

alter table statistics_ticket add partition (partition s201617 values less than (201607));


alter table statistics_ticket add partition (partition s201607 values less than (201607));




mysqldump -u root -p'***' -t databasename tablename > /home/statistics_ticket_20160819_1800.sql &


mysqldump -u root -p'***' -t databasename tablename --where="FLIGHT_DATE between '2016-07-01' and '2016-08-31'" > /home/statistics_ticket_20160819_0708_data_1800.sql &




select count(*) from statistics_ticket where FLIGHT_DATE between '2016-07-01' and '2016-07-31';

select count(*) from statistics_ticket where FLIGHT_DATE between '2016-07-01' and '2016-08-31';



alter table statistics_ticket drop partition s201901;

alter table statistics_ticket drop partition s201617;

alter table statistics_ticket drop partition s201608;

alter table statistics_ticket drop partition s201609;

alter table statistics_ticket drop partition s201610;

alter table statistics_ticket drop partition s201611;

alter table statistics_ticket drop partition s201612;

alter table statistics_ticket drop partition s201701;

alter table statistics_ticket drop partition s201702;

alter table statistics_ticket drop partition s201703;

alter table statistics_ticket drop partition s201704;

alter table statistics_ticket drop partition s201705;

alter table statistics_ticket drop partition s201706;

alter table statistics_ticket drop partition s201707;

alter table statistics_ticket drop partition s201708;

alter table statistics_ticket drop partition s201709;

alter table statistics_ticket drop partition s201710;

alter table statistics_ticket drop partition s201711;

alter table statistics_ticket drop partition s201712;

alter table statistics_ticket drop partition s201801;

alter table statistics_ticket drop partition s201802;

alter table statistics_ticket drop partition s201803;

alter table statistics_ticket drop partition s201804;

alter table statistics_ticket drop partition s201805;

alter table statistics_ticket drop partition s201806;

alter table statistics_ticket drop partition s201807;

alter table statistics_ticket drop partition s201808;

alter table statistics_ticket drop partition s201809;

alter table statistics_ticket drop partition s201810;

alter table statistics_ticket drop partition s201811;

alter table statistics_ticket drop partition s201812;

alter table statistics_ticket drop partition s201901;


show create table statistics_ticket\G;


alter table statistics_ticket add partition (partition s201607 values less than (201607));

alter table statistics_ticket add partition (partition s201608 values less than (201608));

alter table statistics_ticket add partition (partition s201609 values less than (201609));

alter table statistics_ticket add partition (partition s201610 values less than (201610));

alter table statistics_ticket add partition (partition s201611 values less than (201611));

alter table statistics_ticket add partition (partition s201612 values less than (201612));

alter table statistics_ticket add partition (partition s201701 values less than (201701));

alter table statistics_ticket add partition (partition s201702 values less than (201702));

alter table statistics_ticket add partition (partition s201703 values less than (201703));

alter table statistics_ticket add partition (partition s201704 values less than (201704));

alter table statistics_ticket add partition (partition s201705 values less than (201705));

alter table statistics_ticket add partition (partition s201706 values less than (201706));

alter table statistics_ticket add partition (partition s201707 values less than (201707));

alter table statistics_ticket add partition (partition s201708 values less than (201708));

alter table statistics_ticket add partition (partition s201709 values less than (201709));

alter table statistics_ticket add partition (partition s201710 values less than (201710));

alter table statistics_ticket add partition (partition s201711 values less than (201711));

alter table statistics_ticket add partition (partition s201712 values less than (201712));

alter table statistics_ticket add partition (partition s201801 values less than (201801));

alter table statistics_ticket add partition (partition s201802 values less than (201802));

alter table statistics_ticket add partition (partition s201803 values less than (201803));

alter table statistics_ticket add partition (partition s201804 values less than (201804));

alter table statistics_ticket add partition (partition s201805 values less than (201805));

alter table statistics_ticket add partition (partition s201806 values less than (201806));

alter table statistics_ticket add partition (partition s201807 values less than (201807));

alter table statistics_ticket add partition (partition s201808 values less than (201808));

alter table statistics_ticket add partition (partition s201809 values less than (201809));

alter table statistics_ticket add partition (partition s201810 values less than (201810));

alter table statistics_ticket add partition (partition s201811 values less than (201811));

alter table statistics_ticket add partition (partition s201812 values less than (201812));

alter table statistics_ticket add partition (partition s201901 values less than (201901));


show create table statistics_ticket\G;


source /home/


select count(*) from statistics_ticket where FLIGHT_DATE between '2016-07-01' and '2016-07-31';

select count(*) from statistics_ticket where FLIGHT_DATE between '2016-07-01' and '2016-08-31';



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