee] == ); payees.push(_payee);
shares[_payee] = _shares;
totalShares = totalShares.add(_shares);

⚠️:Add a leading underscore to internal and private functions,要在internal and private函数的名字前加下划线


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