AutoCAD splash screen starts up and then closes


AutoCAD splash screen starts up and then closes (Standalone)


When running the software, it becomes unresponsive and freezes your computer. When you restart the computer and you try to restart AutoCAD, the splash screen starts up and then closes down with no apparent error message.

This symptom is very similar to


1. Check the file "productname201xENUAdlm.log" located here:

Windows XP
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Autodesk\ADLM

Vista/Windows 7

2. The error will typically be:

Reason=Fatal error
OS=5.1.2600.Service Pack 2
AdlmIntError=38 [Error getting license usage and behavior]

Reason=Fatal error
OS=5.1.2600.Service Pack 3
File=AdlmIntSATSLicense.cpp, Line=347
VendorID=2 [ADLMACT]
VendorError=101 [The license cannot be accessed/loaded/opened]

This indicates that the ADLM trusted storage file has been corrupted when AutoCAD crashed.

3. Rename the following file by adding a .bak extension at the end of the filename.

Windows XP
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\FLEXnet\adskflex_*

Vista/Windows 7

This file contains all activations for all 2010 and 2011 products. You will need to re-register all your products if this file is renamed/deleted.

4. Restart AutoCAD and it will automatically re-register via Register Today and it will start up as expected. A new adskflex_* file will be created when you re-register your product.

*If the a new adskflex_* is not created even after restarting the machine.

Make sure "FLEXnet Licensing Services" is running and it should be automatic.

Even after completing all the steps it's not working, then we need to uninstall the AutoCad completely. Install AutoCad again and need to do the ofline activation.

For Offline activation key you need to send a request to AutoCad from your registered email.

Applies to:
AutoCAD® 2013
AutoCAD® 2012
AutoCAD® 2011
AutoCAD® 2010.


AutoCAD splash screen starts up and then closes (Network)


When running the software, it becomes unresponsive and freezes your computer. When you restart the computer and you try to restart AutoCAD, the splash screen starts up and then closes down with no apparent error message.


For a network version of AutoCAD, you will need to delete the following file:


When you restart AutoCAD, it will re-create this file. This file is located in the following directory:

Windows Vista/Windows 7

Windows XP 
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Autodesk\ADLM

Corrupt CascadeInfo.cas file results in failure of cascading functionality


Cascading functionality is lost due to a corrupt CascadeInfo.cas file.


If the CascadeInfo.cas file is corrupt due to a power failure or any reason, cascading functionality will not be available. This issue only applies to network licensed products and does not affect stand-alone licensed products.


Given the following cascading sequence and a license server with a license for Product B & Product C:

Product A -> Product B -> Product C

Cascading failure may present itself in the following way:

Startup Problems:

Scenario 1: A product that did not have its own license and that was previously starting by using a shared license through cascading will fail to start.

Example: The Product B license is available on the server. If the CascadeInfo.cas file is corrupt, Product A will not start on license B.

Example: The Product B license is borrowed to a system where Product A is also installed. If the CascadeInfo.cas is corrupt, Product A will not run on the borrowed license.

Example: If Product B is already running and CascadeInfo.cas is corrupt, Product A will not share the B license and will fail to start.

Wasted licenses:

Scenario 2: An already running product will fail to cascade up to and share another license.

Example: Product B is already running then Product C starts up. If CascadeInfo.cas is corrupt, Product B will not switch over to share product C's license after a few minutes.

Expected Log File output

Here is the expected log file output. You should see a fatal error message with a vendor id of 10 (eVendorIDCascade) and a vendor error of 6 (ADLM_CASCADE_STATUS_DECRYPTION_ERROR). It will also be followed by an AdlmInt error of 47 (ADLM_STATUS_ERROR_CASCADING_OPERATION) or 2 (ADLM_STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR).

1012 2009/09/16 15:07:20 Reason=Fatal error
1012 2009/09/16 15:07:20 ComputerName=MyComputer
1012 2009/09/16 15:07:20 OS=5.2.3790.Service Pack 2
1012 2009/09/16 15:07:20 File=AdlmIntLicense.cpp,Line=xxxx
1012 2009/09/16 15:07:20 VendorID=10
1012 2009/09/16 15:07:20 VendorError=6
1012 2009/09/16 15:07:20 Reason=Fatal error
1012 2009/09/16 15:07:20 ComputerName=MyComputer
1012 2009/09/16 15:07:20 OS=5.2.3790.Service Pack 2
1012 2009/09/16 15:07:20 File=AdlmIntNWFBLicense.cpp,Line=xxx
1012 2009/09/16 15:07:20 AdlmIntError=47


The current workaround it to rename/remove the corrupt CascadeInfo.cas file following these steps.

Return any borrowed licenses

Check in any checked out licenses and exit all Autodesk products

Rename or delete the corrupt CascadeInfo.cas

The CascadeInfo.cas file can be found in the following locations:

Windows XP:

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Autodesk\Adlm

Windows Vista and Windows 7:



/Library/Application Support/Autodesk/Adlm/.config




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