Covarience And ContraVariance
- using System;
- using System.Collections.Generic;
- using System.IO;
- namespace CovarientAndContraVarient
- {
- class Program
- {
- static object GetObject() { return null; }
- static void SetObject(object obj) { }
- static string GetString() { return ""; }
- static void SetString(string str) { }
- static void Main(string[] args)
- {
- Func<object> getString = GetString;
- Action<string> setString = SetObject;
- Func<string> getString1 = GetString;
- //1. Delegate variable implicitly cast is not valid until .net 4.0
- Func<object> setString2 = getString1;
- //Assignment compatibility,
- IEnumerable<String> test = new List<string>();
- //covariance OUT == > Covariance
- IEnumerable<object> test1 = new List<string>();
- //Assignment compatibility
- Action<Object> objAction = StaticMethod;
- //ContraConvariance , IN === > ContraConvariance
- Action<String> stringAction = StaticMethod;
- //2. Array Covariance, support in C# 1.0
- object[] objArray = new String[] { "a", "b", "c" };
- //Covariance in array is not safe, below code will throw exception
- objArray[] = ;
- //3. Co/contra- Variance don't support value type, below code is invalid
- //IEnumerable<object> objects = new List<int>();
- //you can use an interface instance that has methods with more
- //derived return types than originally specified (covariance--OUT)
- //or that has methods with less derived parameter types (contravariance--IN).
- //Contravariance
- IMyTest<FileStream> myTestInstance = new MyTestClass1<Stream>();
- IMyTest<Stream> myTest = new MyTestClass1<Stream>();
- //covariance
- IMyTest1<object> myTest1Instance = new MyTestClass2<string>();
- IMyTest<FileStream> myTestInstance1 = myTest;
- //Below Code, you will think it is a little strange, but absolutely it works well!!!!!!!!!
- //4. You can mark a generic type parameter as covariant if it is used only as a method return
- //type and is not used as a type of formal method parameters.
- //5. And vice versa, you can mark a type as contravariant if it is used only as a type of
- //formal method parameters and not used as a method return type.
- IMyFirstTestClass<object, string> testClass = null;
- IMyFirstTestClass<string, object> testClass1 = testClass;
- }
- public static void StaticMethod(object o)
- {
- }
- }
- public interface IMyFirstTestClass<in T1, out T2>
- {
- T2 DoSomething(T1 para);
- }
- //6. Variant type only can declared in interfaces and delegates only!!!!!!!
- //public class MyTestClass<in T>
- //{
- //}
- //Contravariance
- public interface IMyTest<in T>
- {
- void PrintTest(T param);
- }
- //7. Below code, T is invariance, if you want to it be Contravariance, you must declare it explicitly.
- //Same as covariance
- public interface IMyTestExtend<T> : IMyTest<T>
- {
- }
- public class MyTestClass1<T> : IMyTest<T>
- {
- public void PrintTest(T para)
- {
- Console.WriteLine("This is " + typeof(T) + " PrintTest Method!");
- }
- }
- //Covariance
- public interface IMyTest1<out T>
- {
- T PrintTest();
- }
- public class MyTestClass2<T> : IMyTest1<T>
- {
- public T PrintTest()
- {
- Console.WriteLine("This is " + typeof(T) + " PrintTest Method!");
- return default(T);
- }
- }
- public delegate void MyHander<in T>(T para);
- //Below method declaration is invalid, because 'in' is contravariance, it only can be in paramter type
- //public delegate T MyHander1<in T>(T para);
- public delegate T MyHandler2<out T>(object para);
- //Below method declaration is invalid, because 'out' is covariance, it only can be in returned type
- //public delegate void MyHandler2<out T>(T para);
- }
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