近由于项目需要,研究了下百度地图定位,他们提供的实例基本都是用监听器实现自动定位的。我想实现一种效果:当用户进入UI时,不定位,用户需要定位的时候,自己手动点击按钮,再去定位当前位置。  经过2天研究和咨询,找到了解决方案,在此备忘一下。

注意:定位使用真机才能够真正定位;模拟器的话,在DDMS中的Emulator Control中,选择Manual,下面单选按钮选择Decimal,然后填写经纬度,send后,再点击定位我的位置按钮,就能定位了(这应该算是固定定位,哈哈。。。)、


2、使用百度API是有前提的,摘自百度:首先将API包括的两个文件baidumapapi.jar和 libBMapApiEngine.so拷贝到工程根目录及libs\armeabi目录下,并在工程属性->Java Build Path->Libraries中选择“Add JARs”,选定baidumapapi.jar,确定后返回,这样您就可以在您的程序中使用API了。(这两个文件见附件)。


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


  1. <LinearLayout

  2. xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"

  3. android:orientation="vertical"

  4. android:layout_width="fill_parent"

  5. android:layout_height="fill_parent"

  6. >

  7. <TextView

  8. android:id="@+id/myLocation_id"

  9. android:layout_width="fill_parent"

  10. android:layout_height="wrap_content"

  11. android:textSize="15dp"

  12. android:gravity="center_horizontal"

  13. android:textColor="@drawable/black"

  14. android:background="@drawable/gary"

  15. />

  16. <com.baidu.mapapi.MapView android:id="@+id/bmapsView"

  17. android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="fill_parent"

  18. android:clickable="true"  android:layout_weight="1"

  19. />

  20. <Button

  21. android:layout_width="wrap_content"

  22. android:layout_height="wrap_content"

  23. android:id="@+id/location_button_id"

  24. android:text="@string/location_button_text"

  25. />

  26. </LinearLayout>

需要特别注意的是:<com.baidu.mapapi.MapView  /> 这玩意。



  1. public BMapManager mapManager = null;

  2. static MapApplication app;

  3. public String mStrKey = "你申请的key值";

  4. @Override

  5. public void onCreate() {

  6. mapManager = new BMapManager(this);

  7. mapManager.init(mStrKey, new MyGeneralListener());

  8. }

  9. @Override

  10. //建议在您app的退出之前调用mapadpi的destroy()函数,避免重复初始化带来的时间消耗

  11. public void onTerminate() {

  12. // TODO Auto-generated method stub

  13. if(mapManager != null)

  14. {

  15. mapManager.destroy();

  16. mapManager = null;

  17. }

  18. super.onTerminate();

  19. }

  20. static class MyGeneralListener implements MKGeneralListener{

  21. @Override

  22. public void onGetNetworkState(int arg0) {

  23. Toast.makeText(MapApplication.app.getApplicationContext(), "您的网络出错啦!",

  24. Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

  25. }

  26. @Override

  27. public void onGetPermissionState(int iError) {

  28. if (iError ==  MKEvent.ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED) {

  29. // 授权Key错误:

  30. Toast.makeText(MapApplication.app.getApplicationContext(),"您的授权Key不正确!",

  31. Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

  32. }

  33. }

  34. }

  35. 5、接下来就是按照百度api写定位代码了,使用handler机制去添加定位图层,需要说明的都在注释上了。

  36. private BMapManager mBMapMan = null;

  37. private MapView mMapView = null;

  38. private MapController bMapController;

  39. private MKLocationManager mkLocationManager;

  40. private MKSearch mkSearch;

  41. private TextView address_view;   //定位到的位置信息

  42. private ProgressDialog dialog;

  43. private List<HotelInfo> hotelList;

  44. private int distance = 1000;  //查询的范围(单位:m)

  45. Handler handler = new Handler(){

  46. @Override

  47. public void handleMessage(Message msg) {

  48. double lat = msg.getData().getDouble("lat");

  49. double lon = msg.getData().getDouble("lon");

  50. if(lat!=0&&lon!=0){

  51. GeoPoint point = new GeoPoint(

  52. (int) (lat * 1E6),

  53. (int) (lon * 1E6));

  54. bMapController.animateTo(point);  //设置地图中心点

  55. bMapController.setZoom(15);

  56. mkSearch.reverseGeocode(point);   //解析地址(异步方法)

  57. MyLocationOverlay myLoc = new MyLocationOverlayFromMap(ShowMapAct.this,mMapView);

  58. myLoc.enableMyLocation();   // 启用定位

  59. myLoc.enableCompass();      // 启用指南针

  60. mMapView.getOverlays().add(myLoc);

  61. }else{

  62. Toast.makeText(ShowMapAct.this, "没有加载到您的位置", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

  63. }

  64. if(hotelList!=null){

  65. Drawable marker = getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.iconmarka);  //设置marker

  66. marker.setBounds(0, 0, marker.getIntrinsicWidth(), marker.getIntrinsicHeight());   //为maker定义位置和边界

  67. mMapView.getOverlays().add(new OverItemList(marker,hotelList,ShowMapAct.this,bMapController));

  68. }else if(hotelList==null&&lat!=0&&lon!=0){

  69. Toast.makeText(ShowMapAct.this, "网络异常,没有获取到酒店信息。", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

  70. }

  71. if(dialog!=null)  dialog.dismiss();

  72. }

  73. };

  74. @Override

  75. protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

  76. distance = getIntent().getExtras().getInt("distance");   //获取查询范围

  77. super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);

  78. setContentView(R.layout.location);

