




  1. <!doctype html>
  2. <html>
  3. <head>
  4. <title>文本比较工具</title>
  5. <style type="text/css">
  6. *{padding:0px;margin:0px;}
  7. html,body{
  8. overflow-y: hidden;
  9. }
  10. .edit_div{
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  54. <td style="width:50%">
  55. <div class="edit_div">
  56. <pre id="edit_pre_2"></pre>
  57. <textarea id="edit_textarea_2" onscroll="test2_scroll()" oninput="textchange()" onpropertychange="textchange()"></textarea>
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  62. <script type="text/javascript">
  63. function test1_scroll(){
  64. document.getElementById("edit_pre_1").scrollTop=document.getElementById("edit_textarea_1").scrollTop;
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  73. function textchange(){
  74. var op = eq({ value1: document.getElementById("edit_textarea_1").value, value2: document.getElementById("edit_textarea_2").value });
  75. document.getElementById("edit_pre_1").innerHTML=op.value1+"\r\n";
  76. document.getElementById("edit_pre_2").innerHTML=op.value2+"\r\n";
  77. }
  78. function eq(op) {
  79. if(!op){
  80. return op;
  81. }
  82. if(!op.value1_style){
  83. op.value1_style="background-color:#FEC8C8;";
  84. }
  85. if(!op.value2_style){
  86. op.value2_style="background-color:#FEC8C8;";
  87. }
  88. if(!op.eq_min){
  89. op.eq_min=3;
  90. }
  91. if(!op.eq_index){
  92. op.eq_index=5;
  93. }
  94. if (!op.value1 || !op.value2) {
  95. return op;
  96. }
  97. var ps = {
  98. v1_i: 0,
  99. v1_new_value: "",
  100. v2_i: 0,
  101. v2_new_value: ""
  102. };
  103. while (ps.v1_i < op.value1.length && ps.v2_i < op.value2.length) {
  104. if (op.value1[ps.v1_i] == op.value2[ps.v2_i]) {
  105. ps.v1_new_value += op.value1[ps.v1_i].replace(/</g,"&lt;").replace(">","&gt;");
  106. ps.v2_new_value += op.value2[ps.v2_i].replace(/</g,"&lt;").replace(">","&gt;");
  107. ps.v1_i += 1;
  108. ps.v2_i += 1;
  109. if (ps.v1_i >= op.value1.length) {
  110. ps.v2_new_value += "<span style='" + op.value2_style + "'>" + op.value2.substr(ps.v2_i).replace(/</g,"&lt;").replace(">","&gt;") + "</span>";
  111. break;
  112. }
  113. if (ps.v2_i >= op.value2.length) {
  114. ps.v1_new_value += "<span style='" + op.value1_style + "'>" + op.value1.substr(ps.v1_i).replace(/</g,"&lt;").replace(">","&gt;") + "</span>";
  115. break;
  116. }
  117. } else {
  118. ps.v1_index = ps.v1_i + 1;
  119. ps.v1_eq_length = 0;
  120. ps.v1_eq_max = 0;
  121. ps.v1_start = ps.v1_i + 1;
  122. while (ps.v1_index < op.value1.length) {
  123. if (op.value1[ps.v1_index] == op.value2[ps.v2_i + ps.v1_eq_length]) {
  124. ps.v1_eq_length += 1;
  125. } else if (ps.v1_eq_length > 0) {
  126. if (ps.v1_eq_max < ps.v1_eq_length) {
  127. ps.v1_eq_max = ps.v1_eq_length;
  128. ps.v1_start = ps.v1_index - ps.v1_eq_length;
  129. }
  130. ps.v1_eq_length = 0;
  131. break;//只寻找最近的
  132. }
  133. ps.v1_index += 1;
  134. }
  135. if (ps.v1_eq_max < ps.v1_eq_length) {
  136. ps.v1_eq_max = ps.v1_eq_length;
