bash's parameter expansion
[bash's parameter expansion]
#: find first from left, remove-left
##: find last from left, remove left
%: find first from right, remove right
%%: find last from right, remove right
example 1:
parameter result
----------- ------------------------------
${NAME##*.} champion
${NAME%%.*} polish
example 2:
parameter result
----------- --------------------------------------------------------
${FILE} /usr/share/java-1.4.-sun/demo/applets/Clock/Clock.class
${FILE#*/} usr/share/java-1.4.-sun/demo/applets/Clock/Clock.class
${FILE##*/} Clock.class
${FILE%/*} /usr/share/java-1.4.2-sun/demo/applets/Clock
string slice:
${string::} # The third character of string (, , = third)
${string:} # The string starting from the second character
# Note: this is equivalent to ${string#?}
${string%?} # The string with its last character removed.
${string: -} # The last character of string
${string:(-)} # The last character of string, alternate syntax
# Note: string:- means something entirely different; see below. ${file%.mp3} # The filename without the .mp3 extension
# Very useful in loops of the form: for file in *.mp3; do ...
${file%.*} # The filename without its last extension
${file%%.*} # The filename without all of its extensions
${file##*.} # The extension only, assuming there is one. If not, will expand to ${file}
toupper (^) and tolower (,):
# string='hello, World!'
parameter result
----------- --------------------------------------------------------
${string^} Hello, World! # First character to uppercase
${string^^} HELLO, WORLD! # All characters to uppercase
${string,} hello, World! # First character to lowercase
${string,,} hello, world! # All characters to lowercase
${var-word} # if var is defined, use var; otherwise, "word"
${var+word} # if var is defined, use "word"; otherwise, nothing
${var=word} # if var is defined, use var; otherwise, use "word" AND...
# also assign "word" to var
${var?error} # if var is defined, use var; otherwise print "error" and exit
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