
Migrating your tests from Appium 0.18.x to Appium 1.x


Appium 1.0 has removed a number of deprecated features from the previous versions. This guide will help you know what needs to change in your test suite to take advantage of Appium 1.0.


New client libraries


The biggest thing you need to worry about is using the new Appium client libraries instead of the vanilla WebDriver clients you are currently using. Visit the Appium client list to find the client for your language. Downloads and instructions for integrating into your code are available on the individual client websites.

你需要做得最重大的事情是用我们最新的Appium客户端库来取代掉原来在用的普通平凡的WebDriver客户端库,请查看Appium client list 来找到你在使用的对应开发语言的客户端版本。至于怎么下载和集成到你的代码的话里面各自有对应的页面做解答。

Ultimately, you'll be doing something like (to use Python as an example):


from appium import webdriver

Instead of:


from selenium import webdriver

New desired capabilities


The following capabilities are no longer used: 


  • device
  • version

Instead, use these capabilities:


  • platformName (either "iOS" or "Android")
  • platformVersion (the mobile OS version you want)
  • deviceName (the kind of device you want, like "iPhone Simulator")
  • automationName ("Selendroid" if you want to use Selendroid, otherwise, this can be omitted)

The app capability remains the same, but now refers exclusively to non-browser apps. To use browsers like Safari or Chrome, use the standard browserName cap. This means that app and browserName are exclusive.


We have also standardized on camelCase for Appium server caps. That means caps like app-package or app-wait-activity are now appPackage and appWaitActivity respectively. Of course, since Android app package and activity are now auto-detected, you should be able to omit them entirely in most cases.

同时我们也用骆驼命名法重新统一命名了我们的Appium Server的capabilities。比如说原来的app-package和app-wait-activity将改成appPackage和appWaitActivity。当然,鉴于我们能自动检测到Android应用的包和activity,所以你可以大多时候忽略掉这些选项了。

New locator strategies 


We've removed the following locator strategies:


  • name
  • tag name

We have now added the accessibility_id strategy to do what name used to do. The specifics will be relative to your Appium client.


tag name has been replaced by class name. So to find an element by its UI type, use the class name locator strategy for your client.

新的class name将会取代原来的tag name(译者注:也就说原来的findElementByTagName将会被想在的findElementByClassName取代),所以如果你要根据一个控件的UI类型来查找出该控件,请使用class name这个控件查找器。

Note about class name and xpath strategies: these now require the fully-qualified class name for your element. This means that if you had an xpath selector that looked like this:

注意class name和xpath策略的变化:你现在需要使用FQCN来描述你的控件。也就是说如果你由一个xpath选择子如下所述:


It would now need to be:

那么现在要改为(译者注:也就是说原来的findElementByXpath(""//TextView[contains(@text,'Add note')]"")将需要改成findElementByXpath("//android.widget.TextView[contains(@text,'Add note')]"):


(And likewise for Android: button now needs to be android.widget.Button)


We've also added the following locator strategies:


  • -ios uiautomation
  • -android uiautomator

Refer to your client for ways to use these new locator strategies.


XML, not JSON 


App source methods, which previously returned JSON, now return XML, so if you have code that relies on parsing the app source, it will need to be updated.


Hybrid support through context, not window


Hybrid apps were previously supported by switching between "windows" using:


  • window_handles
  • window
  • switch_to.window

Now Appium supports the more conceptually consistent concept of "context". To get all of the available contexts, or the particular context the application is is, you use


# python
current = driver.context
// javascript
driver.contexts().then(function (contexts) { /*...*/ })
// c#
driver.GetContexts ()
driver.GetContext ()
// java
Set<String> contextNames = driver.getContextHandles();
String context = driver.getContext();
// php
$contexts = $this->contexts();
$context = $this->context();
# ruby
contexts = available_contexts
context = current_context

And to switch between them, you use


# python
// javascript
driver.currentContext().then(function (context) { /*...*/ })
// c#
driver.SetContext ("WEBVIEW");
// php
# ruby
set_context "WEBVIEW"

No more execute_script("mobile: xxx")

execute_script("mobile: xxx")将销声匿迹

All the mobile: methods have been removed, and have been replaced by native methods in the Appium client libraries. This means that a method call like driver.execute("mobile: lock", [5]) will now look something more likedriver.lock(5) (where lock has been turned into a native client method). Of course, the details on calling these methods will differ by client.


Of particular note, the gesture methods have been replaced by the new TouchAction / MultiAction API which allows for a much more powerful and general way of putting gestural automation together. Refer to your Appium client for usage notes on TouchAction / MultiAction.

需要特别声明的是,手势操作相关的方法将会被新的TouchAction/MultiAction API所替代,把这些手势操作集合在一起将会使得你的手势操作相关的自动化更强大和通俗易懂。更详细的TouchAction/MultiAction的使用请查看你的的Appium客户端。

And that's it! Happy migrating!


作者 自主博客 微信服务号及扫描码 CSDN
天地会珠海分舵 http://techgogogo.com 服务号:TechGoGoGo扫描码:



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