AngularJS provides fileters to transfrom data from one kind to another . For example:
    {{user.birthday | date:'yyyy-MM-dd'}}
In this example, the date filter is used to format user's birthday.
A filter is nothing more than a global,named function that is invoked in view using the pipe(|)
symbol with parameters separated by the colon(:).
Fileters can be combined(chained) to form a pipeline.
    {{myLongString | limiTo:80 | lowercase}}
Generally,there are two kind of filters built in AngujarJS: formatting fileters and array-transforming
    array-transforming filters:limitTo; filter;orderBy.
    ng-repeat="item in logs | filter:{name:criteria,done:false}"
    the "filter" filter can also accept a function as it parameter.
    ng-repeat="item in logs | filter:checkName"
        return item.done=true;

sometime, we want the result of the "filter" filter for other use, like showing the size, then we can
    ng-repeat="item in filteredLogs=(logs | filter:checkName)"

AngularJs(Part 8)--Filters的更多相关文章

  1. AngularJS基础总结

    w3shools    angularjs教程  wiki   <AngularJS权威教程> Introduction AngularJS is a JavaScript framewo ...

  2. 转载 angularJS filter 过滤器

    angularjs中的filter(过滤器) 标签: angularjsfilter   源文地址:技术分享/angularjs中的filter-过滤器/ f ...

  3. Angular1.x 基础总结

    官方文档:Guide to AngularJS Documentation   w3shools    angularjs教程  wiki   <AngularJS权威教程> Introd ...

  4. 简单介绍AngularJs Filters

    网站链接: Filter作用就是接收一个输入,通过某 ...

  5. Part 8 AngularJS filters

    Filters in angular can do 3 different things 1. Format data 2. Sort data 3. Filter data Filters can ...

  6. 【07】AngularJS Filters

    AngularJS Filters 过滤器可以使用一个管道字符(|)添加到表达式和指令中. AngularJS 过滤器 AngularJS 过滤器可用于转换数据: 过滤器 描述 currency[ˈk ...

  7. AngularJS Filters

    过滤器可以使用一个管道字符(|)添加到表达式和指令中. AngularJS 过滤器 AngularJS 过滤器可用于转换数据: 过滤器 描述 currency 格式化数字为货币格式. filter 从 ...

  8. [AngularJS] Extract predicate methods into filters for ng-if and ng-show

    Leaking logic in controllers is not an option, filters are a way to refactor your code and are compa ...

  9. How to Create Custom Filters in AngularJs Introduction Filter ...


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