- 描述
- The greatest common divisor GCD(a,b) of two positive integers a and b,sometimes written (a,b),is the largest divisor common to a and b,For example,(1,2)=1,(12,18)=6.
(a,b) can be easily found by the Euclidean algorithm. Now Carp is considering a little more difficult problem:
Given integers N and M,please answer sum of X satisfies 1<=X<=N and (X,N)>=M.
- 输入
- The first line of input is an integer T(T<=100) representing the number of test cases. The following T lines each contains two numbers N and M (1<=N<=10^9, 1<=M<=10^9), representing a test case.
- 输出
- Output the answer mod 1000000007
- 样例输入
1 1
10 2
10000 72 - 样例输出
1305000 - 上传者
- ACM_张书军
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;
const int INF = 0x3f3f3f3f;
const int maxn = ;
const int moder = ; ll eular(ll n)
ll ans = n;
for(int i=;i*i <= n;i++){
if(n%i == ){
ans = ans - ans/i;
while(n%i == )
n = n/i;
if(n > )
ans = ans - ans/n;
return ans;
} ll eular_sum(ll k)
return ;
else return k*eular(k)/;
} int main()
int t;
ll n,m;
ll res = ;
for(int i=;i*i <= n;i++) {
if (n % i == ) {
if (i >= m) {
res = (res + i * eular_sum(n / i))%moder;
if (i * i != n && n / i >= m){
res = (res + n/i*eular_sum(i))%moder;
return ;
// 设n的质因数分别为p1,p2,.....,pn
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