The beauty of the journey is found in the scenery along the way.


Several years ago, I climbed the Mt. Huashan with my classmates, one of them was my godness then.

We start our journey at night with the expectation that we could reach the summit of the mountain to see the sunrise, the legendary spectacular and magnificent sunrise.

Along our way to the summit, the sceneries in the night were really beautiful, I thought it was worth.

After we reached the summit, however, I found it was too cold, and the sunrise was not so spectacular as I had expected.

I didn't want to deny the beauty of the summit, what I really want to say is that only you have reached the destination, you are qualified to say the most beautiful sceneries of the journey is along the way.

If you haven't set your feet on the top of the hill, no matter how magnificent and spectacular the sceneries along the your way are, you will feel regretful and pitiful for the final result.

Do you understand my meaning?

Just strive to reach the aim, then you can have the qualification to judge the process, otherwise all the process may be nothing.

You have to fight to reach your dream. You have to sacrifice and work hard for it.


From Lionel Andres Messi, when it comes to this guy, there are more thoughts arising in my minds, far more than what I can write down now.

Messi was born in 1987, now he has been an iconic figure as a football player.

In the earily years of his career, he was just one of those talented teenagers, not the most outstanding one, but now, those who were abreast with him, even ahead of him, had already been inferior to him.

He has lived up to his words.

And what made him stand out from the firece competitions?

Talented skills may be not enough. Besides his skills, his diligence and his sacrifice also contributed a lot.

I don't expect I can be as great as him, but I really expect I can be outstanding in some fields, at least not too far away from where I should be.

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