Models control the data source, they are used for collecting and issuing data, this could be a remote service, as XML, JSON or using a database to get and fetch records.
A Model is a class. The model needs to extend the parent Model, either the Core\Model or Database\Model (new Database API covered in the New Api's section).
The model should have a namespace of App\Models when located in the root of the app/Models directory.
namespace App\Models;
use Core\Model;
class Contacts extends Model
The parent model is very simple, it's the only role is to create an instance of the database class located in (system/Helpers/Database.php) once set the instance is available to all child models that extend the parent model.
namespace Core;
use Helpers\Database;
class Model
protected $db;
public function __construct()
//connect to PDO here.
$this->db = Database::get();
Models can be placed in the root of the models folder. The namespace used in the model should reflect its file path. Classes directly in the models folder will have a namespace of models or if in a folder: namespace App\Models\Classname;
Methods inside a model are used for getting data and returning data back to the controller, a method should never echo data only return it, it's the controller that decides what is done with the data once it's returned.
The most common use of a model is for performing database actions, here is a quick example:
public function getContacts()
return $this->db->select('SELECT firstName, lastName FROM '.PREFIX.'contacts');
This is a very simple database query $this->db is available from the parent model inside the $db class holds methods for selecting, inserting, updating and deleting records from a MySQL database using PDO more on this topic in the section [[Database]].
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