  137. ps.v1_start = ps.v1_index - ps.v1_eq_length;
  138. }
  140. ps.v2_index = ps.v2_i + 1;
  141. ps.v2_eq_length = 0;
  142. ps.v2_eq_max = 0;
  143. ps.v2_start = ps.v2_i + 1;
  144. while (ps.v2_index < op.value2.length) {
  145. if (op.value2[ps.v2_index] == op.value1[ps.v1_i + ps.v2_eq_length]) {
  146. ps.v2_eq_length += 1;
  147. } else if (ps.v2_eq_length > 0) {
  148. if (ps.v2_eq_max < ps.v2_eq_length) {
  149. ps.v2_eq_max = ps.v2_eq_length;
  150. ps.v2_start = ps.v2_index - ps.v2_eq_length;
  151. }
  152. ps.v1_eq_length = 0;
  153. break;//只寻找最近的
  154. }
  155. ps.v2_index += 1;
  156. }
  157. if (ps.v2_eq_max < ps.v2_eq_length) {
  158. ps.v2_eq_max = ps.v2_eq_length;
  159. ps.v2_start = ps.v2_index - ps.v2_eq_length;
  160. }
  161. if (ps.v1_eq_max < op.eq_min && ps.v1_start - ps.v1_i > op.eq_index) {
  162. ps.v1_eq_max = 0;
  163. }
  164. if (ps.v2_eq_max < op.eq_min && ps.v2_start - ps.v2_i > op.eq_index) {
  165. ps.v2_eq_max = 0;
  166. }
  167. if ((ps.v1_eq_max == 0 && ps.v2_eq_max == 0)) {
  168. ps.v1_new_value += "<span style='" + op.value1_style + "'>" + op.value1[ps.v1_i].replace(/</g,"&lt;").replace(">","&gt;") + "</span>";
  169. ps.v2_new_value += "<span style='" + op.value2_style + "'>" + op.value2[ps.v2_i].replace(/</g,"&lt;").replace(">","&gt;") + "</span>";
  170. ps.v1_i += 1;
  171. ps.v2_i += 1;
  173. if (ps.v1_i >= op.value1.length) {
  174. ps.v2_new_value += "<span style='" + op.value2_style + "'>" + op.value2.substr(ps.v2_i).replace(/</g,"&lt;").replace(">","&gt;") + "</span>";
  175. break;
  176. }
  177. if (ps.v2_i >= op.value2.length) {
  178. ps.v1_new_value += "<span style='" + op.value1_style + "'>" + op.value1.substr(ps.v1_i).replace(/</g,"&lt;").replace(">","&gt;") + "</span>";
  179. break;
  180. }
  181. } else if (ps.v1_eq_max > ps.v2_eq_max) {
  182. ps.v1_new_value += "<span style='" + op.value1_style + "'>" + op.value1.substr(ps.v1_i, ps.v1_start - ps.v1_i).replace(/</g,"&lt;").replace(">","&gt;") + "</span>";
  183. ps.v1_i = ps.v1_start;
  184. } else {
  185. ps.v2_new_value += "<span style='" + op.value2_style + "'>" + op.value2.substr(ps.v2_i, ps.v2_start - ps.v2_i).replace(/</g,"&lt;").replace(">","&gt;") + "</span>";
  186. ps.v2_i = ps.v2_start;
  187. }
  188. }
  189. }
  190. op.value1 = ps.v1_new_value;
  191. op.value2 = ps.v2_new_value;
  192. return op;
  193. }
  194. function settextheight(){
  195. var heigth=(document.documentElement.clientHeight-6)+"px"
  196. document.getElementById("edit_pre_1").style.height=heigth;
  197. document.getElementById("edit_textarea_1").style.height=heigth;
  198. document.getElementById("edit_pre_2").style.height=heigth;
  199. document.getElementById("edit_textarea_2").style.height=heigth;
  200. }
  201. window.onload=function(){
  202. settextheight();
  203. window.onresize=function(){
  204. settextheight();
  205. }
  206. }
  207. </script>
  208. </body>
  209. </html>



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