TIA-485-A (Revision of EIA-485)
Standard ANSI/TIA/EIA-485-A-1998
Approved: March 3, 1998
Reaffirmed: March 28, 2003
Physical media Balanced interconnecting cable
Network topology Point-to-pointmulti-droppedmulti-point
Maximum devices At least 32 unit loads
Maximum distance Not specified
Mode of operation Different receiver levels:
binary 1 (OFF)
(Voa–Vob < −200 mV)
binary 0 (ON)
(Voa–Vob > +200 mV)
Available signals A, B, C
Connector types Not specified

RS-485, also known as TIA-485(-A)EIA-485, is a standard defining the electrical characteristics of drivers and receivers for use in serial communications systems. Electrical signaling is balanced, and multipoint systems are supported. The standard is jointly published by the Telecommunications Industry Association and Electronic Industries Alliance (TIA/EIA). Digital communications networks implementing the standard can be used effectively over long distances and in electrically noisy environments. Multiple receivers may be connected to such a network in a linear, multidrop bus. These characteristics make RS-485 useful in industrial control systems and similar applications.



RS-485 supports inexpensive local networks and multidrop communications links, using the same differential signaling over twisted pair as RS-422. It is generally accepted that RS-485 can be used with data rates up to 10 Mbit/s[a] or, at lower speeds, distances up to 1,200 m (4,000 ft).[2] As a rule of thumb, the speed in bit/s multiplied by the length in metres should not exceed 108. Thus a 50 meter cable should not signal faster than 2 Mbit/s.[3]

RS-485支持廉价的本地网络和多路传输链路,使用与RS-422相同的在双绞线上的差分信号。人们普遍认为RS-485可以用于数据速率高达10 Mbit/s[a],或者在低速时可以使用到1200米(4000英尺)。根据经验,比特/秒的速率乘以米的长度不应超过108。因此,50米的电缆信号不应超过2mbit /s

In contrast to RS-422, which has a driver circuit which cannot be switched off, RS-485 drivers use three-state logic allowing individual transmitters to be deactivated. This allows RS-485 to implement linear bus topologies using only two wires. The equipment located along a set of RS-485 wires are interchangeably called nodes, stations or devices.[4] The recommended arrangement of the wires is as a connected series of point-to-point (multidropped) nodes, i.e. a line or bus, not a starring, or multiply connected network. Star and ring topologies are not recommended because of signal reflections or excessively low or high termination impedance. If a star configuration is unavoidable, special RS-485 repeaters are available which bidirectionally listen for data on each span and then retransmit the data onto all other spans.




Typical bias network together with termination. Biasing and termination values are not specified in the RS-485 standard.

Ideally, the two ends of the cable will have a termination resistor connected across the two wires. Without termination resistors, reflections of fast driver edges can cause data corruption. Termination resistors also reduce electrical noise sensitivity due to the lower impedance. The value of each termination resistor should be equal to the cable characteristic impedance (typically, 120 ohms for twisted pairs). Somewhere along the set of wires, pull up or pull down resistors are established to fail-safe bias each data wire when the lines are not being driven by any device. This way, the lines will be biased to known voltages and nodes will not interpret the noise from undriven lines as actual data; without biasing resistors, the data lines float in such a way that electrical noise sensitivity is greatest when all device stations are silent or unpowered.




The EIA once labeled all its standards with the prefix "RS" (Recommended Standard), but the EIA-TIA officially replaced "RS" with "EIA/TIA" to help identify the origin of its standards.[6] The EIA has officially disbanded and the standard is now maintained by the TIA as TIA-485, but engineers and applications guides continue to use the RS-485 designation.

RS-485 only specifies electrical characteristics of the generator and the receiver. It does not specify or recommend any communications protocol, only the physical layer. Other standards define the protocols for communication over an RS-485 link. The foreword to the standard recommends The Telecommunications Systems Bulletin TSB-89 which contains application guidelines, including data signaling rate vs. cable length, stub length, and configurations.

Section 4 defines the electrical characteristics of the generator (transmitter or driver), receiver, transceiver, and system. These characteristics include: definition of a unit load, voltage ranges, open circuit voltages, thresholds, and transient tolerance. It also defines three generator interface points (signal lines); "A", "B" and "C". The data is transmitted on "A" and "B". "C" is a ground reference. This section also defines the logic states 1 (off) and 0 (on), by the polarity between A and B terminals. If A is negative with respect to B, the state is binary 1. The reversed polarity (A +, B −) is binary 0. The standard does not assign any logic function to the two states.



第4节定义了发电机(发射机或驱动器)、接收机、收发器和系统的电气特性。这些特性包括:单位负载的定义、电压范围、开路电压、阈值和暂态公差。它还定义了三个发电机接口点(信号线);“A”、“B”和“C”。数据在“A”和“B”上传输。“C”是地面参考。本节还通过A和B终端之间的极性定义逻辑状态1 (off)和0 (on)。如果A对B是负的,状态是二进制1。反极性(A + B−)是二进制0。标准没有为这两种状态分配任何逻辑函数



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