  79. mMapView = (MapView)findViewById(R.id.bmapsView);   //初始化一个mapView  存放Map

  80. init();  //初始化地图管理器

  81. super.initMapActivity(mBMapMan);

  82. address_view = (TextView)findViewById(R.id.myLocation_id);

  83. SpannableStringBuilder style = new SpannableStringBuilder(String.format(getResources().getString(R.string.location_text),"位置不详"));

  84. style.setSpan(new ForegroundColorSpan(Color.RED), 5, style.length(), Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);

  85. address_view.setText(style);

  86. Button location_button = (Button)findViewById(R.id.location_button_id);

  87. location_button.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener(){

  88. @Override

  89. public void onClick(View v) {

  90. dialog = ProgressDialog.show(ShowMapAct.this, "", "数据加载中,请稍后.....");

  91. new Thread(new MyThread()).start();

  92. }

  93. });

  94. mkSearch = new MKSearch();   //初始化一个MKSearch,根据location解析详细地址

  95. mkSearch.init(mBMapMan, this);

  96. mMapView.setBuiltInZoomControls(true);   //启用内置的缩放控件

  97. bMapController = mMapView.getController();

  98. GeoPoint defaultPoint = new GeoPoint((int) (39.920934 * 1E6),(int) (116.412817 * 1E6));  //用给定的经纬度构造一个GeoPoint,单位是微度 (度 * 1E6)

  99. bMapController.setCenter(defaultPoint);  //设置地图中心点

  100. bMapController.setZoom(12);  //设置地图zoom级别

  101. mkLocationManager = mBMapMan.getLocationManager();

  102. }

  103. /**

  104. * 初始化地图管理器BMapManager

  105. */

  106. public void init(){

  107. MapApplication app = (MapApplication)getApplication();

  108. if (app.mapManager == null) {

  109. app.mapManager = new BMapManager(getApplication());

  110. app.mapManager.init(app.mStrKey, new MapApplication.MyGeneralListener());

  111. }

  112. mBMapMan = app.mapManager;

  113. }

  114. @Override

  115. protected void onDestroy() {

  116. MapApplication app = (MapApplication)getApplication();

  117. if (mBMapMan != null) {

  118. mBMapMan.destroy();

  119. app.mapManager.destroy();

  120. app.mapManager = null;

  121. mBMapMan = null;

  122. }

  123. super.onDestroy();

  124. }

  125. @Override

  126. protected void onPause() {

  127. if (mBMapMan != null) {

  128. // 终止百度地图API

  129. mBMapMan.stop();

  130. }

  131. super.onPause();

  132. }

  133. @Override

  134. protected void onResume() {

  135. if (mBMapMan != null) {

  136. // 开启百度地图API

  137. mBMapMan.start();

  138. }

  139. super.onResume();

  140. }

  141. @Override

  142. protected boolean isRouteDisplayed() {

  143. return false;

  144. }

  145. @Override

  146. public void onGetAddrResult(MKAddrInfo result, int iError) {

  147. if(result==null) return;

  148. SpannableStringBuilder style = new SpannableStringBuilder(String.format(getResources().getString(R.string.location_text),result.strAddr));

  149. style.setSpan(new ForegroundColorSpan(Color.RED), 5, style.length(), Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);

  150. address_view.setText(style);

  151. if(dialog!=null) dialog.dismiss();

  152. }

  153. @Override

  154. public void onGetDrivingRouteResult(MKDrivingRouteResult arg0, int arg1) {}

  155. @Override

  156. public void onGetPoiResult(MKPoiResult arg0, int arg1, int arg2) {}

  157. @Override

  158. public void onGetTransitRouteResult(MKTransitRouteResult arg0, int arg1) {}

  159. @Override

  160. public void onGetWalkingRouteResult(MKWalkingRouteResult arg0, int arg1) {}

  161. /**

  162. * 重新定位,加载数据

  163. * @author Administrator

  164. *

  165. */

  166. class MyThread implements Runnable{

  167. @Override

  168. public void run() {

  169. /**

  170. * 最重要的就是这个玩意

  171. * 由于LocationListener获取第一个位置修正的时间会很长,为了避免用户等待,

  172. * 在LocationListener获取第一个更精确的位置之前,应当使用getLocationInfo() 获取一个缓存的位置

  173. */

  174. Location location = mkLocationManager.getLocationInfo();

  175. double lat = 0d,lon = 0d;

  176. if(location!=null){   //定位到位置

  177. String coordinate = location.getLatitude()+","+location.getLongitude();

  178. HotelRemoteData hotelData = new HotelRemoteData();

  179. /**

  180. * 远程获取酒店列表数据

  181. */

  182. hotelList = hotelData.getHotelToMap(coordinate,distance);

  183. lat = location.getLatitude();

  184. lon = location.getLongitude();

  185. }

  186. Message msg = new Message();

  187. Bundle data = new Bundle();

  188. data.putDouble("lat", lat);

  189. data.putDouble("lon", lon);

  190. msg.setData(data);

  191. handler.sendMessage(msg);

  192. }

  193. }



  1. LocationListener listener = new LocationListener() {

  2. @Override

  3. /** 位置变化,百度地图即会调用该方法去获取位置信息。

  4. * (我测试发现就算手机不动,它也会偶尔重新去加载位置;只要你通过重力感应,他就一定会重新加载)

  5. */

  6. public void onLocationChanged(Location location) {

  7. GeoPoint gp =  new GeoPoint((int) (location.getLatitude() * 1E6), (int) (location.getLongitude() * 1E6));   //通过地图上的经纬度转换为地图上的坐标点

  8. bMapController.animateTo(gp);  //动画般的移动到定位的位置

  9. }

  10. };

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