




public class Netty4Client extends AbstractPoolClient implements StatisticCallback {
// 回收过期任务
private static ScheduledExecutorService scheduledExecutor = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(4); // 异步的request,需要注册callback future
// 触发remove的操作有: 1) service的返回结果处理。 2) timeout thread cancel
protected ConcurrentMap<Long, NettyResponseFuture> callbackMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<Long, NettyResponseFuture>(); private ScheduledFuture<?> timeMonitorFuture = null; // 连续失败次数
private AtomicLong errorCount = new AtomicLong(0);
// 最大连接数
private int maxClientConnection = 0; private Bootstrap bootstrap; public Netty4Client(URL url) {
super(url); maxClientConnection = url.getIntParameter(URLParamType.maxClientConnection.getName(),
URLParamType.maxClientConnection.getIntValue()); timeMonitorFuture = scheduledExecutor.scheduleWithFixedDelay(
new TimeoutMonitor("timeout_monitor_" + url.getHost() + "_" + url.getPort()),
} @Override
public Response request(Request request) throws TransportException {
if (!isAvailable()) {
throw new MotanServiceException("NettyChannel is unavaliable: url=" + url.getUri()
+ MotanFrameworkUtil.toString(request));
boolean async = url.getMethodParameter(request.getMethodName(), request.getParamtersDesc()
, URLParamType.async.getName(), URLParamType.async.getBooleanValue());
return request(request, async);
} @Override
public void heartbeat(Request request) {
// 如果节点还没有初始化或者节点已经被close掉了,那么heartbeat也不需要进行了
if (state.isUnInitState() || state.isCloseState()) {
LoggerUtil.warn("NettyClient heartbeat Error: state={} url={}", state.name(), url.getUri());
} LoggerUtil.info("NettyClient heartbeat request: url={}", url.getUri()); try {
// async request后,如果service is
// available,那么将会自动把该client设置成可用
request(request, true);
} catch (Exception e) {
LoggerUtil.error("NettyClient heartbeat Error: url=" + url.getUri(), e);
} /**
* 请求remote service
* <p>
* <pre>
* 1) get connection from pool
* 2) async requset
* 3) return connection to pool
* 4) check if async return response, true: return ResponseFuture; false: return result
* </pre>
* @param request
* @param async
* @return
* @throws TransportException
private Response request(Request request, boolean async) throws TransportException {
Channel channel = null; Response response = null; try {
// return channel or throw exception(timeout or connection_fail)
channel = borrowObject(); if (channel == null) {
LoggerUtil.error("NettyClient borrowObject null: url=" + url.getUri() + " "
+ MotanFrameworkUtil.toString(request));
return null;
} // async request
response = channel.request(request);
// return channel to pool
} catch (Exception e) {
"NettyClient request Error: url=" + url.getUri() + " " + MotanFrameworkUtil.toString(request), e);
//TODO 对特定的异常回收channel
invalidateObject(channel); if (e instanceof MotanAbstractException) {
throw (MotanAbstractException) e;
} else {
throw new MotanServiceException("NettyClient request Error: url=" + url.getUri() + " "
+ MotanFrameworkUtil.toString(request), e);
} // aysnc or sync result
response = asyncResponse(response, async); return response;
} /**
* 如果async是false,那么同步获取response的数据
* @param response
* @param async
* @return
private Response asyncResponse(Response response, boolean async) {
if (async || !(response instanceof NettyResponseFuture)) {
return response;
} return new DefaultResponse(response);
} @Override
public synchronized boolean open() {
if (isAvailable()) {
LoggerUtil.warn("NettyServer ServerChannel already Opened: url=" + url);
return true;
} // 初始化netty client bootstrap
initClientBootstrap(); // 初始化连接池
initPool(); LoggerUtil.info("NettyClient finish Open: url={}", url); // 注册统计回调
StatsUtil.registryStatisticCallback(this); // 设置可用状态
state = ChannelState.ALIVE;
return state.isAliveState();
} /**
* 初始化 netty clientBootstrap
private void initClientBootstrap() {
bootstrap = new Bootstrap(); NioEventLoopGroup group = new NioEventLoopGroup();
bootstrap.group(group).channel(NioSocketChannel.class).handler(new Netty4ClientInitializer(url, codec, this)); bootstrap.option(ChannelOption.TCP_NODELAY, true);
bootstrap.option(ChannelOption.SO_KEEPALIVE, true); /* 实际上,极端情况下,connectTimeout会达到500ms,因为netty nio的实现中,是依赖BossThread来控制超时,
int timeout = getUrl().getIntParameter(URLParamType.requestTimeout.getName(), URLParamType.requestTimeout.getIntValue());
if (timeout <= 0) {
throw new MotanFrameworkException("NettyClient init Error: timeout(" + timeout + ") <= 0 is forbid.",
bootstrap.option(ChannelOption.CONNECT_TIMEOUT_MILLIS, timeout);
} @Override
public synchronized void close() {
} /**
* 目前close不支持timeout的概念
public synchronized void close(int timeout) {
if (state.isCloseState()) {
LoggerUtil.info("NettyClient close fail: already close, url={}", url.getUri());
} // 如果当前nettyClient还没有初始化,那么就没有close的理由。
if (state.isUnInitState()) {
LoggerUtil.info("NettyClient close Fail: don't need to close because node is unInit state: url={}",
} try {
// 取消定期的回收任务
// 关闭连接池
// 清空callback
callbackMap.clear(); // 设置close状态
state = ChannelState.CLOSE;
// 解除统计回调的注册
LoggerUtil.info("NettyClient close Success: url={}", url.getUri());
} catch (Exception e) {
LoggerUtil.error("NettyClient close Error: url=" + url.getUri(), e);
} } @Override
public boolean isClosed() {
return state.isCloseState();
} @Override
public boolean isAvailable() {
return state.isAliveState();
} @Override
public URL getUrl() {
return url;
} /**
* connection factory
protected BasePoolableObjectFactory createChannelFactory() {
return new NettyChannelFactory(this);
} /**
* 增加调用失败的次数:
* <p>
* <pre>
* 如果连续失败的次数 >= maxClientConnection, 那么把client设置成不可用状态
* </pre>
void incrErrorCount() {
long count = errorCount.incrementAndGet(); // 如果节点是可用状态,同时当前连续失败的次数超过限制maxClientConnection次,那么把该节点标示为不可用
if (count >= maxClientConnection && state.isAliveState()) {
synchronized (this) {
count = errorCount.longValue(); if (count >= maxClientConnection && state.isAliveState()) {
LoggerUtil.error("NettyClient unavailable Error: url=" + url.getIdentity() + " "
+ url.getServerPortStr());
state = ChannelState.UNALIVE;
} /**
* 重置调用失败的计数 :
* <p>
* <pre>
* 把节点设置成可用
* </pre>
void resetErrorCount() {
errorCount.set(0); if (state.isAliveState()) {
} synchronized (this) {
if (state.isAliveState()) {
} // 如果节点是unalive才进行设置,而如果是 close 或者 uninit,那么直接忽略
if (state.isUnAliveState()) {
long count = errorCount.longValue(); // 过程中有其他并发更新errorCount的,因此这里需要进行一次判断
if (count < maxClientConnection) {
state = ChannelState.ALIVE;
LoggerUtil.info("NettyClient recover available: url=" + url.getIdentity() + " "
+ url.getServerPortStr());
} /**
* 注册回调的resposne
* <p>
* <pre>
* 进行最大的请求并发数的控制,如果超过NETTY_CLIENT_MAX_REQUEST的话,那么throw reject exception
* </pre>
* @param requestId
* @param nettyResponseFuture
* @throws MotanServiceException
public void registerCallback(long requestId, NettyResponseFuture nettyResponseFuture) {
if (this.callbackMap.size() >= MotanConstants.NETTY_CLIENT_MAX_REQUEST) {
// reject request, prevent from OutOfMemoryError
throw new MotanServiceException("NettyClient over of max concurrent request, drop request, url: "
+ url.getUri() + " requestId=" + requestId, MotanErrorMsgConstant.SERVICE_REJECT);
} this.callbackMap.put(requestId, nettyResponseFuture);
} /**
* 统计回调接口
public String statisticCallback() {
if (isAvailable() && callbackMap.size() < 100) {
return null;
} return String.format("identity: %s available: %s concurrent_count: %s", url.getIdentity(), isAvailable(),
} /**
* 移除回调的response
* @param requestId
* @return
public NettyResponseFuture removeCallback(long requestId) {
return callbackMap.remove(requestId);
} public Bootstrap getBootstrap() {
return bootstrap;
} /**
* 回收超时任务
* @author maijunsheng
class TimeoutMonitor implements Runnable {
private String name; public TimeoutMonitor(String name) {
this.name = name;
} public void run() { long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (Map.Entry<Long, NettyResponseFuture> entry : callbackMap.entrySet()) {
try {
NettyResponseFuture future = entry.getValue();
if (future.getCreateTime() + future.getTimeout() <currentTime) {
// timeout: remove from callback list, and then cancel
} catch (Exception e) {
name + " clear timeout future Error: uri=" + url.getUri() + " requestId=" + entry.getKey(),


