Python 实例: 备份文件
都说生命苦短,我用python, 所以这两天我也开始学python了.
它读取一个任务文件, 根据指定的任务参数自动备份.
任务文件的格式: (注意,分号后面注释是不支持的)
- [task] ; 一项任务开始
- dir=h:/Project ; 指定备份的目录
- recusive=1 ; 是否递归子目录
- suffix=h|cpp|hpp|c|user|filters|vcxproj|sln|css|gif|html|bmp|png|lib|dsw|dsp|htm|html|ico|ini|jpg|rc|vssscc ; 指定备份的扩展名
- exclude=0 ; 指定是备份上面的参数指定的扩展名还是排除指定的扩展名
- ; 备份后的文件路径名
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- import sys
- import os
- import zipfile
- class Task:
- #dir str directory
- #bsub BOOL include subdirectory
- #sfx str postsuffix ,sepeated by '|'
- #ecld BOOL include or execlude the postsuffix sfx
- def __init__(self,dir,bsub,sfx,ecld,zip):
- self.dir = dir
- self.bsub = bsub
- self.suffix = sfx.split("|")
- self.exclude = ecld
- = zip
- @staticmethod
- def isfilter(sfx,sfxs,bexcld):
- bFound = False
- for e in sfxs:
- if e == sfx:
- bFound = True
- break
- if bexcld:
- return not bFound;
- else:
- return bFound;
- class QBackup:
- '''''备份指定目录下具备指定扩展名的文件'''
- def __init__(self):
- self._list = []
- def __del__(self):
- pass
- #tfile 任务文件
- def ReadTask(self,tfile):
- dir = ""
- bsub = False
- sfx = ""
- becld = False
- zip = ""
- try:
- f = open(tfile,'r')
- while True:
- line = f.readline()
- if len(line) == 0:
- break;
- line = line.strip(" ")
- if "[Task]/n".lower() == line.lower():
- # 读取接下来的4行
- iline = 1
- while iline <= 5:
- line = f.readline()
- line = line.strip(" /t/n") # 去除前后的空白符
- idx = line.find("=")
- if -1 == idx:
- break;
- atti = line[0:idx]
- value = line[idx+1:]
- print(value)
- if "dir" == atti:
- dir = value
- elif "recusive" == atti:
- bsub = bool(int(value))
- elif "suffix" == atti:
- sufix = value
- elif "exclude" == atti:
- becld = bool(int(value))
- elif "zip" == atti:
- zip = value
- else:
- break
- iline += 1
- else:
- t = Task(dir,bsub,sufix,becld,zip)
- self._list.append(t)
- except:
- return False
- return True
- def DoBackup(self):
- for e in self._list:
- try:
- zip = zipfile.ZipFile(,'w',zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
- self.ZipDir(zip,e.dir,e.bsub,e.suffix,e.exclude)
- zip.close()
- except:
- print("exception raised!")
- return False
- return True
- def ZipDir(self,zip,dir,bsub,sfxs,ecld):
- subdir = ""
- path = ""
- if os.path.isdir(dir):
- paths = os.listdir(dir)
- #备份本目录
- print("ZipDir: ",dir)
- for e in paths:
- path = dir + "/" + e
- ext = os.path.splitext(e)[1][1:]
- if os.path.isfile(path) and Task.isfilter(ext,sfxs,ecld):
- print ("ZipFile: ",path)
- zip.write(path)
- #清理子目录
- if bsub:
- for e in paths:
- subdir = dir + "/" + e
- self.ZipDir(zip,subdir,bsub,sfxs,ecld)
- def PrintTask(self):
- for e in self._list:
- print (e.dir,e.bsub,e.suffix,e.exclude,
- if '__main__' == __name__:
- c = QBackup()
- c.ReadTask("bkup.txt")
- c.DoBackup()
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