Ubuntu Kylin 14.04

gedit  - Version 3.10.4 (as same as all version of gedit 3.x )

Attention: this plugin of gedit version 3.x is not the same as gedit version 2.x


First, download gedit plugin of folding, address: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1i3KFCI5

In my computer,the download directory is /home/jiayith/Dlowloads/

Then, tar -zxvf gedit-folding.tar.gz ,you will find two files: folding.py and folding.plugin

Then copy two files to correct directory, so you must find which directory is the plugins of your gedit.

Here is a blog,but it is only fit for gedit 2.x,

"其实gedit也可以使用很多插件,这些插件都放在~/.gnome2/gedit/plugins/目录下,如果没有此目录则创建 " this is not correct directory for my computer.

As for me,i found the directory is  "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gedit/plugins/"  ,all plugins in the directory

How can i found it? Go to root directory "/" , you can double click "主文件夹" in the desktop ,then there is a "Computer" in "Devices" ,double click "Computer" you will

enter root directory, actually, it is same as inputting "cd /" in terminal.

Next,you can click SEARCH button, just search it! Input "gedit" ,you will get many directorys, try each directory ,go to directory "Plugins", if there are many files such as "bookmarks.plugin",bracketcompletion.plugin","bracketcompletion.py" ,that is it! You find the direcroty! Mine is "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gedit/plugins/"

Then ,just cp the two files you get at first to the directory you find :

root@jiayith:/home/jiayith/Downloads# cp folding.py /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gedit/plugins

root@jiayith:/home/jiayith/Downloads# cp folding.plugin /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gedit/plugins

(you may need to "sudo su")

Last,open you gedit ,"Edit"->"Preferences"->"Plugins"->"Simple Folding" , choose it,ok!


And in my computer, Alt+X and Alt+Z can let code block fold. You can have a try!


ps:Why is this blog in English??? I would not tell i can not fix my Chinese input method......

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