bootstrap.group(group).channel(NioSocketChannel.class).handler(new Netty4ClientInitializer(url, codec, this));
这句中的Netty4ClientInitializer泪中,指定如下3个handler. Netty4Decoder:协议的解码器 Netty4Encoder:协议的编码器
 public class Netty4ClientInitializer extends ChannelInitializer<SocketChannel> {

     private URL url;

     private Codec codec;

     private Netty4Client client;

     public Netty4ClientInitializer(URL url, Codec codec, Netty4Client client) {
this.url = url;
this.codec = codec;
this.client = client;
} @Override
protected void initChannel(SocketChannel ch) throws Exception {
ChannelPipeline p = ch.pipeline();
// 最大响应包限制
int maxContentLength = url.getIntParameter(URLParamType.maxContentLength.getName(),
p.addLast("decoder", new Netty4Decoder(codec, client, maxContentLength));
p.addLast("encoder", new Netty4Encoder(codec, client));
p.addLast("handler", new Netty4ClientHandler(client)); }


 if (result && writeFuture.isSuccess()) {
response.addListener(new FutureListener() {
public void operationComplete(Future future) throws Exception {
if (future.isSuccess() || (future.isDone() && ExceptionUtil.isBizException(future.getException()))) {
// 成功的调用
} else {
// 失败的调用
return response;


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